Mmmkay, I wanted to post this days ago since I wrote up the entire so called "Document" or "wall of text" or "gibberish" days ago.
Ok, apparently, I want to do more things with my EG armor that I made that is apart of my Demios project. So what I have decided to do is split each armor part into its own thread instead of keeping it in the Demios DBS thread that is on here. Each armor set (Once I figure out the names for all them, obviously, EG = Egyptian) will have more things that just armor. I doubt you'll see the other armor sets anytime soon.......most likely sometime over summer or spring.
So in other words, I changed up everything and now I want that Demios DBS thread to die lol. Now let me post my huge document for you and no, I don't expect many to read it all lol. Infact, you don't have to read it all lol. Its just....there you could say.
Begin Huge Document
Well, most have seen how the Empress's avatars look, but what about herself? Even though the avatars look great, what the empress wears has to be better.
Let me get this out of the way first and I'll show you shots and then go in more detail on what I have in mind for this project. Some parts will be boring, but others may be worth the read. Below are statistics that most probably don't need to know, but its there.
Changes from last shown shots in Demios thread...
- Redid Face (Minor change in eyeshadow and lip color)
- Total rehaul on body textures
- Legs draft final started on
- Total rehaul on boots texture wise
- The trick for the loincloth did not work so left it like it is.
- Decreased size of loincloth
- Added in lower body front/back plates and finished textures
- Redesigned loincloth textures
- Several modeling/texture fixes
- Changed Shoulder plates #1 color to red
- Reverted back to body outfit #1 for the time being
- Collision problems for loincloth and back plate (fix it)
- Skeletal weight for many objects not set
Empress Armor #1 - Final draft #97
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 99%
This will always be 99%
Main body
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 75%
Shoulder plates 1 & 2
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 90%
Upper/Lower body Side plates
- Model : 100%
- Textures : 100%
Front/Back body plate (lower body)
- Model : 90%
- Textures : 100%
Loincloth (Short version)
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 99%
Loincloth (Long version)
- Model : ........
- Textures : ........
- Model : ............??% (Currently in redesign phase)
- Textures : ..............??%
- Model : 75%
- Textures : ??% (Cannot give accurate estimation yet)
- Model : 90%
- Textures : ??%.........unknown atm
In the future, I willl change each and every % and add additional things.
Empress Armor #1 HQ Render shots
All I have to say is when I got done with the latest draft, all I had to say was...........DAMN!!!....................................thats how you design high quality armor SE! In other words, I *** a brick ;P. I have to admit, this is probably my best armor mod ever in the past 3 years for this game so far. Now I'm wanting to play FFXI really bad lolololol.
Modelviewer shots ( I show these so you can see how it will look in game)
Comparision shot
If you are too lazy to look at the other thread, here was the last draft I posted on there. So which one looks better ? Yeah, thats what I thought....
As you know, there is no download link yet. You may as well forget about that until I feel I am done with this armor.
Ok, things I want to say. I suggest most to skip, this will be long and I'm not going to lie on that. I suggest you read only parts that you want.
What does the EG project contain?
EG project will contain the following..........
-3-4 armor styles (more info on this another time, nothing revolutionary from above shots though)
- A helm that will be truly badass...........if I can pull it off. It will take a lot of skill and time to do this as I have NEVER created a full plated helm.
- A ton of clothing based off the project's textures. I will make a EG SMN outfit that will be universal meaning that I will make one for all races. It will be a retexture of SMN AF.
- A ton of weapons. Some that are already created for the Demios project will be retextured. Other weapons will be completely new.
-'ve seen these.........well not all. These are located in another thread.
- A EG Chocobo.............maybe
- Headgear..........nothing like that badass helm I mentioned above though.
When would all of the above be finished?
I don't give dates anymore. I have a very busy schedule to keep up with until xmas so you should know that I won't deticate all my time to this project. Considering the fact that I want to create so much stuff, it really matters on how fast I can get things done. You could be looking at 2-5 months before I release most stuff.
What will you release in the meantime?
I will release the following to the public when I feel that it is completed....
- Weapons
- Clothing
- Avatars (Already done or in the process)
- The chocobo if I do it
The armor styles will probably not be released to the public for quite a long time. I will at some point let testers use it to see if it works in game. So they have a advantage.
If you want a rough estimate..........I say about 20-30 weapons, 15-40 clothing.........this will take forever to do fyi......
Any specific order you'll be going in?
Everything is done at the spur of the moment so I could go from working on a armor set to a weapon. Its purely random on what I work on.
What about these other armor sets for the Demios project?
