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request: Adjust THF AF

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  • request: Adjust THF AF


    I found this great AF wrework on XOOPS,
    unfortunately the neck does not seem to stick on hte body :'(
    Could someone help me with that?

    I attached the dats and a picture of the problem.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by verohawke; 03-18-2007, 07:26 AM.

  • #2
    Re: request: Adjust THF AF

    Lowtech's busty Elvaan are popular, aren't they? Both for artistic (they're VERY well crafted!) and perverted reasons!

    I'm not sure if it aligns the neck properly, but here's the original.

    Lowtech -


    • #3
      Re: request: Adjust THF AF

      Thank you for the reply,
      but these are actually the ones I already had,
      tested them again and the face still doesn't click on the body


      • #4
        Re: request: Adjust THF AF

        the reason your having problems is, because Lowtec designs his models to also use a custom head model which has a shorter neck, which in turn means you need a custom hat to fit the new head.
        Its rather ingenious of him really, but the creater has also many times stated that his work is ment for japanese players only. Hence why his website is password protected.
        So for him to do things this way is just one more way he can help try to prevent americans from using them. Though we do have our own moders that can adjust the dats to use normal heads.


        • #5
          Re: request: Adjust THF AF

          I have the heads, but I'm not at home, and won't be for a while. I knew I should've included them...

