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  • Requesting...

    I do know what I'm asking here is going to be hard to do, but I have faith someone here can work on it.

    I want to increase the length of my female hume's hair. Even make it look a bit "Yunalesca-like". Finally, make the hair a platinum color.

    (If not able to make it along the lines of Yunalesca, increase the length of the hair down to the knees.)

    P.S. (Information: Hume F, Face 3, Hair B, Large Size.)

  • #2
    Re: Requesting...

    Increasing the hairlength is no problem, the issue you'll run into is the hair moving fluently. Hair going to that length doesn't have the skeleton structure to create the proper hair movement, be a headache to use the skeleton for the spine and such to create it's movement.

    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


    • #3
      Re: Requesting...

      Originally posted by Macht
      Increasing the hairlength is no problem, the issue you'll run into is the hair moving fluently. Hair going to that length doesn't have the skeleton structure to create the proper hair movement, be a headache to use the skeleton for the spine and such to create it's movement.

      What do you mean by skeleton structure?

      As for creating the movement of the hair, I'm assuming you're talking about the motion the hair would take if the character is, like say, running?


      • #4
        Re: Requesting...

        Basically if you take it past the shoulders it looks stiff as sticks. All the hairstyles are either short, or close cropped because they are flat, like the model has a colored piece of paper taped to their head. You can't add depth when you make it longer, you can only stretch out the ends; Yunalescas hair flows but in game it will be incredibly straight and spiky. It will also probably clip through your character if it's longer than mid back unless it's drawn unnaturally back away from the body. The longest/best working example I can think of is Hyades' Sepiroth.
        There's some front and side views but not really any back shots.. I think you can see how straight it is though.


        • #5
          Re: Requesting...

          Originally posted by Halion
          Basically if you take it past the shoulders it looks stiff as sticks. All the hairstyles are either short, or close cropped because they are flat, like the model has a colored piece of paper taped to their head. You can't add depth when you make it longer, you can only stretch out the ends; Yunalescas hair flows but in game it will be incredibly straight and spiky. It will also probably clip through your character if it's longer than mid back unless it's drawn unnaturally back away from the body. The longest/best working example I can think of is Hyades' Sepiroth.

          There's some front and side views but not really any back shots.. I think you can see how straight it is though.

          {Hmmm.} I see...


          • #6
            Re: Requesting...

            The skeleton is a stick figure like structure that controls the movement of the vertex's and how the entire mesh folds or acts.

            All the vertex's have to be weighted to 1 or 2 skeleton's. The Female Hume head skeleton only has 2 short skeleton's to use for hair movement (Specifically a short pony tail). If you plan to make the hair longer then you'll need more skeletons to create a fluent motion (Means with the new added skeleton's the motion files also will have to be altered to tell the new skeletons how to move).

            That is the simplest and easiest way to add in new hair motion. The more time consuming and more difficult method is to bind 1 or 2 parts of the skeletons making the hume body structure that also have the correct motion.

            The second method is not very effective and can have clipping or inaccurate motions that can't be as well fine tuned. Also when used enough the motion of the object bound to the body will start to become more apparent of it's inaccurate motion. Example would be say like with a cloak the bottom half could be rotating perfectly around instead of crumpling.

            Other results can be the object may look to move right in one motion but will be wrong in another. The only best way to get motion accurate no matter what you are doing is to have the skeleton structure for it.
            Last edited by Macht; 07-06-2006, 12:01 PM.

            Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


            • #7
              Re: Requesting...

              Sorry for the noobiness, but is it possible to change the actual skeleton or is that so deep into the programming it's impossible?
              The last remaining evil white mage on Ramuh.
              Killing tanks since 2004

              Deep Thoughts, by Jack Handey
              "I can picture in my mind a world without war,
              a world without hate.
              And I can picture us attacking that world,
              because they'd never expect it."


              • #8
                Re: Requesting...

                Originally posted by Macht
                The skeleton is a stick figure like structure that controls the movement of the vertex's and how the entire mesh folds or acts.

                All the vertex's have to be weighted to 1 or 2 skeleton's. The Female Hume head skeleton only has 2 short skeleton's to use for hair movement (Specifically a short pony tail). If you plan to make the hair longer then you'll need more skeletons to create a fluent motion (Means with the new added skeleton's the motion files also will have to be altered to tell the new skeletons how to move).

                That is the simplest and easiest way to add in new hair motion. The more time consuming and more difficult method is to bind 1 or 2 parts of the skeletons making the hume body structure that also have the correct motion.

                The second method is not very effective and can have clipping or inaccurate motions that can't be as well fine tuned. Also when used enough the motion of the object bound to the body will start to become more apparent of it's inaccurate motion. Example would be say like with a cloak the bottom half could be rotating perfectly around instead of crumpling.

                Other results can be the object may look to move right in one motion but will be wrong in another. The only best way to get motion accurate no matter what you are doing is to have the skeleton structure for it.
                That definitely makes more sense than the post by Halion.


                • #9
                  Re: Requesting...

                  Originally posted by Herrisa
                  Sorry for the noobiness, but is it possible to change the actual skeleton or is that so deep into the programming it's impossible?
                  Nah, skeletons are part of the .DAT files. They are successfully imported into VRS, and even able to alter their motions in VRS so I see no reason that more could be added. The only issue I'm having is that it seems like VRS currently is unable to save new skeleton info to the .dat.

                  That's about the only step in the whole thing that is missing. Outside of exporting back to the .dat file you are able to do nearly everything else to the skeleton. I just figure they haven't gotten to that last bit yet, doesn't seem like it would be to huge an issue if they able to import the skeleton then it should just be a matter of properly exporting it back.

                  Unless I'm just not seeing it and you are able to export a new skeleton back to the .DAT. For all I know you could just that I haven't found out how yet.

                  Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

