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  • Teacher!

    Hello everyone, after seeing a great thread about a Rinoa outfit about a month ago, I've been really interested in Dat files. I've found many cute "outfits" here and there that I use today. But the Rinoa one still seems to evade me, and any others I'm sure would love this. However, the thread has become quiet and the person attempting to create the dat was having trouble. Now as much as I want this and would love for it to be made, I know this person has a life, other things to do, and doesn't have time to spend every waking moment on something that isn't even for them. (And I would never expect something like that anyway...)

    So I tried learning out to make my own Dats in hopes that I could get good enough and make it myself, but so far I've had nothing much complete and utter failure... nothing seems to work out right at all, I can't even get the simplest things to work for me, which is why I've made this thread!

    I think if I had someone who knew what they were doing, and was really good with this type of thing, I'd have a much easier time learning how to do this, if they were with me all the way. We could talk over MSN or AIM (MSN prefered though!) and hopefully I could actually learn something this time.

    If anyone can help me with something like this and is willing to put some time aside to help teach me, I would love you forever! Please send me a Private message and I can give you my MSN/AIM information there.

    Thank you so much,

    Which FF Character Are You?

  • #2
    Re: Teacher!

    I tried to learn how to make dats myself and i just couldnt understand the process, but if you want to see all the programs needed look on this forum for a thread called: "What Programs"
    and you will see which you need to download. I know this doesnt help much but it's what i can give.

    NIN75, BLM75


    • #3
      Re: Teacher!

      you can add me to msn if you like, been taking a break from the game and all mods really for about a month, might be a lil rusty on a few things but i have a pretty good knowledge of modding (not awesome, just pretty good )


      • #4
        Re: Teacher!

        Originally posted by Nyasho
        you can add me to msn if you like, been taking a break from the game and all mods really for about a month, might be a lil rusty on a few things but i have a pretty good knowledge of modding (not awesome, just pretty good )
        can I add you too? =^.^=

        be nice to have someone to ask a few questions about modding~


        • #5
          Re: Teacher!

          Feel free to message me on a question you have. So far a lot of this seems easy to me, since I got that 1 fairly big bug solved now for me I'm getting all the .dats I was trying to do before worked on and prep'd. Select the better made ones to show, time constraints though make getting them done take a while.

          I've gotten a pretty good working knowledge now of:

          Modelviewer (Even altered the list to show me all the models instead of them being rolled up under 1 ID. They vary enough that it worth individualizing.)
          VRS (This one I've been picking up really fast, it resembles another program I had once used. Used the Japanese version intentionally to be able to create my own motions. Been planning to create a .mov library to post up so people can find the motions they want to alter easier and faster, just haven't gotten around to it.)
          FFXI Utilities
          PSPad (Hex Editor I'm using to fix an export glitch in the FFXI exported .dats from VRS)

          Any other programs someone points me to I might be intrested in trying. Though it's got to be from the program creators sight for me to have more faith in it. Still will give it a run through for anything I might consider suspicious if I choose to try it.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Re: Teacher!

            Originally posted by Seaco
            can I add you too? =^.^=

            be nice to have someone to ask a few questions about modding~
            sure i think the addy is iin my profile

            Double Post Edited:
            or if its not PM me and ill send it to you
            Last edited by Nyasho; 07-12-2006, 11:35 AM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost

