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Lion Hume F

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  • Lion Hume F

    Finally finished....funny how my very first vrs mod turns out to be an advanced one There's the usual clipping issues, but Lion has a lot of hair and it couldn't be helped. Also there's a minor issue with the eyes, they blink but don't blink. I'm too drained to fix it. Other than that, here she is! Enjoy! Gona be posting the rest of her suit later tonight. Her coat is in the .dat collection, may as well finish what they started
    Last edited by Nautica; 03-18-2007, 05:58 PM.

    "Nauti by nay-cha, not cause I hate-cha!"

  • #2
    Re: Lion Hume F

    I should make a tutorial sometime to show people how to map entire vertex's to new skeletons. I know it would cut things like porting a Hume Female NPC head to Hume Female PC down considerably.

    Then the only weighting that would need to be done is weighting vertex's that don't match up to any existing PC skeletons.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3

      Such a guide would be very helpful for newcomers to VRS. I was lucky enough to have Stormgard help me start off, but not many others are so lucky. I mainly learned through trial error, and being stuck on dial up for half a month with no mean of entertaining myself.

      Here's Lion's clothes as promised, minus the gloves. I was too lazy, and I assume no credit for the body armor. It was part of the .dat collection. I just did the face, legs, boots, and the side knife is her head armor.
      Last edited by Nautica; 03-18-2007, 05:58 PM.

      "Nauti by nay-cha, not cause I hate-cha!"


      • #4
        Re: Lion Hume F

        Nice work on this, but...

        the top of her head is missing.


        • #5
          Re: Lion Hume F

          I've fixed that, as well as a few contrast mods. Will upload when I add movement to her banes

          "Nauti by nay-cha, not cause I hate-cha!"


          • #6
            Re: Lion Hume F

            Originally posted by Nautica View Post
            Finally finished....funny how my very first vrs mod turns out to be an advanced one There's the usual clipping issues, but Lion has a lot of hair and it couldn't be helped. Also there's a minor issue with the eyes, they blink but don't blink. I'm too drained to fix it. Other than that, here she is! Enjoy! Gona be posting the rest of her suit later tonight. Her coat is in the .dat collection, may as well finish what they started
            hey, i realise its an old topic, but where can i find the DAT files for this? i really want them ;.;


            • #7
              Re: Lion Hume F

              As for this .DAT.. I wish the preview pictures were available, but I looked through all the .DAT files I have, and didn't see much for HF and Lion..

              Originally posted by Macht View Post
              I should make a tutorial sometime to show people how to map entire vertex's to new skeletons. I know it would cut things like porting a Hume Female NPC head to Hume Female PC down considerably.

              Then the only weighting that would need to be done is weighting vertex's that don't match up to any existing PC skeletons.
              Hey Macht... this process you spoke of so long ago, is it anything like this one?


