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Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

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  • #16
    Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

    Pretty much the same reason I'm with Powweb. Low cost and... "moderate" service.

    Aye, I was using .PSD (PhotoShop) instead of .PNG for the transparencies in the flash.

    Aye, I haven't added anything beyond the "Intro" page yet. So that's why the Enter button [intentionally] doesn't work.

    I have quite a bit in store for this site and will use it for a means of giving back to the gamer community in many respects.
    ( 『My Personal Site♪』 ) ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

    - DeviFoxx -


    • #17
      Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

      It looks very nice, but takes a long time to load - most people will skip past the front page or even your entire site before it loads. Having a selection of smaller flash files or animated gifs with a random one chosen as suggested is essential if you want anyone to see your work.

      Apart from the huge flash file, your jpgs added to 208kb, still far too large. I have taken the liberty of converting the images to indexed gif format which you can download here, and reduced this to 85kb, still too large for my liking but more acceptable. As an artist, you may not like the reduced quality from truecolour to indexed w/ dithering, but as a web designer I can assure you it is essential. I dropped them to 32 colours, though you could probably get away with only 16.

      This still leaves the HUGE 2.8meg flash animation, which I gaurantee nobody except your friends will wait around to load. If you need a hand with scripting for the flash displays, PM me. I can also help you optimize the metadata and other aspects of your page if you like.


      • #18
        Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

        I have the latest Version of The Dat Collection still.

        I can split it up and get it to you devi, unless somone with faster connection has it. And could upload it for him.

        Cheap hosting isn't always best i've got cheap hosting now, and have soem issues with it...(sorta) better then my old host atleast. But i've payed fro this one for a year, so still got a while left. But after I get some money might change hosts again. But right now I dont' have the money to

        This jsut kinda out there and somethign I may do after get job and some money. I'm thinking about offering Webspace to sell. Would be cheap but hopefully good But thats for the future, and will just have to see.
        Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

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        • #19
          Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

          Originally posted by Kilandor View Post
          I have the latest Version of The Dat Collection still.

          I can split it up and get it to you devi, unless somone with faster connection has it. And could upload it for him.

          Cheap hosting isn't always best i've got cheap hosting now, and have soem issues with it...(sorta) better then my old host atleast. But i've payed fro this one for a year, so still got a while left. But after I get some money might change hosts again. But right now I dont' have the money to

          This jsut kinda out there and somethign I may do after get job and some money. I'm thinking about offering Webspace to sell. Would be cheap but hopefully good But thats for the future, and will just have to see.
          Aye. Most likely what'll need to be done anyway is renaming them and making sure each one "checks out" OK. Phabin said he'd help out with that too. Don't know where he's at currently, though.
          ( 『My Personal Site♪』 )
 ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

          - DeviFoxx -


          • #20
            Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

            Originally posted by nazlfrag View Post
            It looks very nice, but takes a long time to load - most people will skip past the front page or even your entire site before it loads. Having a selection of smaller flash files or animated gifs with a random one chosen as suggested is essential if you want anyone to see your work.

            Aye. If you know what I would need to do in order to achieve the "randomly loading smaller files" effect, please let me know and I'll apply it.

            Apart from the huge flash file, your jpgs added to 208kb, still far too large. I have taken the liberty of converting the images to indexed gif format which you can download here, and reduced this to 85kb, still too large for my liking but more acceptable.

            Ahhhh! Thank you very much! /bow ! I greatly appreciate this! /smile

            As an artist, you may not like the reduced quality from truecolour to indexed w/ dithering, but as a web designer I can assure you it is essential. I dropped them to 32 colours, though you could probably get away with only 16.

            This still leaves the HUGE 2.8meg flash animation, which I gaurantee nobody except your friends will wait around to load.

            Aye, I agree with you there, which is why I ultimately might end up scrapping the flash if I can either find a way to shrink it into smaller, four, separated ones that "load randomly with a PHP script", or some other idea.

            If you need a hand with scripting for the flash displays, PM me. I can also help you optimize the metadata and other aspects of your page if you like.

