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Zedro's first trip into Vana'diel

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  • #76
    Those Pics are ~~Da Awesomeness~ ^_^

    Your the first person I've seen on here that is on the same World as me! Not only that but ya look like me! 8D

    I still love da bahamut x6 one! I added it to my favorites =)

    Keep taking them :>
    coffee :I
    Aba Pawadaid!


    • #77
      Hello all, UW here (AKA Zedro in FFXI) and i'm about to share with all of you a story about an adventure with Endgame, myself, and a linkshell member took to find the imfamous Carbuncle's ruby to activate the Summoner job.

      The Bogy, the Leech, and the Fury Blue Skunk Thingy Gem

      It all started when i was leveling my Monk, i was in Valkurm Dunes (a sandy hell where new players start learning the art of Partying...which is something you do NOT want to be in the middle of)with Endgame in a party with a Galka whitemage, (huge hulk-like creatures that are terrible mages)both of us saw this party was going no where. Our Linkshell friend Cirdana asked us both to help her a Carbuncle Ruby to activate the Summoners quest. Endgame accepted immediatly while i sat to ponder wether to join in or to stay in this dead-end party, it took less the 5 seconds and i made up an excuse to the party (something about dog needing a walk)and went off with Endgame on the beginning on our little adventure.

      We were dashing back to San d'Oria in our low level jobs through Valkurm and La Theine, the sun shimmering through the palm trees and the hot sand blinding us from the bouncing rays of light. As we passed through the cool and shadowy forset of Ronfaure Cirdana was asking us to hurry up and get to where she was. We dashed into San d'Oria, changed into our high level jobs and chocoboed it back to Valkurm Dunes to take a ferry ride in the port town of Selbina. It wasn't a major city, but its main attraction is its ferry service from San d'Orian region to the Windursten region where Cirdana was patiently waiting (sort of). Endgame surpised me when he told me it was his first ride on a ferry, i was suprised because this made him look a little n00b-ish. He was stunned to see the ferry ride took 15 minutes Earth-time, nothing new to me of course. While on deck, players are always prone to a pirate invasion or the casual sea monster deciding to check out the ship.

      Being bored, Endgame decided to play a little game of 'Hide and Seek', unfortunatly it didn't take long for me to find him. >:D

      After 15 minutes the ferry safetly arrived at the Winursten port of Mhuara, it had a sleepy tune and a quiet atmosphere. We walked out of Mhuara to see Cirdana attacked by leechs. We dashed to the rescue and killed the little blobs of marshmellow. We were in the dusty wasteland of Bubumiru Pensilua. She directed us to the Song Runes Beach where the poison leechs were. Endgame used his Ranger's ability Wide-scan and pointed in the direction of the leeches, we charged in for a attack.

      It was starting to get dark, the clouds were turning dark and sinister and the tide was coming in incredibly fast. I spotted a few sharks coming rather close to the shore. This was a errie time to be near the beach.

      The storm ended with a beautiful senset that i couldn't help to look at.

      After an hour of beating hundreds of leeches into tiny pulps we noticed that nothing was really dropping (except enough viels of blood to fill a hosiptal)even with Cirdana's Treasure Hunter ability. We decided to seek help from a level 45 Thief named Yade, we patiently waited until he arrived. He got down from his chocobo and helped in our leech killing.

      Night time arrived once again and something sinister appeared near us, it was a Bogy. (A ghostly pillowcase that surpisngly can kick my ass even at lv.30) We became cautious and steered away from then, but it was no use, Endgame accidently stepped into one of the bogy's aggro range and all 3 of them came charging towards us. He ran around all over the beach while we tried to get them off him, finally he stopped and we beat the living crap out of them. A forth one spawned and brought along a few friends (3 catipiller like creatures and another leech)

      Here are some eyecandy shots for you to gawk at.

      After all the fighting Cirdana finally got her ruby aswell as Endgame suprisngly which left me out of the summoner quest because half way through the hunt i decided to get one. Endgame decided to call it quits and go off to start his quest along with Cirdana, i waved goodbye and carried on hunting with Yade aswell as someone new for 30 more minutes but alas, no ruby. I logged out and called it a night.

      Here's a random shot of me in the Mhuara Inn while it was raining to see what was cooking. Apparently it was gray gruel, who the hell would eat gray gruel?

      Oooo, look at the floating crawler.


      Well, i hoped you enjoyed our adventure, feel free to comment.
      Name: Zedro
      Race: Elvaan/Male
      Job: PLD/WAR
      Level: 50/25
      Server: Ramuh
      Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

      Status of import: Cancelled!!~
      Status of NA : Active


      • #78
        This was the result of trying to do the PLD with a lv. 55 rdm and lv. 52 pld who DIED trying to do it, i just lasted longer cos i had sneak/invis on.

        I'm in there...somewhere, look for my linkpearl. *sigh*
        Attached Files
        Name: Zedro
        Race: Elvaan/Male
        Job: PLD/WAR
        Level: 50/25
        Server: Ramuh
        Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

        Status of import: Cancelled!!~
        Status of NA : Active

