OH wow, your pic's are angelfire based?! I thought they wouldent alow a posting of a picture from there host to a different webspace!? I used to get a pic that said "This picture is supported by angelfire bla bla bla"
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Juliette's choices, decisions and consequences
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nice journal lucyu. Sadly, all i can do until october is watch, and weep,and dream about playing FFXI, so these pictures kinda help supress my anxiety and anciousness. Keep em comin!
"It Is God's Decision To Forgive Bin Laden,
It is Our Job To Arrange The Meeting"
~U.S. Marines
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Wow Lucy, what a beautiful journal and well written as well! Most of us who don't have the game yet (and even some who do have the game) really look forward to these journals so keep up the good work!!"Conflict can occur anywhere...The only way to be rid of conflict is to remove its roots. Nothing will be resolved by just glancing at the surface."
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Sorry again I have no time to make a new entry or should I call it I'm busy playing FFXI . Anyway I can only play the game effectively on weekends so now I feel very tired to make an entry. Anyway, today or 5 hours ago I just done my second set of BCNM40, and its all win ^^.(thanks to Xero's blink). Ill attach a picture of it here.
And Kantaro I should advice you not to overclock^^. but if you really want to do it just do a search on the net too. You can find a lot of stuff about it.
John Doe thank you for the suggestion. Trying to get more pics without the Hp bar and such but sometimes I think it should be there too
Oh Miles I dont know how to attach and project image at the same time so I uploaded it all to angelfire webspace and link it here. Well I think I will attach my pictures in ffxonline too in upcoming journal.
Yes NA release is coming soon so dont worry
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Blink ninjutsu (i was WAR/NIN) dodged "Flood" from the Black Mandragora (the NM) every time it casted it on me (Flood would instantly kill me or i might survive it with 3 HP left if i was lucky). Lucy had to silence the damn thing as it casts, but it seems like even though silence doesnt work blink takes over
Hrmmm i think i wasted about 93 Blink powders just doing 6 BCNM fights but that was defenitly worth it in the end lol
Anyways great job on the journal Lucy and looking forward for some more
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Entries for today
Title |Gusgen hunt in the Dark|
I was partying in Valkurm and got into some good party and reached LVL16 quite fast. Note that good party here is just one or two...the rest wasnt that "experiencing". The worse wait for me in Valkurm is about 2 hour, got a party after that but only to be finished after killing about 10 monsters ><
My Linkshell organized a ghoul skull hunt in Gusgen so I thought I should join it. Here the high level members is Erathlyn and Geohound. Erathlyn as a BRD/WHM and Geohound as RDM/WAR if I was not mistaken. In future missions, Erathlyn play the main part of helping everybody. Its a good thing we have him in our Linkshell
I hate undead monster ><...
Here Erathlyn gettting more ghouls to kill ....Its too dangerous if they all link
We managed to get ghoul skulls for all of us^^ Yay. We actually get more than we need. The bad thing is one of the member died and he left the party :sweat: . I'm sure he was mad but accident happens.
On the way back from Gusgen I found a strange sight. Is it me or the flowers is flying.....
So after getting all my subjob items (from mog house), I ran back to Valkurm to level up to lvl18 and complete the subjob quest. (believe me...bats is a nuisance)
After some party I managed to level up to Level17. Now I can wear a new LVL17 armor (which is ugly by the way). 1 more to subjob glory^^.
Here I am in a party, notice Zanadu?...he got a good Japanese friend called Ryks and he can speak English well too (I think Zanadu has a journal too). Umm dont you think Level 17 armor is ugly?...
Taking more pics^^
This is Alexyea, another Japanese player in our PT
The cave there is actually the location for one of the stone monument quest
I finally reached Level 20 It was hard and laborious but at this point I'm no longer a noob^^. Subjob quest completed and Jeuno here I go
Next story will be |Jeuno, Land of dream...and death|
Juliette reached Level21 and got herself another brand new armor^^~Juliette~
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Due to busyness and other things I will not able to post more story soon (eventhough I have tons in line). But I still play the game and nearly reach Level 55.
Anyway, I will try to post more story soon when I have more time.~Juliette~
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