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Super Taru!

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  • Super Taru!

    ok, well since no one was up to the challenge of my request I gave it a go. It's not finished, and if anyone can give me some helpful hints on how to make a simple kind of cape that would be super.

    Anyways, here's what I got so far.
    Attached Files
    Dragoon > You

  • #2
    Re: Super Taru!

    the belly button is kinda... disturbing o_O;
    There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot,
    but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence
    transform a yellow spot into the sun.

    - Pablo Picasso


    • #3
      Re: Super Taru!

      Maybe you're right, I can take it off.
      Dragoon > You


      • #4
        Re: Super Taru!

        goodluck on the cape man, only one person has succesfully made a cape that goes from the neck down, and they dont mod anymore, and never released it so...heres hoping you get one to work
        A LMFAO production:
        How to Kill a Ninja----

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        • #5
          Re: Super Taru!

          Why do people think A cape is so hard, A cape is easy to make *if you just wanted a simple straight one* Now if you wanted a some more detail in it, then you might have to work a little more.

          And getting it not to clip might take some adjusting to the Vertex Weights. But all in all you could make a basic cape in about 10 min or so depending on how well you know VRS
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          • #6
            Re: Super Taru!

            I don't even have VRS lol. But I guess I could get it and figure it all out.
            Dragoon > You


            • #7
              Re: Super Taru!

              a cape very very easy...I meant a cape that goes from the neck down.. and also doesnt move like a piece of plywood attatched to your neck... and the reason I will continue to think its impossible is because

              1) people have been wanting ANY type of full on flowing cape for what...2 years now? ..and still Ive yet to see even ONE! (other than hyades, which hasnt been released)

              2) ...I tried and since I suck at making anything but basic weight adjustments... mine didnt turn out well either lol

              so untill I see some sort of real moving cape... I'm saying its damn near impossible lol, if its easy, then please make one for this taru, and then make one for hume males ..Ive been wanting one for forever
              A LMFAO production:
              How to Kill a Ninja----

              98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


              • #8
                Re: Super Taru!

                Well of course your not going to see a super full flowing cape liek soemthign in real life, cause its gonna take a damn lot of work. Having Lots of vertex's. Set to Different Weights.

                But If you want an example. My Old Quiver I made. It was simple. And All I did was set it to one vertex from the back, And it gave it a little movement, so it looked liek it moved natural when running/moving.

                I'll do something basic later today when I can. It will be very basic mind you though. But it will be a cape that moves.
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                • #9
                  Re: Super Taru!

                  that'd be awesome! if you can set me up a hume male cape that is attatched near the neck, and looks decent while moving, I might be willing to spend the time to get it to flow perfectly

                  Also I know what you're saying about movement... a quiver is a solid object so while it is acceptable to be stiff..a cape is not, and thats what makes a cape so hard to make . I know people out there CAN make a flowing cape (not me unfortunately) but what people dont realize is that if SOMEONE took the time to make a good one, it would open up a lot of different styles of outfits, that could be very very cool. anyways i'm headed to bed so i'll check it out today lol
                  A LMFAO production:
                  How to Kill a Ninja----

                  98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                  • #10
                    Re: Super Taru!

                    Ah, Well see thats while your wrong you think the quiver is stiff. But its actually not. See if you gave it like no weight at all, or the wrong one it would just horribly clip, or barley move at all ^^

                    Basicly what you want to do is, Open mv and see how the body moves when running. Choose a point that sorta moves similar to how you want, in VRS select a single Vertex in that area And see what weight it has. Then Set all your vertex's of your cape or whatever to that. Then They will move in the exact same way that part on the body does. Now if you want to mix. You would likely just choose a part a little bit lower in the same general area on the body. And then set some to that.

                    The Problem is its a trial and error to get the movement right. No one can just tell you exactly what to set it to to get it right. And thats the difficult part. If you want complex movment

                    If you look at vertex's even next to each other you will notice, Generally they have different weights. You may finde one with a 1.0, then one exactly next to it with a .7 and .3, etc.
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                    GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

                    Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
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                    • #11
                      Re: Super Taru!

                      Hahahahahaha that taru looks funny as hell. No offense its just i wouldn't expect to see a taru dress up like superman XD
                      ~~Fayttt of Diabolos
                      PM8-4: (Aka Finished): Dawn, ZM17 (Aka Finished): Awakening, Windurst 8-1: Vain


                      • #12
                        Re: Super Taru!

                        I would so let that taru into my pt xD


                        • #13
                          Re: Super Taru!

                          You better becareful and not laugh, Fayttt!! This is Super Taru we're talking about, he can jump over doll houses in a single leap!

                          Seriously though, I hope you the best of luck with your cape and the entire outfit all together! ^^

                          Which FF Character Are You?


                          • #14
                            Re: Super Taru!

                            Originally posted by Shippuu
                            ok, well since no one was up to the challenge of my request I gave it a go. It's not finished, and if anyone can give me some helpful hints on how to make a simple kind of cape that would be super.

                            Anyways, here's what I got so far.
                            If the super hero thing dosen't work out. With that outfit you could always start the FFXI version of WWE.


                            • #15
                              Re: Super Taru!

                              Yeah, the cape will have more of the left and right movement you can kind of get to look by adjusting the weights to skeletons already there. If you wanted the cape to move more fluently and say ruffle or catch the wind a little when running and such then you'd need to be able to add more skeleton's.

                              Thats how the female Child NPCs with the dresses have that more realistic flow to it, the dress actually has like 18 skeletons that are solely for the dress.

                              Now you could probably with a lot of work find 18 skeletons in the PC models that are kind of bound to nothing and try to use them. It's the trick the Japanese players have done with a few of their perverted stuff. Other then that to make it easier you'd have to be able t add skeletons.

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