Heavy armor #1 is now abandonware lol. I will redesign it again. The reason for this is because it had a 99% chance of it not working in game along with a lot of model/texture issues. EG armor is now Armor set #1 out of 5 for that project. It is likely that you wouldn't see the next armor sets for nearly a year or so. Once again, modding is a hobby, not a job. Do it when you can.
What race is this for?
If you do not know me well, then I will tell you this. 99% of all projects are for HF. That last 1% is for EM or something like avatars, mobs, etc. Sorry, but I only like editing humans, but male elves are fun to edit at times . Most people who have average skill in VRS should be able to port weapons I do rather quick. There is nothing to weapons, but I doubt most people will port over the armor.
Anything you would never release?
The head model.......can't have 1 billion people running around with the empress's face even if I don't play the game. I take head models to the grave with me in any game I mod lol. So asking for it will yeild a no in any given situation.
So, you will never do this armor set for another race?
High chance I won't do this set or any other for another race. I will say that there is a rather small chance I would make a EM version of this, but you wouldn't see it anytime in the coming months lol. The reason why is because things like this is a one time deal.........I designed each of the objects in the armor very precise with its own unique settings and I doubt I can make the same object again. Doing a male version also requires reworkings of the body both model and texture wise since umm................the above is for females lol.
I will say this though......anything that I state that is universal will work for all races.
So, how do you come up with such armor designs?
I dunno, I go bungee jump to find out and when I get hit in the head, something pops up! lol. No, I go by the concept art that I draw myself. This could take days or months. Then I try to bring that to reality with a 80% failure rate of it not looking like its supposed to when compared to the concept art or it doesn't get done at all. I only do this for armor and weapons though.
Anything I can help you with?
Sure, go get me a gun so I can shoot myself because I think it needs to be done . No, nobody can help me besides test the armor designs since I do not play ffxi anymore. If you really want to help me, you'd have to clone me x10 so you'd see a big rar file with a ton of weapons, clothing, and armor and I can sit on my ass while my clones do the work.
I thought this belonged to the Demios project and that this would only consist of armor
It does belong to that project, but it has got out of hand lately thus it needs its own thread. I've been wanting to create weapons/clothing/other with the project so I decided that I change up what i stated a long time ago. The same may go for the next armor set, but know that all the clothing/weapons/etc already created will simply be retextured for future armor sets. This decreases the work load on me.
Can I request things that should be changed?
You can, but I doubt I listen to you. I make things how I want. If you don't like, don't use. Simple as that. Sure, I'll give you feedback on what you said, but I wouldn't change it unless I'm thinking the same thing.
My ramblings about what is currently done/going on (Now this is where you can stop reading)
Ok, you've seen the new shots. Now I will tell you whats up with that....
- I will not show you any type of animation yet because the skeletal weight for a lot of objects is not set yet.
- There are still missing objects that need to be added to the legs and boots to make it truly the armor I designed in my concept art.
- The gloves.............are the worst looking thing out of the whole set now............they will be upgraded to be what I truly thought of them to be in a week or two's time.
- As for the main body, I am still working on that. I reverted to the old outfit because I did not like the black under it. I am designing a version that shows a lot of skin..probably what you see above and another one. In the future, you will see the one where it doesn't show a lot of skin.
- The legs........same deal there. The ones in the shots are the version that doesn't show a lot of skin.
- Textures are not truly 100% for anything yet even if I stated 100%.
- Modeling and object additions for the body is finished........or almost finished. The body dat file weighs almost half a MB. I do not want it to exceed anything further than that.
- Unlike any other project........I am being very precise and cautious with this project like no other. I am making sure 0 clipping and collision problems occur, I am making sure animations for certain objects is set right, I am trying all I can on making the textures high quality and detailed, and lastly, I am making sure this baby works in game by placing certain pieces in areas you do not know about. More on that later, but for now, this is probably the only project where I will actually waste time fixing the smallest collision and texture problem. This is the main reason why you will not see a armor set release within the next 2 or so months.
- The helms or headgear............will not be made anytime soon. The helm is something I want to do and see if I can accomplish such a thing, but it is not a major priority.
- The legs aren't fully finished yet. I was going to show shots of what I mean both texture and model wise, but I didn't. The objects for the legs will probably take a while to do.
- The boots will have a new object added to it that is expirimental IF and only IF I can create the object first.
I think thats all I want to say for now. Unlike previous projects that I have shown across forums, I will update my first post when it comes to statistics. So in the future, you will see additional things added. This is to help make the thread more organized and have me just post shots of things along with a couple comments while people can say whatever. I'm all about being organzied.
Ok, now you all can call me insane (people call programmers the same thing lol) for typing up gibberish, kthxbai.
