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potentially complicated request

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  • potentially complicated request

    actually i have two. in final fantasy xi, when a hume male uses a great sword, he holds it upright like this:

    would someone be able to reskin the position as it is in final fantasy vii, where the legs are extended a bit and you hold the sword at an angle, like this:

    second request is, if you look at the screenshot of the cloud skins, the pants are lighter shade than the body, could someone darken it up a bit so the entire uniform matches?

  • #2
    Re: potentially complicated request

    Um...I'm not even gonna comment on the FFVII *.dats.

    But you might want to provide links to where you found said *.dats so that anyone that takes your request knows where to find the source material.


    • #3
      Re: potentially complicated request

      See, the thing is, if you modify that, then you also modify a LOT of movement .dats,everything from attacking to WS, spells, even jump.

      The best we really have is people giving mithra /sit more... adult poses, I wouldn't hold your breath.


      • #4
        Re: potentially complicated request

        "Adult poses"? I thought that was just restoring the original mithra sit pose?


        • #5
          Re: potentially complicated request

          Originally posted by Tekumel View Post
          "Adult poses"? I thought that was just restoring the original mithra sit pose?
          I take it you haven't been to neko-sentai before? =P
          Adventures of Akashimo Hakubi & Nekoai Nanashi


          • #6
            Re: potentially complicated request

            Yes, there's a difference between replacing the new mithra sit with the old ones and what i'm talking about.


            • #7
              Re: potentially complicated request

              Originally posted by Tekumel View Post
              "Adult poses"? I thought that was just restoring the original mithra sit pose?
              Lol, squatting with legs spread open is hardly the original mithra sit pose. There is a lot worse you can get too. Ones that pair up between two models, so you can get adult poses that pair for Hume Male to Mithra, Elvaan Male to Hume Female, Hume Female to Mithra, and some others...

              I would take on this project but I still have a lot I've got to complete still, never see them posted here though. They would violate this sites rules.

              Really at the pace that the WS's go, you can probably gimp it at leave them alone just changing the initial holding stance. Spell casts are coded to hide away the weapon anyway so no change needed if all you want is the stance. Jump there is no change the weapon is still held in a downward lunge not like you need to change that.

              So really for a stance change while fighting the motions effected are reduced to just the fighting stance and the different basic strikes. Though I do agree at least provide the *.dat of cloud if you are wanting someone to make the motion. Really though since PCs have separate motion *.dat files and are globally the same the only reason someone would need the *.dat of Cloud is to make sure stance likeness is matched.

              Do be aware though if you change a PCs motion it effects all PCs of that race regardless of the model they use.

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