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Couple questions

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  • Couple questions

    Well to start off i am currently trying to replicate a samurai suit that i found online and i used the jujitsu gi to supply the base but i wanted to know if it was a possible to do these things

    1. Have a symbol on one side of the suit but not appear skew on the other side
    2. Import a hair style from a different race to another race but have it still look the same

    Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
    Last edited by Tatin; 05-18-2006, 11:42 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Couple questions

    Originally posted by Tatin
    Any help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
    Read the Forum Stickys.

    Mainly the one titled ".DAT Links".

    That's what sticky's are for. To give you just about any help you need.


    • #3
      Re: Couple questions

      I figured that i was going to be told to read stickies.... problem is i don't know what my questions are relative to, and on the .dat links it is either to a tool or to another BBS which i most likely will have to register to read posts and then might not find anything useful. Also i am aware that stickies are made the way they are because most of the time the contain general useful information but it is no good if you don't know what type of information you are looking for in them. So if it is at all possible for you to tell me what my questions are concerning i am sure i will find some solution.


      • #4
        Re: Couple questions

        Wanna Mod like a Pro???

        Then let the Grumpy Rarab teach you how...


        • #5
          Re: Couple questions

          I do not need a post with what your signature has been containing, I need a answer or a push in the right direction. I do not think what i am asking involves VRS or polygon editing. If it does please tell me what i should be looking at in your website. The most relevant guide you had that i saw was similar to what asked was at the bottom but i already read something smiliar to that which was sticked. So please post an answer or a direct link to something pertaining to my questions. Thank you for your time.


          • #6
            Re: Couple questions

            The grumpy rarab really is the best tutorial online at the moment... it's pretty easy to understand too... just browse through it some

            the sleeves extending you could do either with VRS or meta... meta will let you stretch the points so the sleeves extend over the hands some but that means there will be a lack of vertexes there for it to pivot on so you might have some clipping issues

            all the other things you're mentioning are definately VRS things, the hair porting would be done with VRS but that might not work too well.... never done it myself but I know some people had issues with it where the hair didn't move... most the time a port from one race to another is just creating it from scratch based off the original
            VRS, it's like shoving an apple down a baby's throat.


            • #7
              Re: Couple questions

              omMFg...I've tried really REALLY hard DK, but 3rd times the charm...

              Thank me for THIS time Tatin...

              You are a friggin retard...plain and simple... no nicer way to put it.

              I'm not touting my website as being a complete tomb of knowledge for Modding, but had you even taken the time to read more than the booger on the end of your finger you would have your answer and most likely your finsihed Mod by now.

              If you didn't like the simplicity of MY tutorials, there are other tutoarials IN THE STICKIES or in the forums that you could have found by searching.

              But, since you don't think that extending Polygons on your Model involves Polygon Editing, then I guess you must know more than someone that tried to help you. The "Knowledge is Power" Page on my site tells about parts of Models, and had you even read THAT, you would know that you have to edit Polygons to extend stuff.

              Now, finally, you have 3 options.

              1> Maintain ignorance, and respond, which will only draw silence from me since I'm already warned before I even hit Submit.

              2> Quit trying to Mod and just post lame job requests in the forum for what you want.

              3> Actually read, and I mean "Read for Comprehension" type reading, about how to Mod. Then, after maybe close to 30 minutes of reading, you will realize that what you are asking is extremely easy to accomplish, as well as knowing what Apps to use to get what you want out of Modding.

              Have fun!


              • #8
                Re: Couple questions

                Thanks Rikka i meant to do a line through the sleeve problem i just found something that looked like it could be a sleeve extension and re-did it and looked fine afterwards. @Potent semi-thanks to you your guides helped me see how to fiddle with the gi and i got it the way i needed it but really i am not a retard just because i don't take a hint every time it is given and to have skipped all that you could said "hey check out my site it has useful info that will help you solve some of those problems" but to each his own. But let me just ask this without getting murdered....the having the symbol on one side and not the other does no relate to Meta or VRS right?


                • #9
                  Re: Couple questions

                  that would be a VRS thing, models themselves are a mirror... they basically only have half a body to them... when you load it in VRS it mirrors it and then when you export it it somehow manages to save it as more thna just half a file...

                  I swear VRS is like shoving a basketball down a babies throat when you export...
                  VRS, it's like shoving an apple down a baby's throat.


                  • #10
                    Re: Couple questions

                    yes it does un-mirror it BUT.... from what I read (and I could be wrong since I havent figured out how to do it yet) once its a full image instead of a half (courtesy of VRS) you have to use Meta to add the FULL image, since the bmp doesnt grow a spot, and stays the same....well.. i'm off to bed finally lol.
                    A LMFAO production:
                    How to Kill a Ninja----

                    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                    • #11
                      Re: Couple questions

                      Nice analogy rikaa....anyways it is toooo late so i will deal with figuring this out later thanks for being patient see you all tomorrow.

