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Adventures of Coyte the Tarutaru

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  • Adventures of Coyte the Tarutaru

    I am gladly to present my life on playing FinalFantasyXI Online
    as a Tarutaru called Coyte. Your probably wondering...... "Coyte?
    kind of name is that?" Well, when I was born my mom wanted
    to call me Cody but she wanted to spell it in a different way,
    so, she named me Coyte but you say it like Cody. Kinda funny
    because I wanted to make a character that has a name thats
    cool and made up or something cool, but I could'nt figure out
    a name, names such as Estya, Broot, Jei, and Aaramil are cool
    names that sound like they are made up or something, basically
    I could'nt figure out a good name until I figured it out that my
    name sounds made up and its kinda cool since some people
    said on PSO thought it was a Ninja name or something when
    I was playing that, so I named my Tarutaru Coyte!
    So, reason I wanted to make a Journal about me is because
    so I can look back and say...... "Man, I remeber that! I was so
    screwed when those Yagudos linked me! good times......" and
    for people amusement for reading my life. And, I will try to post
    ever one or two days so people know whats going in my life
    of Vana'diel. Oh, by the way how do you take screenshots
    and I appreciate it if someone tell me......
    Well, I hope you enjoy my adventures!

  • #2
    Well, this just stinks

    Well, I'll explain why I havent wrote anything, Well I had a Tarutaru called Coyte after me but the thing is he dont make
    a very good Monk, So, I wanted to make a Mithra called Zalith
    because Mithras are very good at being a physical fighter and
    that was my second choice... So, I deleted my Tarutaru but when
    I had my Tarutaru I bought a world pass so my Mithra Zalith could
    come back to Fairy. When I made Zalith I tried to use my
    worldpass but it did'nt work so I couldn't get back to Fairy...
    But then I tried delete trick but that didnt work either because
    they must have took off Fairy on the random server list so I was
    screwed... But, my cousin was on Fairy and I ask him to buy me
    a worldpass so I could come back but he said that his friend
    got the game and he was going to his friends server which is
    Fenrir, so, I had no choice sense I had no character to play with
    and I wanted to play... So, I made Zalith the Mithra and went to
    Fenrir... Actually, Fenrir not a bad place in fact Japanese people
    are very nice like they'll heal you in battle and you dont even have
    to ask! So, im sorry this journal is a big flop and its a waste of


    • #3
      dont give up!
      Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
      Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
      Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

      ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!


      • #4
        "Adventures of redmage2024"

        Your right NanakiSuperNova! I think I should continue my thread of my life in Vana'diel but write about Zalith my Mithra in Fenrir! And I'll do just that! Thanks Nanaki for the encouragemant
        But, I will post something later on so dont worry... But, I dont no
        when I will but I will. Funny part is its called adventures of Coyte the Tarutaru but now its officially called "The Adventures of redmage2024" to bad I cant change my threads name.... Oh well! lol


        • #5
          lol well Im sureif a Mod goes over this they may change the title for ya.
          Novox - Midgardsormr ~Mentor~
          Co-Founder of The Knights Of Chaos Linkshell
          Job: Dark Knight 40/Warrior 30

          ffxichaos-ffxi website and linkshell!

