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Ninja AF Redux

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  • Ninja AF Redux

    Hmm its been awhile eh? Miss me? Can't say I missed modding much over the holidays. I was kinda like, "F' modding."

    Well, lets start off the new year with a new project.

    Right now, I will not be giving any details on the project itself yet as I have yet to write up a "document" on my forums about it nor do I feel like typing atm anyways. So I'm going to let you assume whatever the hell you want for now.

    Its major WIP atm. Skeletal weight for a couple things aren't set yet and things like the hands aren't done yet. Only thing that is 100% is the pants.

    I'm all show and no action eh? Thats why I never release stuff? So don't believe me about skeletal weight on some objects eh? Here, a example.

    If you don't have a brain, look at the boots for your clue. You really want to mess with a broken mod atm anyways? Thats why no release.....

    Some things I mention in the meantime
    - 5 styles (Expect a white version for you light colored ********)
    - Maybe 2-3 more body types
    - Maybe pants (normal)
    - Release first version (what you see above) as soon as I get what I need done
    - HF only, kthxbai

    More info on the project itself another time...probably in the next decade I guess. Back to PS2 emulation now.....

    Elite noob modder