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Ciredehs's Journal

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  • Ciredehs's Journal

    Hello everone,
    I would like to tell you a story about a little Tarutaru named Cirehdehs, who lived in a world of full with monsters and magic.

    Cirehdehs was born in a large town by the name of Windurst on July 15, 2003. He began his journey shortly after being born, to find out he got here and who he was.

    Cirehdehs did alot of traveling in Sarutabaruta but found nobody to answer his questions.

    Cirehdehs eventually found someone who he thought he could talk to.

    After trying to speak to this man, it seems that the young man is asleep standing on his leggs with his eyes open! =O

    After waiting arround that man asking him questions only to fine out that he was asleep, Cirehdehs begins to enter the canyon Tahrongi.
    When climbing the mountain Cirehdehs finds another person and he begins to make contact with her, only to find out that shes looking for people in joining the ranks to take down the monsters who are overcrouding this world.

    Being really confused about what the cat lady was talking about, Cirehdehs left her and found a bunny the size of him:

    Cirehdehs follows the bunny in hopes of it maybe leading him to someone who can answer his questions.

    Cirehdehs and the bunny eventually came to a stop in fear as they both saw people coming at them with weapons.

    Moments after stopping, the people who were charging Cirehdehs and the Bunny, began to kill the bunny.
    Cirehdehs began to feel sad, and he asked the people why they killed the bunny, only to be ignored.

    Days later Cirehdehs began to help people arround town and hunted for items that they asked for. After obtaining enough gil, Cirehdehs once again journeys with newly purchased clothing.

    Later that night Cirehdehs approaches a Yagudo who wouldnt dare attack Cirehdehs due to it being afraid of dieing like all his brothers who have died by trying to kill Cirehdehs.

    Cirehdehs eventually journeyed to a town named Mhaura, and after arriving he hopped onto a boat in hopes to find more answers in other lands.

    After Cirehdehs arrived in Selbina he remembered that he's suppose to represent windurst and help the other nations with a problem!
    So Cirehdehs travels to Bastok and finds a warrior who seems to be very magical.

    After starring at the young lady for a while in complete amazement, Cirehdehs finds out what he is suppose to do to help Bastok, so Cirehdehs travels to Palbarough mines and begins to mine. Moments later Cirehdehs relizes that he is unable to move, nor can he let go of his pick. Cirehdehs being stuck for a long time begins to panic, and another one of those magical warriors apear to him and is able to make him un-stuck.

    Weeks later after helping Bastok with a small problem, and also slaying a dragon to help San d'Oria, Cirehdehs headed over to qufim and groups up with people in hopes to better learn his powers that he possesses.

    Moments later one of the mages that Cirehdehs joined, perished, and Cirehdehs begins to cry for her.

    After hours of trying to forget what happened to one of his comrades, two Galkas walk up next to Cirehdehs and form a very disturbing sight.

    A few days later Cirehdehs came acrost a man by the name of Trent who asked Cirehdehs if he wanted to make alot of cash.
    Cirehdehs thought that maybe if he had more cash, he could buy alot more of those magical scrolls, so he took up the offer.

    Shortly after arriving to Palbarough, Trent told Cirehdehs that hes was going to grab an army of evil Quadavs, and then ran off.
    Moments after he arrived with an army trying to kill him and Cirehdehs took them all out with his magic.

    The next day Cirehdehs buys some new clothing, spells, and joins another group of adventurers in hopes to learn more about his magics and maybe find some answers on the way.

    Cirehdehs and his group runs in to an orc while adventuring, and it immediately attacks them.

    The group continue fighting more orcs even after nightfall.

    After a long day and night of hunting, Cirehdehs's group breaks up and so Cirehdehs warps to Jeuno to head to his rented Mog house for the night.

    More of the journal to come soon, but for now here are some random picuters:

  • #2
    Woo! I'm in two of those pictures.

    Yay Leader Cirehdehs!
    PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
    Rockman - Fairy

    WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
    Currently Playing:
    FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta


    • #3
      Your journels made me change to Tarutaru as my race


      • #4
        good journal mate keep it up.
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #5
          Your Taru makes me want to level Johndoe more :\. Good journal though ^^.

          Dra Bmyhad Ec Toehk - FF7
          Final Fantasy XI - Zandria


          • #6
            rofl i'm in one of those pics! Wee! Dang you got your Tactician Magician's gear right? That's what it is right? =D Just like those teleport mages in Windurst. Man I want those too. 5 more levels. I told you you'd get to 50 before I hit 45. Hah crazy. :spin:

            "That's pretty interesting, not like the living world.
            Apparently, on this side, "ultimate master" means a windbag with diarrhea of the mouth."



