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LE v3

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  • LE v3

    I keep making life worse and worse for me lately no? Very lazy/tired tonight so I'll make this quick.

    Remember my Last Elvaan project (Yeah, you search for this, don't feel like explaining)? Ok, the initial version that I created I dunno......about 2-3 years ago or something had a update which was LE v2. In that project, I released 2 styles (dark and light) for EM and HM only. I never intended to make more than that.

    So, as of late, since SK project got a upgrade in its textures and now has many styles in plan for it, I think the LE project needs one final tune up. Besides that, this project is one of the few that I actually like working on.

    Oh lets see..............the mightly list of changes from v2 to v3. Its not much really.

    Modeling - HF version
    - Slimmed down the belt
    - Fixed colllison issue with body and pants
    - Slimmed down other things (won't notice this one)

    - Tba...........

    So what makes LE v3 so great compared to the others? This project can and will never will end. It will have a lot of styles you can choose from that I will make occasionaly every now and then. The number of styles are infinite is what I'm telling you.

    Everytime I show a new outfit........or style to choose from, there should be a download link. Why not release a whole pack? This is not like SK project where each style uses the same textures but different colors. Unless I state that one style I use for LE v3 will use same textures, then most if not all style uses completely different textures. This initial post does not have a d/l link though because 1. I am too tired/lazy to package the files and 2. I need to fix one remaining issue with the pants.

    So, this project must be awesome then no? Well, bad news is this.
    - No new weapons (You use weapons I create from other projects)
    - EM version.............will be sorely lacking in styles......infact, most of what you see will be for HF. So why name it Last Elvaan? Because, I will port some styles to HF to EM
    - My high heels shown for HF not released in package along with hands (always been like this). Find something suitable or use someone else's high heels. If you want my high heels or my hands for HF, you can pester me via pm for them.
    - 0 Headgear
    - I don't do requests (i.e like certain colors). Pay me, and I'll be your mod slave (yes I'm being sarcastic). So what I show you is what you get.

    Want some good news?
    - Other races like Mithra and HM (not sure on HM though) may have a port of a style from HF. This is because I have already designed the pants (for mithra, I know for sure). Do not look for d/l links for those 2 races until a good majority of styles are shown.

    The best thing I like about the LE project though is the fact that you can mix and match things. So if one person like the pants for one style and liked the body style of another, it should look just fine when you combine the two together.

    Oh I can finally post what I have done so far and get on to posting this elsewhere on the net.

    LE v3
    Style #1 : Green and Black

    Style #1 : Total black (I made this version for those who wanted all black instead of green)

    Ok, some good news. Even though I like the green (I do try different colors these days), I "think" I can perserve the textures and make it whatever color I want. If so, when I release this in my next showcase (post), I will include in the rar pack a couple color variations for those that don't like green. Expect the color blue for example.

    Personally, I'm a dark colored fan and the total black style is what I would go with if I had to choose.

    Once again, no d/l link. Next post I make = d/l link. Ok, now post whatever you want or don't post at all. Cya.

    Elite noob modder

  • #2
    Re: LE v3

    Never saw those before.... but I want em for hume M XD
    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:


    • #3
      Re: LE v3

      Meh, will "attempt" to provide a download link for HM when I provide one for HF on my next showcase. Consider this a present to you (or should I say your request was granted). The pants are a pain in the ass to make.


      Just noticed in total black showing on sleeves. My bad lol. Blame my dark 17" lcd monitor. Will be getting a new 17" LCD xmas time so hopefully it will help me with graphic design.

      Elite noob modder


      • #4
        Re: LE v3

        My only qualm with swapping dats for head/legs/hands/feet/body is that every time you upgrade your gear, you have to go into model viewer to find out what .DAT corrolates to what you're wearing, and swap it.

        I sent an email to you, Shadow, a few weeks ago, and while you didn't specifically help me out, you did point me in the right direction, and since i've been able to import various dats to enhance my eye candy experience.

        But this is one of them that's been driving me crazy and i haven't found a fix for it.

        Anyone know? I hate upgrading gear and then having to log out next time im not busy (rarely happens) and swap dats again. pain. in. the. butt. lol.

        Thanks though, awaiting download links ^^ i wouldnt mind unleashing hell in the above mentioned outfits!


