I keep making life worse and worse for me lately no? Very lazy/tired tonight so I'll make this quick.
Remember my Last Elvaan project (Yeah, you search for this, don't feel like explaining)? Ok, the initial version that I created I dunno......about 2-3 years ago or something had a update which was LE v2. In that project, I released 2 styles (dark and light) for EM and HM only. I never intended to make more than that.
So, as of late, since SK project got a upgrade in its textures and now has many styles in plan for it, I think the LE project needs one final tune up. Besides that, this project is one of the few that I actually like working on.
Oh lets see..............the mightly list of changes from v2 to v3. Its not much really.
Modeling - HF version
- Slimmed down the belt
- Fixed colllison issue with body and pants
- Slimmed down other things (won't notice this one)
- Tba...........
So what makes LE v3 so great compared to the others? This project can and will never will end. It will have a lot of styles you can choose from that I will make occasionaly every now and then. The number of styles are infinite is what I'm telling you.
Everytime I show a new outfit........or style to choose from, there should be a download link. Why not release a whole pack? This is not like SK project where each style uses the same textures but different colors. Unless I state that one style I use for LE v3 will use same textures, then most if not all style uses completely different textures. This initial post does not have a d/l link though because 1. I am too tired/lazy to package the files and 2. I need to fix one remaining issue with the pants.
So, this project must be awesome then no? Well, bad news is this.
- No new weapons (You use weapons I create from other projects)
- EM version.............will be sorely lacking in styles......infact, most of what you see will be for HF. So why name it Last Elvaan? Because, I will port some styles to HF to EM
- My high heels shown for HF not released in package along with hands (always been like this). Find something suitable or use someone else's high heels. If you want my high heels or my hands for HF, you can pester me via pm for them.
- 0 Headgear
- I don't do requests (i.e like certain colors). Pay me, and I'll be your mod slave (yes I'm being sarcastic). So what I show you is what you get.
Want some good news?
- Other races like Mithra and HM (not sure on HM though) may have a port of a style from HF. This is because I have already designed the pants (for mithra, I know for sure). Do not look for d/l links for those 2 races until a good majority of styles are shown.
The best thing I like about the LE project though is the fact that you can mix and match things. So if one person like the pants for one style and liked the body style of another, it should look just fine when you combine the two together.
Oh god.......now I can finally post what I have done so far and get on to posting this elsewhere on the net.
LE v3
Style #1 : Green and Black
Style #1 : Total black (I made this version for those who wanted all black instead of green)
Ok, some good news. Even though I like the green (I do try different colors these days), I "think" I can perserve the textures and make it whatever color I want. If so, when I release this in my next showcase (post), I will include in the rar pack a couple color variations for those that don't like green. Expect the color blue for example.
Personally, I'm a dark colored fan and the total black style is what I would go with if I had to choose.
Once again, no d/l link. Next post I make = d/l link. Ok, now post whatever you want or don't post at all. Cya.
Remember my Last Elvaan project (Yeah, you search for this, don't feel like explaining)? Ok, the initial version that I created I dunno......about 2-3 years ago or something had a update which was LE v2. In that project, I released 2 styles (dark and light) for EM and HM only. I never intended to make more than that.
So, as of late, since SK project got a upgrade in its textures and now has many styles in plan for it, I think the LE project needs one final tune up. Besides that, this project is one of the few that I actually like working on.
Oh lets see..............the mightly list of changes from v2 to v3. Its not much really.
Modeling - HF version
- Slimmed down the belt
- Fixed colllison issue with body and pants
- Slimmed down other things (won't notice this one)
- Tba...........
So what makes LE v3 so great compared to the others? This project can and will never will end. It will have a lot of styles you can choose from that I will make occasionaly every now and then. The number of styles are infinite is what I'm telling you.
Everytime I show a new outfit........or style to choose from, there should be a download link. Why not release a whole pack? This is not like SK project where each style uses the same textures but different colors. Unless I state that one style I use for LE v3 will use same textures, then most if not all style uses completely different textures. This initial post does not have a d/l link though because 1. I am too tired/lazy to package the files and 2. I need to fix one remaining issue with the pants.
So, this project must be awesome then no? Well, bad news is this.
- No new weapons (You use weapons I create from other projects)
- EM version.............will be sorely lacking in styles......infact, most of what you see will be for HF. So why name it Last Elvaan? Because, I will port some styles to HF to EM
- My high heels shown for HF not released in package along with hands (always been like this). Find something suitable or use someone else's high heels. If you want my high heels or my hands for HF, you can pester me via pm for them.
- 0 Headgear
- I don't do requests (i.e like certain colors). Pay me, and I'll be your mod slave (yes I'm being sarcastic). So what I show you is what you get.
Want some good news?
- Other races like Mithra and HM (not sure on HM though) may have a port of a style from HF. This is because I have already designed the pants (for mithra, I know for sure). Do not look for d/l links for those 2 races until a good majority of styles are shown.
The best thing I like about the LE project though is the fact that you can mix and match things. So if one person like the pants for one style and liked the body style of another, it should look just fine when you combine the two together.
Oh god.......now I can finally post what I have done so far and get on to posting this elsewhere on the net.
LE v3
Style #1 : Green and Black
Style #1 : Total black (I made this version for those who wanted all black instead of green)
Ok, some good news. Even though I like the green (I do try different colors these days), I "think" I can perserve the textures and make it whatever color I want. If so, when I release this in my next showcase (post), I will include in the rar pack a couple color variations for those that don't like green. Expect the color blue for example.
Personally, I'm a dark colored fan and the total black style is what I would go with if I had to choose.
Once again, no d/l link. Next post I make = d/l link. Ok, now post whatever you want or don't post at all. Cya.