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yes....another DRG outfit lol

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  • yes....another DRG outfit lol

    dont ask...because seriously?...I dunno what it is about drg Af ...but its fun to skin it lol..ANYWAYS....heres my white version of it...still dunno about the gold on it modelviewer it looks kinda....rough... (gold and white blended too much so I outlined some of it with darker colors...didnt look the greatest) cant see any of the jagged gold edges in game so I'm still kinda on the fence about it... and while its damn near impossible to see the gold in detail in DOES look a lot better in game. Figured i'd throw a few pics of it here and get feedback on it. If anyones good at shading, and would like to shade the gold to give it a better appearance, I'd be glad to post the PSD file to make it look as good as possible...Ive used this in game for about 2 days, and while it looks good in game....when I look at it very close up in model viewer...I see tiny flaws.....and I dun like it. So unless I get around to fixing it...(which may happen tomorrow) or get some requests for it. Then odds are it wont be up untill I pack all my drg AF outfits together......which leads me to my next find a place to upload the .zip file with all of my drg skins lol.

    Next (If I can stop friggen making new DRG outfits lol) I might make some weapons, or......depending on how much of a pain it is to reskin...might start reskinning some wyyverns lol
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    Last edited by dabadking; 07-05-2006, 05:56 AM.
    A LMFAO production:
    How to Kill a Ninja----

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

  • #2
    Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

    Really cool, but don't understand what's up with the valor leggings.


    • #3
      Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

      lol yeah...just changed that. old pics... they were just something I threw on untill I made the pants and boots.
      A LMFAO production:
      How to Kill a Ninja----

      98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


      • #4
        Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

        Not bad if a little piecemeal-looking. The shoulder guards don't quite look like they fit well with the body. The helmet is boss, though!


        • #5
          Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

          Holy Dragoon?

          Looks pretty sweet, but what's up with the Demon horns? Looks like a Castle Zvahl Baileys' demon had it's head cut off and attacked to the helm.

          Now from a practical aspect, it looks a little too heavy for a DRG to even Jump in, let alone Super Climb. lol
          PS2 Beta tester - Cactaur - Rank 4
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          • #6
            Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

            yeah lol... didnt know what else to call it so...I just figured bleh add holy to it and just leave it at that for the helm being demon like...well...I'm suprised you didnt notice it right from the beginning...its Odins helm. As for demons heads...while it would be cool to make one of those helms for our models one issue doesnt import into VRS so... cant take ANYTHING from it but I gotta say, it woulda been cool to do that as well if I could.....but I already tried and opening a demon just crashes VRS so bleh.
            Also as for the shoulders...yeah it might look slightly strange in modelviewer but, in the game it looks okay....I'd change the gold to a stronger pattern if I could find one that looks decent though.

            EDIT: updated my new dark dragoon to V2 (the .zip file is not updated untill its all completely done.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by dabadking; 07-07-2006, 02:48 AM.
            A LMFAO production:
            How to Kill a Ninja----

            98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


            • #7
              Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

              ok...I did a lot of shading to add more depth to the gold on the outfit, and also completely remade all of the gold on the boots, and body. I also added more shading to the original piece of gold that was on the boots to start with, and all of the gold is uniform now....still have a few more things so do, and have now learned a lot about shading the designs, reflective designs, etc... still cant shade SKIN to save my life lol but whatever, when it comes to designs I think I'm pretty good at it though lol. let me know which you prefer...I opted for a more.. 3D look for the gold, to give it more of a look that the gold was melted onto the armor like how it would had it been made in real life. I attatched one older pic for a comparison. (also remade all the gold for the black one, which is is below as well)
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              A LMFAO production:
              How to Kill a Ninja----

              98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


              • #8
                Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                Originally posted by dabadking
                ok...I did a lot of shading to add more depth to the gold on the outfit, and also completely remade all of the gold on the boots, and body. I also added more shading to the original piece of gold that was on the boots to start with, and all of the gold is uniform now....still have a few more things so do, and have now learned a lot about shading the designs, reflective designs, etc... still cant shade SKIN to save my life lol but whatever, when it comes to designs I think I'm pretty good at it though lol. let me know which you prefer...I opted for a more.. 3D look for the gold, to give it more of a look that the gold was melted onto the armor like how it would had it been made in real life. I attatched one older pic for a comparison. (also remade all the gold for the black one, which is is below as well)

                Could I download the .dat files you modified/created for the dark dragoon AF when you finish it? (Also, I'll need to know the proper file names and that good stuff.)

                (Edit: Assuming they would work for a Hume F character model I guess?)


                • #9
                  Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                  yeah. I'll have an updated .zip up for the dark dragoon in a little bit. for now (since i forgot to post an old comparison pic of the black one....heres a new pic...and the old one. the old one has no gold to the pants in that pic...ignore that. the pants and gloves are not remade yet so ignore that part of the pic. I have to redo the gold of the outfit). the gold pants on the new one is the actual pants that will go with it I think...the shading looks pretty good to me, but I'll see what I can do.
                  Attached Files
                  A LMFAO production:
                  How to Kill a Ninja----

                  98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                  • #10
                    Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                    I love it. Keep doing drg stuff.
                    Thanks Kazuki.
                    Dragoon Equipment


                    • #11
                      Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                      I love it. Keep doing drg stuff.
                      lol thanks glad noones sick of my drg AF reskins lol... Ive done a LOT of them...but on a sidenote, I am planning to change that and do a few "bump mapped" versions of some this one..(see pic below) the pic is kind of old in the fact that in the pic all I did was change the front strip on the AF...since then ive done the shoulderpads and chain around the neck.

                      just finished the dark dragoon for you draco dragon
                      its in another post because I am trying to keep this one for my white version mainly.

                      as for making it for hume female, yes itsvery easy, I explain it a bit on my dark dragoon post. Hope that cant just use the .dats on any race, so you'll have to just copy the BMP over to the female BMP (may take a few adjustments) if you need the layers to change a few things lemme know, I send the PSD files to any of my work upon request.

                      P.S. for pics of the new dark dragoon, go to the other post please...I just posted it and its up for download as well.
                      Last edited by dabadking; 03-03-2007, 10:07 AM.
                      A LMFAO production:
                      How to Kill a Ninja----

                      98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                      • #12
                        Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                        It really is nice work. Though the equips have only small changes made. In the Dat file collection is a very similair kind of equip. Has been for a long time, still nice work though.


                        • #13
                          Re: yes....another DRG outfit lol

                          I'm assuming you are talking about the one for mithra? yeah I know, thats what made me make the black one. (I mentioned that in the first post where I was asking if I should remake it) ...some Jp website or something made it...anyways this is basically a remake of that gear except...upgraded and added a LOT of things that most wont notice, but I do..


                          as requested, I started on a red/black version of my izlude gear but ...I wasnt sure if you wanted the exact one but just a different color scheme or if you wanted a hood...but since you mentioned the GM helm I figured id color everything Gm colors, and leave the hood off in case you wanted to use the GM helm. heres the pic.
                          I only did the body, and its not my best outfit but...since I am using a very old outfit as a base, I tried to limit myself since it would be obvious where I added my new found tricks like bump mapping etc, so I just stuck with a simple recolor this time.

                          beta hooded version posted
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by dabadking; 08-13-2006, 10:08 PM.
                          A LMFAO production:
                          How to Kill a Ninja----

                          98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

