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Once again, I'm back.

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  • Once again, I'm back.

    After yet another dissapearance of mine, I've "resurfaced" again.

    Hello, everyone. Good to see you all are still alive and kicking. I'm still breathing too.

    My whole "college" thing is on hold for now so I've found myself with more free time on my hands.

    There's alot of .DAT work I haven't finished... Like the "Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!" set I started a year ago was never finished. I'm planning to finish it.

    I've also re-opened my personal website...

    And re-posted some FFXI .DATs there. Because enough of you have sent me E-mails about it.

    I've got some projects in the works, and I'm continually updating my website. So... stay tuned.

    In the meanwhile, I'll be around here still.

    /waves to everyone!
    ( 『My Personal Site♪』 ) ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

    - DeviFoxx -

  • #2
    Re: Once again, I'm back.

    Welcome back, "Devilfoxx"! J/K, I know how much you hate being called that... seriously though, welcome back! Looking forward to some cool new .dats from you.


    • #3
      Re: Once again, I'm back.

      Welcome back. It'll be great to see what you come up with. ^^

      Hopefully some Hume M or Elvaan F stuff XD


      • #4
        Re: Once again, I'm back.

        7z compressong what is that? o_O It looks like some soorta crazy mac or linux compression! and doing "Save as" saves a htm page...? O_o -fear!


        • #5
          Re: Once again, I'm back.

          Originally posted by Hustler_One View Post
          Hopefully some Hume M or Elvaan F stuff XD
          elvaan F yes please!!

          and WB DeviFoxx ~
          WAR75 - RDM75 - DRK56 - NIN38 - WHM42 - THF37 - BLM37


          • #6
            Re: Once again, I'm back.

            7z is 7zip, a rather good compression method. It handles binary files a lot better than anything else though. I had a nice downloaded 36 megabyte large 7z file, which unpacked would be 1.3 gigabyte. Doesn't do quite as well on other formats though.


            • #7
              Re: Once again, I'm back.

              Originally posted by Mellowy View Post
              7z is 7zip, a rather good compression method. It handles binary files a lot better than anything else though. I had a nice downloaded 36 megabyte large 7z file, which unpacked would be 1.3 gigabyte. Doesn't do quite as well on other formats though.

              7zip V4.41 (Max compression Mode "Ultra")
              Dictionary size 64MB -> 4MB (for comparison test)
              Word Size 64 (no auto option)

              hmm tried it on a few things...
              jpeg 7zipped 586K jpeg image -> 588K (on ultra compression LZMA mode) very strange...

              divx avi 7zipped 126MB -> 114MB (ultra compresson LZMA mode) and it used about 750MB ram O_o

              3.67MB mp3 -> 3.53MB

              Winrar V3.62 (max compression mode "best)
              Dictionary Size 4MB
              Word Size "Auto" (has prediction order and mem usage only settings)

              same jpeg 586K image -> 584K (on best compression)

              same divx avi winrar 126MB video -> 110MB (best compression) and it used about 46MB ram

              both pretty much take "awhile"

              3.67MB mp3 -> 3.52

              overall they seem pretty identical. I'm sure I could get some overly inflated decompressed avi thats near 1GB and compress it small(er) then 7zip but be the same size.

              I'd choose winrar myself since its more common though, that and it uses a hell of alot less computer ram to do "best" compression that it needs to match winrar. I used windows task manager to watch... I was expecting winrar to be using near 800MB of ram to just to compress the 128MB video, but most it went to is 45MB.
              Last edited by Gulkeeva; 01-24-2007, 08:36 PM.