Ok, apparently, I want to do more things with my EG armor that I made that is apart of my Demios project. So what I have decided to do is split each armor part into its own thread instead of keeping it in the Demios DBS thread that is on here. Each armor set (Once I figure out the names for all them, obviously, EG = Egyptian) will have more things that just armor. I doubt you'll see the other armor sets anytime soon.......most likely sometime over summer or spring.
So in other words, I changed up everything and now I want that Demios DBS thread to die lol. Now let me post my huge document for you and no, I don't expect many to read it all lol. Infact, you don't have to read it all lol. Its just....there you could say.
Begin Huge Document
Well, most have seen how the Empress's avatars look, but what about herself? Even though the avatars look great, what the empress wears has to be better.
Let me get this out of the way first and I'll show you shots and then go in more detail on what I have in mind for this project. Some parts will be boring, but others may be worth the read. Below are statistics that most probably don't need to know, but its there.
Changes from last shown shots in Demios thread...
- Redid Face (Minor change in eyeshadow and lip color)
- Total rehaul on body textures
- Legs draft final started on
- Total rehaul on boots texture wise
- The trick for the loincloth did not work so left it like it is.
- Decreased size of loincloth
- Added in lower body front/back plates and finished textures
- Redesigned loincloth textures
- Several modeling/texture fixes
- Changed Shoulder plates #1 color to red
- Reverted back to body outfit #1 for the time being
- Collision problems for loincloth and back plate (fix it)
- Skeletal weight for many objects not set
Empress Armor #1 - Final draft #97
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 99%
This will always be 99%
Main body
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 75%
Shoulder plates 1 & 2
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 90%
Upper/Lower body Side plates
- Model : 100%
- Textures : 100%
Front/Back body plate (lower body)
- Model : 90%
- Textures : 100%
Loincloth (Short version)
- Model : 99%
- Textures : 99%
Loincloth (Long version)
- Model : ........
- Textures : ........
- Model : ............??% (Currently in redesign phase)
- Textures : ..............??%
- Model : 75%
- Textures : ??% (Cannot give accurate estimation yet)
- Model : 90%
- Textures : ??%.........unknown atm
In the future, I willl change each and every % and add additional things.
Empress Armor #1 HQ Render shots
All I have to say is when I got done with the latest draft, all I had to say was...........DAMN!!!....................................thats how you design high quality armor SE! In other words, I *** a brick ;P. I have to admit, this is probably my best armor mod ever in the past 3 years for this game so far. Now I'm wanting to play FFXI really bad lolololol.
Modelviewer shots ( I show these so you can see how it will look in game)
Comparision shot
If you are too lazy to look at the other thread, here was the last draft I posted on there. So which one looks better ? Yeah, thats what I thought....
As you know, there is no download link yet. You may as well forget about that until I feel I am done with this armor.
Ok, things I want to say. I suggest most to skip, this will be long and I'm not going to lie on that. I suggest you read only parts that you want.
What does the EG project contain?
EG project will contain the following..........
-3-4 armor styles (more info on this another time, nothing revolutionary from above shots though)
- A helm that will be truly badass...........if I can pull it off. It will take a lot of skill and time to do this as I have NEVER created a full plated helm.
- A ton of clothing based off the project's textures. I will make a EG SMN outfit that will be universal meaning that I will make one for all races. It will be a retexture of SMN AF.
- A ton of weapons. Some that are already created for the Demios project will be retextured. Other weapons will be completely new.
-'ve seen these.........well not all. These are located in another thread.
- A EG Chocobo.............maybe
- Headgear..........nothing like that badass helm I mentioned above though.
When would all of the above be finished?
I don't give dates anymore. I have a very busy schedule to keep up with until xmas so you should know that I won't deticate all my time to this project. Considering the fact that I want to create so much stuff, it really matters on how fast I can get things done. You could be looking at 2-5 months before I release most stuff.
What will you release in the meantime?
I will release the following to the public when I feel that it is completed....
- Weapons
- Clothing
- Avatars (Already done or in the process)
- The chocobo if I do it
The armor styles will probably not be released to the public for quite a long time. I will at some point let testers use it to see if it works in game. So they have a advantage.
If you want a rough estimate..........I say about 20-30 weapons, 15-40 clothing.........this will take forever to do fyi......
Any specific order you'll be going in?
Everything is done at the spur of the moment so I could go from working on a armor set to a weapon. Its purely random on what I work on.
What about these other armor sets for the Demios project?