            Sure thing, I'd greatly like your help in doing this. Truth be told, I haven't updated my website in like... 2... or 3 years. So I'm very "out of touch" with it. I'm slowly starting to get back into it, but could use a helping hand.
            ( 『My Personal Site♪』 )
   ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

            - DeviFoxx -


            • #21
              Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

              well on cable modem the 2.8MB loads in about 4-5 seconds

              would choke a dialup though



              • #22
                Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                Anyone Interested in Different hosting (I hope they are good - I"ll let you know soon enough I'm moving to them now)

                Last edited by Kilandor; 09-03-2006, 06:15 PM.
                Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

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                • #23
                  Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                  well on cable modem the 2.8MB loads in about 4-5 seconds
                  Not on a site with a slow hosting company.


                  • #24
                    Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                    Originally posted by Kilandor View Post
                    Anyone Interested in Different hosting (I hope they are good - I"ll let you know soon enough I'm moving to them now)

                    Looks ok cept 1GB space seems soorta small, could fillup msot of that will all those dats devilfoxx has.

                    I'm using internet turnpike you can get about the same as there 1 year 9.95 plan for
                    2GB space and 100GB transfer a month

                    I got soorta.. lucky? or something and now my site is unlimited space+bandwidth XD



                    • #25
                      Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                      Think should look again lowest hosting space from Cirtex is 5gb of storage and 100gb of Bandwidth. For $2.50 a month($2.00 month if year)

                      You looked at the Special hosting. Which was a package of only 1gb storage, and Unlimited bandwidth.

                      But I doubt any of us need tha, Mean how much does your site use Gulk, even with you hosting all those pics.
                      Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

                      FFXI Mod Community - Join Us!

                      GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

                      Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
                      FFXI Dat Copier - By Me!


                      • #26
                        Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                        Originally posted by Kilandor View Post
                        Think should look again lowest hosting space from Cirtex is 5gb of storage and 100gb of Bandwidth. For $2.50 a month($2.00 month if year)

                        You looked at the Special hosting. Which was a package of only 1gb storage, and Unlimited bandwidth.

                        But I doubt any of us need tha, Mean how much does your site use Gulk, even with you hosting all those pics.
                        it went in 3 months...

                        2GB -> 40GB -> 96GB -> 170GB and its already nearing 18GB as of 2am sept 3rd

                        thats with near nothing offlinked from the site, most the BW used is from the .DAT files especially the "full package" things of mass DATs in one where its like 10MB downloaded like 30-40 times a day since I set a decently large attachment size incase people decide to post massive mods XD

                        That and video samples of mods i posted took alot hits too >.>
                        like test.avi had 80 hits... and thats about 28MB showing several custom mods used in a FFXi cutscene.. was pretty interesting... XD

                        anyway as any site I'm sure over time it may go up higher with new dats etc, more BW the better I'd say.



                        • #27
                          Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                          Well there is always the option of free file upload hosts. You could do that for bigger packages. There are alot of good free file hosting sites, other than common rapidshare, etc. If it comes to needing that.

                          Figured your site used alot of bandwidth
                          Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

                          FFXI Mod Community - Join Us!

                          GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

                          Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
                          FFXI Dat Copier - By Me!


                          • #28
                            Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                            Originally posted by Kilandor View Post
                            Well there is always the option of free file upload hosts. You could do that for bigger packages. There are alot of good free file hosting sites, other than common rapidshare, etc. If it comes to needing that.

                            Figured your site used alot of bandwidth
                            I was thinking that but few things soorta bad with that, people either can't use or unable to downlaod from those free services for some reason or another, downlaod limit a day, wait times, popup adds etc people hate.

                            I'm trying to avoid that, although you'd have to do a little searching still XD



                            • #29
                              Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                              Actually there are ones that don't have download limits, or popup adds, or timers.

                              I used to have a big list of alot.
                              Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

                              FFXI Mod Community - Join Us!

                              GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

                              Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
                              FFXI Dat Copier - By Me!


                              • #30
                                Re: Retooling My Website. And I'm finally back.

                                It didn't take too long to load for me, but it loaded in ugly blocks. You can probably make it smaller to fit on the center of the page, because splash pages aren't supposed to be too big anyways. The whole disclaimer/claimer is too big and an eyesore.

                                ICDSoft is a really nice hosting service. They're not cheap, but they're hella reliable and very helpful when you need it.