        • #5
          Flexo + Bender

          Originally posted by Shinoe View Post
          My only qualm with swapping dats for head/legs/hands/feet/body is that every time you upgrade your gear, you have to go into model viewer to find out what .DAT corrolates to what you're wearing, and swap it.
          I sent an email to you, Shadow, a few weeks ago, and while you didn't specifically help me out, you did point me in the right direction, and since i've been able to import various dats to enhance my eye candy experience.
          But this is one of them that's been driving me crazy and i haven't found a fix for it.
          Anyone know? I hate upgrading gear and then having to log out next time im not busy (rarely happens) and swap dats again. pain. in. the. butt. lol.
          Thanks though, awaiting download links ^^ i wouldnt mind unleashing hell in the above mentioned outfits!
          Yeah......I think nowadays people have created programs where it does it for you automatically or something. I don't know, I'm still in the old ages where you have to swap it everytime so you're going to have ask someone else about this. Yes, its annoying as crap as I did what you did back in the days, but I'm sure someone could help ya out (Me = too lazy). If not, looks like you're going to be doin the same method I still do today LOL.

          Well, problem is when people email me is if I'm in the mood to talk lol -.o. Sometimes, I'm too lazy to answer emails $_$. When you emailed me, I answered at a time when I was busy + lazy o_O. If you're asking me how to use custom dat files for example, I'll just point you to a link since most don't understand my "gibberish" and I'm too lazy to explain lol.

          When it comes to ffxi modding and emails, I usually just provide a rather large amount of feedback to modders wanting feedback about their mods instead of explaining things to people. Like, all the people who've asked me about VRS the past years for example, I wouldn't really provide help with things. I dunno, I've become lazy these days, I need a new brain \(*.*)/. Meh, if you ever send me another email though, I'll actually answer it myself .

          Heh, the total black one looks good in game (HQ renders don't do it enough justice). I was playin around with it in modelviewer myself doin hand to hand ws. Pretty snazzy if you're a mnk and using it. For headgear, people should just use a headband or somethin.

          Elite noob modder


          • #6
            Re: LE v3

            yea, i used one of the schoolgirl outfits on your site, since i'm here in Japan. Some friends of mine who are japanese but play on another server got a kick out of it. Haha! They wanted you to make the skirt shorter so you can see white!

            You're email was actually very helpful but i don't want to bother you as it did seem like you were preoccupied. It's no problem though, i'm lazy throughout most of the day. I had to kick myself a few times in order just to fly back to bastok and turn in the mission after i killed the dragon...and i killed that thing a week ago. lol!


            • #7
              Hey, its snowing here lol

              Yeah, I figured lol. Some people like that and others don't. I can tell by their response, but don't really care if they don't like what I did or not lol.

              Heh, normally, if I get email from people, I usually respond when I feel like it, but there are those rare occasions where I answer when I'm about to head out to class or something. Other times, its because of lazyness. Oh well, AIM/MSN always work if I'm not afk.

              Ok, well good news and bad news.

              - In this post = d/l link (lol.........)
              - In this post = No HM d/l link

              Reason? Need a good weekend to work on male versions. Still haven't looked to see if I did HM pants long ago, but now I'm leaning towards no. Why not just take HF pants and port to HM? Nah, thats not my style. The first version of those pants I created for HF first back 3 years ago. Then I did a EM version that was completely different than the HF counterpart in some degree. Then I did a mithra version that was completely different. Thus the HM version I will make from scratch.

              - No new showcase
              -- This is because I would have to provide a d/l link to that one and if I don't, I'm going to get behind as every post will have 2x d/l link.

              Ok, in the rar package contains a couple new colors for the body style, these new colors are
              - Blue
              - Hot pink
              - Purple
              - Red

              There is a chance I may have packaged those wrong and they are not what they are supposed to be. If that is the case, let me know. Else, I assume its a perfect package and nothing is wrong with it.

              Note, THIS IS FOR HF ONLY! KTHXBAI

              Btw, I am not a charity service which is why I didn't do a ton of colors. In the LEv3 project, there aren't going to be 5 billion color variations for one style unless I can easily perserve the textures. On MOST STYLES I MAKE, THERE WILL BE ONLY ONE COLOR THEME TO IT!

              I take back what I said in my first post. There "might" be SOME weapons, not a lot, but some. Since this is made for MNK/NIN/SAM, probably H2H, Katana, GK type. Might throw in a double saber for kicks.

              Ok, thats all for now.

              Elite noob modder


              • #8
                Stephen Colbert is l33t

                Hmm, thought I do something to take my mind off of finals and from gaming. This is always the best to do to go back to one or the other.

                Undead Style
                This time around, I wanted to make something different........a little evilish/undead. Basically, something a necromancer would wear.

                Hmm, I gotta wonder if I packaged it right.....
                --HF Version

                Btw, I probably wouldn't do any HM/EM/Mithra versions until my finals are over and I'm somewhat not addicted to PSU anymore. Hard to get me off that game.

                Color variations? WTF ARE YOU SMOKING?! Friggen undead is not blue, yellow, orange, or blue. You need to be shot and I'd do it personally.

                Don't like undead? Don't use this outfit then because you won't like it lol.

                Dunno when I do 2x finals for me is on thursday so go figure.

