Since no other subforum deals with weapons more than the .DAT forum, I've decided to make this little chat here. Now, the thing is, everyone keeps calling the Shadow Lord's weapon a "Great Axe." How is it a great axe?

Although, from that screenshot (which I found with google image seach) it isn't easy to see the full detail of his weapon. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out his weapon has a hilt-like handle for one hand. And the rest of it juts out like a blade. (maybe because it is a blade?). Yet, here I am reading posts and such about people making this weapon into a useable .dat as a great axe. And that doesn't totally make any sense. I haven't seen any of the other blades being used as great axes..... (Because theoretically, 2-hand holding a blade, one by the blade and one by the handle, is not an ideal thing to do in real life.).
So, what's the whole reasoning behind calling it a Great Axe? "The Shadow Lord's great axe!" >.>

Although, from that screenshot (which I found with google image seach) it isn't easy to see the full detail of his weapon. But it doesn't take a genius to figure out his weapon has a hilt-like handle for one hand. And the rest of it juts out like a blade. (maybe because it is a blade?). Yet, here I am reading posts and such about people making this weapon into a useable .dat as a great axe. And that doesn't totally make any sense. I haven't seen any of the other blades being used as great axes..... (Because theoretically, 2-hand holding a blade, one by the blade and one by the handle, is not an ideal thing to do in real life.).
So, what's the whole reasoning behind calling it a Great Axe? "The Shadow Lord's great axe!" >.>