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Looking for a specific pose

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  • Looking for a specific pose

    I was gonna request some sig help from a friend on the LBR forum, but I don't know the file we would be looking for in altana viewer. I think it was a newer animation recently added in the last update.

    There's a pose Springserpent General Milhi does in the quest "Soothing Waters" when you go to meet her in the Subterrane. She does this "don't come any closer or I'll fucking cut you" kinda pose, kinda squinting her eyes and pointing her knife at you.

    I don't know much about dat rendering and finding animations, so I thought I'd ask here.

  • #2
    Re: Looking for a specific pose

    Little off topic (sorry can't help you...), but I wonder if poses will be part of character customization in future MMOs... it'd be sweet to select a pose depending on the situation or your mood.
    signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


    • #3
      Re: Looking for a specific pose

      Balfree: Dear god no.

      SL has already proven that players cannot be trusted with their character's movements. Don't make me get out the unicorn porn.


      • #4
        Re: Looking for a specific pose

        hehe... :\
        signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


        • #5
          Re: Looking for a specific pose

          Feba, SL is special because it lets you make your own poses. I think it would be kinda cool to be able to select your own set of emotes that are already in the game, so instead of the mithra having the bongodrum /panic emote a Hume could do it and vice verse. But then again, it would break the taru dance monopoly.

          As for the original question: At the PC part, under Action menu, select others and go through the list to the right, if the pose you're looking for isn't among those the current list you got ins't updated. I checked my version but I don't have those poses and it wasn't with the part of her beseiged poses
          One Windurst to rule them all
          One Windurst to conquer the others
          One Windurst to find the others
          And in mithraness bind them


          • #6
            Re: Looking for a specific pose

            Originally posted by Kisshu View Post
            Feba, SL is special because it lets you make your own poses. I think it would be kinda cool to be able to select your own set of emotes that are already in the game, so instead of the mithra having the bongodrum /panic emote a Hume could do it and vice verse. But then again, it would break the taru dance monopoly.

            As for the original question: At the PC part, under Action menu, select others and go through the list to the right, if the pose you're looking for isn't among those the current list you got ins't updated. I checked my version but I don't have those poses and it wasn't with the part of her beseiged poses
            Then it could be in the Adeewah Subterriane files, because the action only takes place there in a CS and nowhere else have I seen it.

            There are also some rather classic facial expressions with the other serpent generals in a CS for Whitegate.


            • #7
              Re: Looking for a specific pose

              Hallihallo Omgwtfbbqkitten

              I really hope your friend didn't find it until now because it took me some time to dig the motion file of general Milhi out. XD

              1-175-63.dat General Milhi motions
              Evil I kill you stance Upper Body VRS Nr.11
              Evil I kill you stance Lower Body VRS Nr.10

              Nice Day


              • #8
                Re: Looking for a specific pose

                Did a quick test in altana view and it works, if you don't know how to add the motion, open folders: List > PC > Mithra > Action document, at the bottom add "1/175/63, mot_milhi" the mot_mihli is what altana view shows as name. The .dat includes 5 motions in all and the weapon used is your sub-hand dagger (only daggers works, but they all work with the motion)
                One Windurst to rule them all
                One Windurst to conquer the others
                One Windurst to find the others
                And in mithraness bind them