                Elite noob modder


                • #9
                  Re: LE v3

                  That's overly cool o.o

                  Textures looks like they took quite a long time to go. Although I don't mean for it to sound like a request, but do you have any inspirations for a dragon-design? Those would look pretty cool =)

                  Other then that, these are awesome so far ^^


                  • #10
                    Re: LE v3

                    Yes, that is indeed awesome ^^


                    • #11
                      Need a gun......NOW

                      Funny you say dragon designs. I used to do such things wayyy back my first year of modding, but I felt that I overused that. Had all types of dragons I could use. I don't think I have those textures anymore though, but I'll check sometime or another. I wouldn't know when I'd have a style for that anytime soon, but you never know. I will make a infinite amount so I'm sure it'll pop up sometime........

                      Anybody looking for Egyptian type LE outfit will have to wait.

                      Elite noob modder


                      • #12

                        In today's showcase, I have not only 1.....but 2 showcases to show. There was never no law stating that I only had to post one at a time. But then again, I did two because I have only but one more final exam to take thursday and the fact I made B averages in most classes. Self esteem goes way up ya know when that happens. Anyways....

                        LE v3 - Royal Red
                        Well, it looks like something someone from China would wear due to the Red/Yellow. There is a problem with the renders.....for some reason, it did them too bright so the outfit overall looks super bright and it doesn't show the textures for some things. For example, the shoulder pads are a solid red color. When you see this in game, it shouldn't look like it does in the hq render. Or just look at in modelviewer. That was my only problem with this style because the red was a little bright, but I allowed it because it wasn't that bad.

                        Hmm.........I didn't feel like providing a d/l link b/c of noobs who ask for 5 billion color variations....


                        Yes, NO FRIGGEN COLOR VARIATIONS! Man, you call it friggen royal red and people expect to see different colors. SEE THE MAGIC WORD, RED in the style name?! God, you know I'd run you over a couple times with my hummer if you asked for color variations of this. /sarcasim off

                        LE v3 - Forest Green
                        This time around, I wanted a foresty type of outfit. Atfirst, the secondary color used was pretty bad, so I fixed that. Now it looks good.

                        Here is a download filled with 500 billion color variations of forest green, enjoy choosing the one you like most.

                        Am I serious? Am I ever? Ok, I am at certain times, but you should know when I am or not. Anyways, Forest type outfits are usually Green or Black. BLUE, RED, YELLOW, WHATEVER is not forest type of outfit in my eyes. If you wish to have a blue forest outfit, by all means, go make one but its not really a forest type of outfit.

                        There will be a couple surprises in the future. I won't say any details, but I will say this. These new things/changes will be for HF only. Males would not want these so called added things/changes anyways. Oh well, once again, it looks like HF gets everything, kthxbai.

                        Elite noob modder


                        • #13
                          new brain needed

                          Wooh, after studying for last final, I thought I go ahead and do what I'm planning on doing for the HF version. More on this in a minute

                          LE v3 - Elven
                          This is something elves would wear (if only i designed headgear for it, it would be even better). Unfortunately, in this showcase, there is no d/l link just yet. Why?

                          Ok, this is a easy way of putting it....

                          Changes from the body model
                          - Got rid of the objects on her side
                          - Slimmed down front and backside loincloth
                          - Slimmed down various things for the body itself (not specific)
                          - Redid shoulders some
                          - Fixed some issues (not specific)
                          - Changed the sleeves up a bit

                          Changes from the pants model
                          - Reworked the pants model.........

                          - Fix clipping/collison issues with both body and pants models with certain things.
                          - Change underwear to black (black works with anything)
                          - Fix remaining modeling issues for body/pants.
                          - Finalize modeling (body/pants)
                          - Fix texture issues with a certain part of the pants (unsolved atm)

                          There are too many issues for me to release this just yet. I want things perfect so you will have to wait. These issues aren't major at all, but it DOES REQUIRE TIME!

                          The HQ render really tore up the outfit itself. Since the outfit is mainly white, the HQ render doesn't really show my white textures and I think there is transparency on a certain part of the pants and it doesn't have it. Then again, I can be wrong about that as renders show me what I need to fix. Nevertheless, here are the shots...

                          Some things to say......

                          I am discontinuing the old outfit now. The thing is, any new outfit will be made specifically for the model above, but it should work with the old models of the body/pants fine I think. There might be one issue with the body where it may not appear right and for the pants, the side of her pants will look messed up with any of the new outfits.

                          So what about old outfits? What I am going to have to do for the pants is add the required textures so it looks right with the current pants model. Once I fix the texture issue for the above outfit, I can do the rest just fine.

                          So what does that mean? When I am done with the new model and release the above outfit, I will also have to include a rar file with all the old outfits with the new pants.

