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Dat Links

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  • Dat Links

    Ok I never knew this existed and coming from modeling in other games I'd really like to get in to the dat editing here. However the only program I've actually been able to find has been Metasequoia.

    I've found very few still active links, and the ones that are are mostly in Japanese and i can't get a very good translation to download the programs. I tried to grab the english version of VRS also but was unable to find any place to download it.

    I'm still not sure what else I need, I guess just VRS and a NA modelviewer. If someone has these files I have an FTP you can upload them to. Or maybe another link that is active to download the programs

  • #2
    Re: Dat Links

    as far as I know the only site that had the english VRS was kilandors site, which from what ive heard has been down for a bit..modelviewer should be on this site somewhere as well.. the original site is down too.
    A LMFAO production:
    How to Kill a Ninja----

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    • #3
      Re: Dat Links

      Ya I'm still looking around for them, right now I'm at work so I can't hunt for them. Supposedly I could get english VRS from the japanese page he has, but I didn't see it there.


      • #4
        Re: Dat Links

        Yes My site is down due to a DOS attack on servers in the UK. It was supposed to possibly be up today. So i'm hoping it will be back up any day now.

        And VRS in english from Cresdes isn't complete yet. But soon.
        Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

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        Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
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