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the best damn armor Ive EVER seen!!...anyone able to make something like these?

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  • the best damn armor Ive EVER seen!!...anyone able to make something like these?

    ok ... I dont think I have to say anything else about this... all I have to say is, I google searched paladi for some ideas and I see this helm in a I click on it...and i almost DROPPED my drink thinking OMFG!!!! imagine this on drg in FFXI!!!!!...then after I was drooling for a good 10 minutes.. I realized...theres a CRAPLOAD of this type of armor in this site!! ...if anyone can make any of this...holy crap...could you imagine having DRG look even HALF as good as that helm looks? ... ugh..

    heres the link to the actual page... check out some of the crazy stuff they have!!
    A LMFAO production:
    How to Kill a Ninja----

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

  • #2
    Re: the best damn armor Ive EVER seen!!...anyone able to make something like these?

    Yeah T.King is awesome, i used a few of his layovers in wow for a while.


    • #3
      Re: the best damn armor Ive EVER seen!!...anyone able to make something like these?

      With enough time and work in ES: Oblivion, I could make all that armor that I see on his page a reality, but for FFXI? Thats a long shot....

      If you wanted it as good looking as the artwork (exact replica), I doubt that is possible. Making that helm is one thing, but the armor? I don't really think it turn out so well in the FFXI world. Blame the graphics really and the fact that FFXI wasn't really moddable in the first place. I would need to use Max for this and not something like VRS. I would also rather create a new body/helm model as pre exisiting ones are well.......not any good for something like this .

      Not saying its impossible. If there is a really good modeler/texturer for FFXI, he/she can probably do it, but I don't think the end product will look so great. Sure, if one could do textures really well, you could probably do it on pre exisiting armor, but really it needs its own armor/helm model made from scratch. Once again, I am basing it on exactly how it looks in his artwork and due to the fact that in Oblivion, it can look exactly like it . I know some things would have to be sacrificed . Thats why I wouldn't want to spend the time doing it lol.

      The "Angelica" one that appears on his page is probably something I could easily do with enough time and patience in FFXI (Minus the wings because I was never interested in wings). In Oblivion, that is easily done. Obviously, this would be for HF only if made by me ;P. But I'm pretty much inactive and not really into ffxi modding these days so someone else can do it . Might do some face/hair model stuff soon though, but thats pretty basic and not really time consuming.

      Once again, my opinion. If one thinks that its a easy job, go ahead and do it to prove me wrong . I just think ffxi is "limited" modding wise, thats all .

      Elite noob modder


      • #4
        Re: the best damn armor Ive EVER seen!!...anyone able to make something like these?

        if you make the helm for oblivion lemme know ...I WANT IT lol

        EDIT: just a pic of a recolor of my recently made dark dragoon (still kinda working on the gold... going from black to white armor takes its toll on the gold).
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        Last edited by dabadking; 07-04-2006, 06:05 PM.
        A LMFAO production:
        How to Kill a Ninja----

        98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

