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Problems with headgear .dats

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  • Problems with headgear .dats

    On Xoops I found these great elvaan female AF mods by ローテク. Unfortunately the headgear kinda collapses down in the modelwiever and ingame. The RDM AF hat for example falls down so you can't see the character's eyes and some of the hair sticks out through the hat. Why does it do that and is there a way to fix it? All help is greatly appreciated. The pics below show what it should look like.




    DRK (not finished):

  • #2
    Re: Problems with headgear .dats

    O.o Looks like we can't make fun on Elvann by calling them flat-chested anymore >.>
    Originally posted by Ellipses
    Really, it's just like pretty much every question about this game that begins with "Why." The answer is "Because."
    Originally posted by MCLV
    A subjob is like sex, you shouldn't have it untill your 18 but if you don't have it after 21 everyone laughs at you.
    More Sig:


    • #3
      Re: Problems with headgear .dats

      they really like that "Black Elvaan" .dat lol

      I don't know about the headgear, I never heard of it doing that.

      Try finding this website?

      It's one of their may be his. Looks like it's in pretty good english. I didn't see a link or a way to it, tho.
      Last edited by kidria; 06-08-2006, 02:32 PM.


      • #4
        Re: Problems with headgear .dats

        The headgear is down so low because that modder took it upon themselves to make a less .... 'giraffe-y' elvaan. Those faces have lessneck, and therefore it looks alright on them. NORMAL elvaans have larger necks, so they dont have the luxury of wearing it >_>

        Edit: All you have to do to fix it is A) Use metasequia to raise the hat B) Download one of the darker Elvaan Female heads.


        • #5
          Re: Problems with headgear .dats

          The BLM one reminds me of Yellow Sorceress from Gauntlet Dark Legacy...
          SUICHI IS DEAD.


          • #6
            Re: Problems with headgear .dats

            Originally posted by Suichi
            The BLM one reminds me of Yellow Sorceress from Gauntlet Dark Legacy...
            Heh, she does. All of them remind me of the less reputable parts of town, but that's just me.


            • #7
              Re: Problems with headgear .dats

              Does anyone have the .DAT's for the head changes?


              • #8
                Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                Am I the only one who sees a X-2 influence from the blm ones? <.<
                VRS, it's like shoving an apple down a baby's throat.


                • #9
                  Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                  Ah, I wondered why that headgear didnt work for me either... if I knew more and was confident about it id try and adjust necksize but eh...
                  Valerian of Diabolos
                  75DRK/75BRD/75MNK/55WAR/50BLM/49SAM/47PLD/ 45THF/39WHM/38NIN

                  Take The Quiz Yourself!


                  • #10
                    Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                    Hmm, I wish the AF mods didn't change the skin color. It's not at all compatible with other armor. The headgear .dats require the shorter necks, which again don't work with non-modded headgear.

                    Perhaps someone with the know how and dedication would like to change the skin color back to standard elvaan?


                    • #11
                      Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                      omg i love these


                      • #12
                        Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                        Making the neck standard size again is not difficult at all, nor is changing the skin back for the most part.


                        • #13
                          Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                          Originally posted by Maju
                          Hmm, I wish the AF mods didn't change the skin color. It's not at all compatible with other armor. The headgear .dats require the shorter necks, which again don't work with non-modded headgear.

                          Perhaps someone with the know how and dedication would like to change the skin color back to standard elvaan?
                          I second that. These are really awesome .dats, but they should match other peices of armor. I'd be awesome if someone makes these compatible w/ the rest of the elvaan armor.


                          • #14
                            Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                            Attempted a quick skin recolor of PLD - if wanted, I'll post the files and take a stab at the other two as well.

                            Haven't had time to test it in-game yet.



                            • #15
                              Re: Problems with headgear .dats

                              Originally posted by Samano
                              Attempted a quick skin recolor of PLD - if wanted, I'll post the files and take a stab at the other two as well.

                              Haven't had time to test it in-game yet.

                              It looks great in the picture!

