dont ask...because seriously?...I dunno what it is about drg Af ...but its fun to skin it lol..ANYWAYS....heres my white version of it...still dunno about the gold on it modelviewer it looks kinda....rough... (gold and white blended too much so I outlined some of it with darker colors...didnt look the greatest) cant see any of the jagged gold edges in game so I'm still kinda on the fence about it... and while its damn near impossible to see the gold in detail in DOES look a lot better in game. Figured i'd throw a few pics of it here and get feedback on it. If anyones good at shading, and would like to shade the gold to give it a better appearance, I'd be glad to post the PSD file to make it look as good as possible...Ive used this in game for about 2 days, and while it looks good in game....when I look at it very close up in model viewer...I see tiny flaws.....and I dun like it. So unless I get around to fixing it...(which may happen tomorrow) or get some requests for it. Then odds are it wont be up untill I pack all my drg AF outfits together......which leads me to my next find a place to upload the .zip file with all of my drg skins lol.
Next (If I can stop friggen making new DRG outfits lol) I might make some weapons, or......depending on how much of a pain it is to reskin...might start reskinning some wyyverns lol
Next (If I can stop friggen making new DRG outfits lol) I might make some weapons, or......depending on how much of a pain it is to reskin...might start reskinning some wyyverns lol