                          So what does this mean for the other race versions? Yeah see, this is why you can't just take my dds file and apply it to whatever race because that isn't going to work out so well now. Since I'm planning to do nothing special for the other race's versions, I will ofcourse have the pants/body issues fixed for them.

                          You must be wondering why I'm going to change the underwear to black? Black works with anything unlike the color you see in the shots. Do not argue with me on this, I know what I'm doing.

                          Why the change? Because I said so. You don't tell me what I can or cannot do ok? Kthxbai.

                          Give me a week tops to work on the issues and I'll release the above work along with the old outfits again. Maybe two weeks.....I dunno, its whenever I feel like giving a damn.......

                          Elite noob modder


                          • #14
                            Need brains........

                            I'm very tired and cranky. I'll make this as quick and short as possible....

                            Good news.....
                            I went ahead and bought my early xmas present for myself. It was a 19" LCD monitor. Here is a link to that if you're interested


                            It was worth the $ is all I"m going to say. I was WOWED by the amazing quality of this digital LCD monitor. Very awesome color, sharpness, contrst, brightness, and ofcourse the size of it. I now force myself to play games in full screen due to the shear beauty of it. Other than that, it will greatly help me when it comes to doing anything in graphics design now. But for FFXI, just the textures. Since I use my 17" LCD as my secondary monitor now, I can instantly see the difference in color quality compared to my 19" now. I can't believe the shear difference between the two when it comes to color and contrast, its just amazing.

                            So after gaming it up for the past days on this baby, I decided sometime tonight that I should do some modding. Here are the changes....

                            Body model
                            - Fixed 99% of all issues
                            - Fixed up belt even more
                            - Fixed shoulder pads, they now appear as they should
                            - Fixed clipping/collision issues with certain objects

                            Pants model
                            - Fixed collision/clipping with her legs and the pants themselves 100%
                            - Changed some minor things (you won't notice)
                            - Changed underwear to black

                            - One minor issue with her right (her right) should pad (below it). You can see through her body.
                            - enhance some other things I forgot to do

                            Universal Changes
                            - Decided not to make a special version of the new pants texture wise. I made this choice so if you want to use the original pants model, you can without any penalties when you exchange the dds file with the desired one.

                            Thats what is stopping me from releasing everything. I was going to go ahead and package the rar file and upload it, but I did this when I was half awake and I'm certain there are a few more things I want to do or fix before I release to the public. Even if I was done with everything, I wouldn't post a link due to the shear fact that I'm too tired.

                            LE v3 - Holy Woman
                            There is something special about the textures used in this one. These are textures that are going to be used in one of my future heavy armor sets. So don't be surprised if you see these types of textures again because I guarantee you that they will be used for my holy armor set that I will make.

                            With the new monitor and the HQ renders, I can go ahead and tell you that in some of the shots, its hard to see what she is wearing. I was going to fix this issue by just turning the background black, but I didn't feel like doing it. What I will do is later on today or the next day is come back and post it with black backgrounds so you can see the actual outfit.

                            Why did I go and do another style? Because I did not feel like upgrading the models with that elven style. I do not like it. I like this a whole lot better thus I was able to upgrade/fix the body/pants models .

                            No d/l link.

                            Be patient grasshoppa, I will get everything released soon. I have a couple surprises for people also so just let me work at it and you may see a few extra things get released if you know what I mean.

                            God, sometimes I think I should wipe my ffxi modding folder (meaning ALL my work and mod submissions are gone) off my HD so I'd never mod for FFXI again. Kinda like how I wiped out my ffxi account. Anyways cya.

                            Elite noob modder


                            • #15
                              Re: LE v3

                              Ok............from now on, all renders will be done in a black background...

                              Ok, these days I'm getting real tired of posting different things for each forums as typing what I want to say for each and every forum I post my work on is getting rather time consuming. Therefore, what I'm going to be doing for any future projects is this. I have once again created my own forums, but this time its directed towards ffxi modding only. What I'm going to do now for every other forum when it comes to posting stuff or posting new projects is give you a link, pictures, and a d/l. All the information you can ever find on the project itself will be on my own forums.

                              So, for more up to date information on the LE project can be found here:

                              You may find something interesting in that post.

                              Note, I am still going to be posting like I normally am, but there may be things that I may not add or say. For example, I may release some weapons that aren't ready for the public yet, but I'll put it on my forums.

                              I am not advertising by the way. I am merely giving you advice as I'm getting tired of posting my works on other forums now. You can either take my advice or not take it. I simply don't care lol. Just know from now on when I post new projects and whatnot, expect a link to my forums for info, pictures, and maybe a d/l link if ready for the public. Otherwise, its "Here gib link, piCturz, d/lzer link, HF only kthxbai."

                              That is all.

                              Elite noob modder

