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Galford Hair/Head model soon to be finished.

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  • #16
    Re: Galford Hair/Head model soon to be finished.

    hot damn thats nice :D


    • #17
      Re: Galford Hair/Head model soon to be finished.

      Okay...... I think it may be time to finally release it now...... I will post it within the hour. Here is an updated look on him with poppy (very very ugly fenrir reskin I know lol it only took 5 mins) . I will not release poppy with him just yet... when I get him looking like hes supposed to I will release. For now, I will just release Galford. I guess this would be Version 5? lol wow ... took me 5 remakes to get him like this huh? ...ugh... Anyways I'm pretty happy with it. This is actually the first thing Ive designed and given more attention than just considering it a side project or a hobby thing. For those that download this, PLEASE tell me if you see anything that looks off, like clipping issues etc... I know there may be a few but I couldnt find any....oh speaking of which >.> ..... guess I should fix the belt a tad so that it doesnt show a gap lol.... just a small move actually so ... it will still be released within an hour or so... Just going to test it in game...then fix the belt thing, and it should be released then

      P.S. the finished Poppy will look WAY better, and be resized to be more of a wolf... Also toying with adding Galfords scream "Go, Poppy" as the SFX for the summon... have to be carefull which one I replace it with ... I dun want it getting annoying lol.

      Oh yeah.... and I scrapped the old gloves and remade them to look JUST like the pic below I like the look myself.

      UGH friggen maintenance -_- ...well...since I cant check this out in the game to see if there are errors.... I will post later when I have checked it online... ugh just when I was ready to release know...I'm getting sick of these maintanences every friggen day or two... we just had one what 3 days ago? .....TWO days ago...this is rediculous -_- Anyways WHATEVER .....I'll post the .dat when I've had a chance to check it out in the game.

      Update -_-
      *Sigh*, okay .....yet again another delay...this time its because I found an issue.... I'm starting to think something is going on with my actual model when I convert it.... I played it in game for a few mins.... even paid SPECIAL attention to whether or not the arms had clipping or not... I check it when I get home.... and theres OBVIOUS clipping, going through the back even......I swear it wasnt there before though...Anyways... it was bad enough to scrap the whole arm and I will be remaking the left arm completely. No clue where the hell that all came from. the arm (IF I can do it correctly this time, should not take long. BUT... I will be retesting in the game.....getting sick of testing all of this just on one model but..... in the end it will be worth it since I will be using this base model for a few future projects.


      Added a bust version (as pictured) to the NEW .zip file... would have updated main one but I have to wait untill the new one is uploaded into the other site.
      Attached Files
      Last edited by dabadking; 05-21-2006, 07:30 PM.
      A LMFAO production:
      How to Kill a Ninja----

      98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


      • #18
        Re: Galford Hair/Head model soon to be finished.

        Releasing now

        I'm pretty happy with it so far... ALMOST all clipping is gone...if you find any let issues let me know please, and if you fix those Please post the dat for the fixed one, I'd like to have this updated untill perfect (If something is wrong with it at all now).

        Read the readme for details. Hope everyone likes it... it was fun, but hell to make and took FOREVER to finish. Have fun

        Took 7 versions to get this how I wanted but... hopefully it was worth it

        Comments are very much appreciated.


        Just checked it in game...for some reason the blue shades keep changing on me .... so if they are slightly purple on the pants and boots in game.. dunno why... Ive changed this a few times and every once in a while they will look purpleish ...hopefully I fixed this just now.
        Attached Files
        Last edited by dabadking; 05-21-2006, 01:54 AM.
        A LMFAO production:
        How to Kill a Ninja----

        98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

