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Request, not sure if possible >.>

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  • Request, not sure if possible >.>

    I'd really love it if someone was able to create Larva's mask from Vampire Princess Miyu for Elv M. Possibly as a modified head? Thank you very very much in advance ^^
    Valerian of Diabolos
    75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

    Take The Quiz Yourself!

  • #2
    Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

    Anyone? ;;
    Valerian of Diabolos
    75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

    Take The Quiz Yourself!


    • #3
      Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

      Don't even have a clue how that mask looks like to even try it. I'm more or less trying to get my FFXI Import Motion and FFXI Export Motion to work again. Wierd for them to be there and working just fine and when I had a motion file to export it's suddenly gone and can't export the motion.

      Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


      • #4
        Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

        Plus, you gave it about an hour before bumping the post. It's not like we have an army of .dat modifiers just waiting in the wings for someone to make a request.


        • #5
          Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

          Originally posted by Aelathir
          Plus, you gave it about an hour before bumping the post. It's not like we have an army of .dat modifiers just waiting in the wings for someone to make a request.
          Yeah, that too. Also on Forums you should never expect 1hr to be long enough. Not like every member checks all the new posts every hour, got to give more time for that. Some forums I visit the average reponce time can be 1 week. So patience is pretty key there.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


          • #6
            Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

            Actually I first posted it yesterday.. if you check the time stamp >_>;; The pic I included has a picture of the mask, but I'll try and post some more to fascilitate this:

            I'm not trying to spam, since I hadn't gotten any response over night I thought I would bump the post. I have nothing but respect for the dat modders here and on other sites. Thank you for your time.
            Valerian of Diabolos
            75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

            Take The Quiz Yourself!


            • #7
              Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

              Originally posted by Initial Cat
              Actually I first posted it yesterday.. if you check the time stamp >_>;; The pic I included has a picture of the mask, but I'll try and post some more to fascilitate this:

              I'm not trying to spam, since I hadn't gotten any response over night I thought I would bump the post. I have nothing but respect for the dat modders here and on other sites. Thank you for your time.
              Ahh, quite simplistic... That could be created very easily in VRS. Unfortunatly I'm at work so I can't work on that right now, if no one else has when I get off I could give it a shot.

              I'll create it as a mask not a head model (Though I'll use the head model mesh to create the mask), just wouldn't look right if someone put on glasses or what not and that mask is still there >.>
              Last edited by Macht; 06-14-2006, 12:27 PM.

              Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


              • #8
                Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                Oh. I thought it said PM. You posted it a bit after midnight. Still, these things take time. Now that you've provided an example, you'll probably get some better responses.


                • #9
                  Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                  Thing is, if you use a face mesh, it'll take a lot of re-adjusting to look right on all elvaan male faces. But since it's a full face make, it may not be that bad...unless you plan to have the eyes being seen through, or you put in your own eyes in the sockets of the mask.


                  • #10
                    Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                    Originally posted by kidria
                    Thing is, if you use a face mesh, it'll take a lot of re-adjusting to look right on all elvaan male faces. But since it's a full face make, it may not be that bad...unless you plan to have the eyes being seen through, or you put in your own eyes in the sockets of the mask.
                    No, only planed to use the face mesh to create the object quicker. It's perfect because you just remove the vertex that make the hair, neck, ears, leaving just the front scale it just slightly bigger then the normal face and when you set it's skeleton weight to the one for the head none of the vertex's move so it makes eye sockets.

                    After you've done that most of that it's just an issue of retexturing it and you basically got that mask as an equipment item. Started working on it this morning for fun, and relized I didn't know what race it was for. So I had started on Hume Female, but if it's Elvaan Female then I can scrap it and start again easy. Hume Female one was nearly done in like 30 min.

                    Ahh! I see I totally missed that Elvaan Male part on the OP, ok do it for that one doesn't take long to create the object.

                    Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)


                    • #11
                      Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                      i'm really looking forward to seeing if anybody does this or not
                      GoblinSmithy>> Surprise!!!
                      GoblinSmithy>> (( Sneak Attack )) --> Thief

                      And I stabbed him with everything I had.

                      In the ass.


                      • #12
                        Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                        /em checks on post. Bump up ^^
                        Valerian of Diabolos
                        75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

                        Take The Quiz Yourself!


                        • #13
                          Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                          I being lazy atm and i dont think i will do it tho

                          Your Mine Dogs Mahahaha


                          • #14
                            Re: Request, not sure if possible >.>

                            Just checking in on this ^^
                            Valerian of Diabolos
                            75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

                            Take The Quiz Yourself!

