Alright, finally finished with this. Zip file is attatched to this post as well as at the top of the second page. Light reflections were fixed best I could manage, turned out pretty well. Enjoy, I'm going to go fall asleep now.
Orignal post follows below.
A sudden bout of inspiration struck me, and I spent the past few days making this. Caliburn (Not Excalibur, they are slightly different) from Type Moon's Fate/stay night, which recently concluded. Pictures follow below.
I also looked into sheathes for hume females (which this is for), but it's an impossiblity on onehanded weapons due to differences between skeleton types; On a two handed weapon it seems like it might be possible. Anyway, this isn't anywhere near efficent, there's bitmaps all over the place and the file size is quite large. Still, it looks pretty nice and someone might get use out of it.
Orignal post follows below.
A sudden bout of inspiration struck me, and I spent the past few days making this. Caliburn (Not Excalibur, they are slightly different) from Type Moon's Fate/stay night, which recently concluded. Pictures follow below.
I also looked into sheathes for hume females (which this is for), but it's an impossiblity on onehanded weapons due to differences between skeleton types; On a two handed weapon it seems like it might be possible. Anyway, this isn't anywhere near efficent, there's bitmaps all over the place and the file size is quite large. Still, it looks pretty nice and someone might get use out of it.