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Siegfried: SC3

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  • Siegfried: SC3

    To compliment my earlier project, Requiem.

    Presenting the world's ugliest alpha, as seen below.

    Still has a long way to go, but the skeletal parts so far don't seem to be presenting too large of an issue. I'm using the IM Cuirass as a larger skin to be put over a vest which matches the ingame color of black (unlike the renders, which have him wearing a green jerkin). Texturing will probably be the largest problem, although I would be lying if I said there wasn't a lot of massive reshaping left to do as well. More to come as progress is made.

    One more thing: Elvaan have gigantic necks.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Siegfried: SC3

    This is coming along well =o Keep at it! And yeah, elvaan necks = endless ><
    Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

    63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
    Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

    Which FF Character Are You?


    • #3
      Re: Siegfried: SC3

      Alpha 2. Still much more work to be done.
      Attached Files


      • #4
        Re: Siegfried: SC3

        After many weeks of public disinterest, status has been upgraded to Beta.

        Structural work mostly done, with a few plates left on the front as well as on the back. Minor skeletal issues mostly concerning clipping also persist, but are not the major focus at this point in time.
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Re: Siegfried: SC3

          Could you post a pic of what you are using as reference for this? I find it pretty cool, its just the kinda feathers that stick out that somewhat seem weird, but without a texture its really hard to judge something, so the reference would help =)
          Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

          63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
          Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

          Which FF Character Are You?


          • #6
            Re: Siegfried: SC3

            Here's what I've been using for reference. I've also booted up the game to get rear shots as needed.
            Attached Files
            Last edited by Stromgarde; 05-12-2006, 05:24 AM. Reason: Spelling.


            • #7
              Re: Siegfried: SC3

              Originally posted by Stromgarde
              Structural work mostly done, with a few plates left on the front as well as on the back. Minor skeletal issues mostly concerning clipping also persist, but are not the major focus at this point in time.
              Try messing around with Multi-Reference points. By setting the weights to lower and higher on different skeletal points, you can get a more fluid or more extruded movement type. However, if it's just the Shoulders you're working with, setting all to the default top vertex weight should do the trick. I'm actually wondering why it's not if you've done that already.



              • #8
                Re: Siegfried: SC3

                Oh, it's not that I don't know how to fix it, it's just that there's too much else to do at this point. Once I get all of the polygons in place, then I worry about the skeleton. After that's fixed, I worry about textures.


                • #9
                  Re: Siegfried: SC3

                  This should turn out damned nice, i cant wait to see the results =)
                  Only Pure Souls Can Resist The Stain Of Blood.

                  63mnk /63Blu/ ~61 Smn~ /54pld /52rng/46drk/43nin34war/35thf/29whm/18rdm/15drg
                  Former beta tester (Yoko)(drk43/mnk36/sam20/war15)

                  Which FF Character Are You?


                  • #10
                    Re: Siegfried: SC3

                    One of the sigs in my rotation has what I eventually want to turn into a higher rotation one; The quality isn't quite there yet, so I had to doctor it quite a bit, but it's still coming along nicely, all things considered.

                    In the interest of preserving my bandwidth, though, I'll just link it directly:

                    I'm not exactly thrilled with how the compression treated it however, I may look into switching to something else.


                    • #11
                      Re: Siegfried: SC3

                      Another relatively small update, although this particular one showcases an important revision, the collar was completely redone, and the back plates were added to where the front segment connects to the rear segment of the breastplate. Along with that came skeletal issues I'm still working out, but overall outlook remains promising. Pictures are attatched.
                      Attached Files


                      • #12
                        Re: Siegfried: SC3

                        lol nice coding added in there XD ... musta watched divinci Code recently XD Nice armor btw, It should look sweet once finished!
                        A LMFAO production:
                        How to Kill a Ninja----

                        98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                        • #13
                          Re: Siegfried: SC3

                          Haha nice post ... and onto the dat lol ... That face looks AWESOME ... not to be a like grubby or anything ... could you possibly make that face for Galkan Face 3-A maybe? If its not that much to ask :\ reguardless of can can't or won't\don't want to thanks for all the work you have done for these .dat mods Thanks!

                          Which FF Character Are You?

                          /check Onikuma

                          No /check for my other char yet :-(


                          • #14
                            Re: Siegfried: SC3

                            Despite the end resemblance to Siegfried (mostly the scar), it's not really him, but instead a face I made for myself over the past two years, one that I'd like to keep unique to me. Only recently was the scar over the right eye added; Formerly, it was across the bridge of the nose.


                            • #15
                              Re: Siegfried: SC3

                              Alright understandable thanks for an answer though ... By the by you still do awesome work

                              Which FF Character Are You?

                              /check Onikuma

                              No /check for my other char yet :-(

