So I've looked around and messed around a little bit, but I am absolutely unable to do this myself. I also have been unable to find it already done anywhere.
I'd like to have white mage spell casting (I'd love to have it for all races, but at least hume M) look like Blm spell casting. I'm making a movie and .dat swapping is pretty much what I do for special effects.
So anyway, if thats not too hard to do, I'd love you forever if you could get that to me! Thanks guys. :D
Edit... If anyone feels like making /sit look like dying, that would be awesome too.
If not... I have no real problem with killing off my friends in the name of art. XD
I'd like to have white mage spell casting (I'd love to have it for all races, but at least hume M) look like Blm spell casting. I'm making a movie and .dat swapping is pretty much what I do for special effects.
So anyway, if thats not too hard to do, I'd love you forever if you could get that to me! Thanks guys. :D
Edit... If anyone feels like making /sit look like dying, that would be awesome too.
If not... I have no real problem with killing off my friends in the name of art. XD