Heavy armor #1 is now abandonware lol. I will redesign it again. The reason for this is because it had a 99% chance of it not working in game along with a lot of model/texture issues. EG armor is now Armor set #1 out of 5 for that project. It is likely that you wouldn't see the next armor sets for nearly a year or so. Once again, modding is a hobby, not a job. Do it when you can.
What race is this for?
If you do not know me well, then I will tell you this. 99% of all projects are for HF. That last 1% is for EM or something like avatars, mobs, etc. Sorry, but I only like editing humans, but male elves are fun to edit at times . Most people who have average skill in VRS should be able to port weapons I do rather quick. There is nothing to weapons, but I doubt most people will port over the armor.
Anything you would never release?
The head model.......can't have 1 billion people running around with the empress's face even if I don't play the game. I take head models to the grave with me in any game I mod lol. So asking for it will yeild a no in any given situation.
So, you will never do this armor set for another race?
High chance I won't do this set or any other for another race. I will say that there is a rather small chance I would make a EM version of this, but you wouldn't see it anytime in the coming months lol. The reason why is because things like this is a one time deal.........I designed each of the objects in the armor very precise with its own unique settings and I doubt I can make the same object again. Doing a male version also requires reworkings of the body both model and texture wise since umm................the above is for females lol.
I will say this though......anything that I state that is universal will work for all races.
So, how do you come up with such armor designs?
I dunno, I go bungee jump to find out and when I get hit in the head, something pops up! lol. No, I go by the concept art that I draw myself. This could take days or months. Then I try to bring that to reality with a 80% failure rate of it not looking like its supposed to when compared to the concept art or it doesn't get done at all. I only do this for armor and weapons though.
Anything I can help you with?
Sure, go get me a gun so I can shoot myself because I think it needs to be done . No, nobody can help me besides test the armor designs since I do not play ffxi anymore. If you really want to help me, you'd have to clone me x10 so you'd see a big rar file with a ton of weapons, clothing, and armor and I can sit on my ass while my clones do the work.
I thought this belonged to the Demios project and that this would only consist of armor
It does belong to that project, but it has got out of hand lately thus it needs its own thread. I've been wanting to create weapons/clothing/other with the project so I decided that I change up what i stated a long time ago. The same may go for the next armor set, but know that all the clothing/weapons/etc already created will simply be retextured for future armor sets. This decreases the work load on me.
Can I request things that should be changed?
You can, but I doubt I listen to you. I make things how I want. If you don't like, don't use. Simple as that. Sure, I'll give you feedback on what you said, but I wouldn't change it unless I'm thinking the same thing.
My ramblings about what is currently done/going on (Now this is where you can stop reading)
Ok, you've seen the new shots. Now I will tell you whats up with that....
- I will not show you any type of animation yet because the skeletal weight for a lot of objects is not set yet.
- There are still missing objects that need to be added to the legs and boots to make it truly the armor I designed in my concept art.
- The gloves.............are the worst looking thing out of the whole set now............they will be upgraded to be what I truly thought of them to be in a week or two's time.
- As for the main body, I am still working on that. I reverted to the old outfit because I did not like the black under it. I am designing a version that shows a lot of skin..probably what you see above and another one. In the future, you will see the one where it doesn't show a lot of skin.
- The legs........same deal there. The ones in the shots are the version that doesn't show a lot of skin.
- Textures are not truly 100% for anything yet even if I stated 100%.
- Modeling and object additions for the body is finished........or almost finished. The body dat file weighs almost half a MB. I do not want it to exceed anything further than that.
- Unlike any other project........I am being very precise and cautious with this project like no other. I am making sure 0 clipping and collision problems occur, I am making sure animations for certain objects is set right, I am trying all I can on making the textures high quality and detailed, and lastly, I am making sure this baby works in game by placing certain pieces in areas you do not know about. More on that later, but for now, this is probably the only project where I will actually waste time fixing the smallest collision and texture problem. This is the main reason why you will not see a armor set release within the next 2 or so months.
- The helms or headgear............will not be made anytime soon. The helm is something I want to do and see if I can accomplish such a thing, but it is not a major priority.
- The legs aren't fully finished yet. I was going to show shots of what I mean both texture and model wise, but I didn't. The objects for the legs will probably take a while to do.
- The boots will have a new object added to it that is expirimental IF and only IF I can create the object first.
I think thats all I want to say for now. Unlike previous projects that I have shown across forums, I will update my first post when it comes to statistics. So in the future, you will see additional things added. This is to help make the thread more organized and have me just post shots of things along with a couple comments while people can say whatever. I'm all about being organzied.
Ok, now you all can call me insane (people call programmers the same thing lol) for typing up gibberish, kthxbai.