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Modding Request

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  • Modding Request

    I was wondering if someone could help me with a small modding request. I recently earned an Optical Hat and I just can't stand the stupid flaps hanging down from it that obscure the character's hair. If there is a way to remove the flaps so that the hair can be seen, I would greatly appreciate it.

    My character is an elvaan female. I tried to look up the Optical Hat .dat file number but was uncertain of which this is.

    Thank you in advance for all your time and effort m(_ _)m

  • #2
    Re: Modding Request

    Hallihallo Disa

    Here you go:

    Nice Day


    • #3
      Re: Modding Request

      Thank you so much for your help! ^_^

      I hate to be a bother, but any chance of a flapless lamia hat too? I don't mind the gold dangles, but the purple side flaps once again bother me.

      How difficult is it to do something like this in general? I take it you need to know how to use VRS?


      • #4
        Re: Modding Request

        Hallihallo Disa

        I will look into the flapless Lamiahat if i can do it.

        For the flapless Optical Hat I did this:
        Used VRS, Metasiquoia and Changetex

        1. Import in VRS and erase the flap.
        2. Rename the mesh name so the mesh shows whats under the flap.
        3. Export and open with Model viewer
        4. The ears and hair of some faces clip through the hat
        5. Export and open with meta and change the model a littlebit so the ears don't clip into the hat.
        6. Reimport to see that on the back it looks like a part of the head is missing
        7. Export to meta and see that it looks awful if i change this wihtout additional vertex
        8. Back to VRS to create 2 new vertex. Fighting wiht VRS because it messes somthing up
        9. Redo the whole hat to get teh vertex right and don't mirrior the mesh
        10. Export and do all the ear/hair/head editing again. This time it looks good
        11. Import in VRS and mirror it.
        12. Export to Modelviewer just to see that the mirroring left a crack in the middle.
        13. Export to Meta an fix it.
        14. Open the nearly completed dat with changetext and import the original texture because VRS turned the texture to a green undefined somthing through the exports.

        Sometimes unseen conflicts occur and it takes longer then expected.


        Nice Day
        Last edited by Nomido; 10-13-2007, 12:48 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Modding Request

          Thank you again so much for all of your help ^_^

