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Risen from the depths

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  • Risen from the depths

    One of many multiple posts I'm going to make across many forums, a little long though......

    My site has finally risen from the depths of hell by restoring its old mod database (not really database, just using that term for now). Now all the mods that were once present on my site 5-6 months ago (before I trashed it) are now back up and working with the new interface I designed for my site.

    I worked for about.........14 hours today nonstop getting all of those mods up.......I do not know how I kept sane.

    In order for the site to be fully resurrected, the guides pages need to come back despite how old those guides are. Then I am back where I left SL before I trashed it.

    Why did it take me so long? Technically, I should say about 19 hours since I uploaded most mods + pictures to my server days ago. But I had to do about.........500+ more graphics for the site......well it felt like that. Maybe this screenshot will tell you something.

    This was when I was working on the items for the interface pages. It makes me a sad panda because I had to do about 74ish windows for interface mods. So basically 74 graphics......

    That was actually the worst section to do compared to any other section to be honest. I finished that above in a hour just because I did not stop at all.

    So yes.....I think I have made about 500+ graphics.......this includes pictures for mods which majority are HQ renders.....

    Putting it all together for the web......that was the worst part. Interface section took more than 3 hours.....other sections were a pain, but not as annoying as the interface one. It made me want to shoot myself or jump off a bridge.

    After all of this, I just could not add the guides to the new site. Lets just say I went through a lot of pain and agony just trying to get all this stuff on the site by Saturday.

    So word of advice people : Never try to add 300 mods in one day.....most would of already shot themselves or gone insane. And never take them off your server either even if you do intend not to update the site ever again. But I do admit, the site is looking very good now that there is something on it lol.

    Despite how old the mods are on the site, I suggest you go check it out anyways (Umm yeah, site is in my sig or profile). I will in the future be adding mods you normally don't see or things by me that you normally don't see. I will also be adding my so called "junk" that I have already released and showed on these forums to the site in the future.

    I am in no competition against any other dat site, but I still do plan on having 1k-2k mods sometime. I hope someone out there appreciates what I have done tonight because finally, people can stop getting 404 errors when trying to download these "old" mods on my site and finally, the site is in active again after such a long period.

    I will say that the changelog on the mainpage is your friend. I do not make a ton of news posts unless I have to so you may think the site is dead, but its not due to what it says in the changelog.

    After my server maintenance is over and I have finished the guides pages for this site, I will be scouting many jp/na websites & forums for mods by talented modders for a good 2 weeks. I will be adding new mods thereafter, but after this first week, I will add the mods that I was going to add before I nuked the site long ago. I still have those mods it seems. As always, if you want your work on my site, just email me or post on my forums. I try to check both daily.

    One last thing.........I do not know if everything works. I don't have any energy left to check to see if everything is working. I will check tomorrow sometime and fix any issues that I see myself. News post on my site should explain the rest I want to say.

    ~Going to bed, goodbye

    Elite noob modder

  • #2
    Re: Risen from the depths

    Nice, I hope my Kadaj's Katanas are still there. I gotta change all my dats again since I just reinstalled after quitting for about the same length of time your site's been down. lmao Thx for all the hard work.

    EDIT: Just checked it out. Looks awesome. Love the graphics you made for each race's section.


    Stephen King's Wizard and Glass: Fools are the only folk on earth absolutely guaranteed to get what they deserve.


    • #3
      Re: Risen from the depths


