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.dat Request

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  • .dat Request

    Hello ^^

    I have a big problem, i cant log on my character, im stuck in dangruf wadi but get kicked cuz pol cant read the memory, i tested mmy ram with memtest, used the repair function etc the last thing im thinking of is, that the .dat is broken, sooo, does anyone know which .dat the dangruf wadi one is?

  • #2
    Re: .dat Request

    You may have swapped too many dats. Similar thing happened to me when I go over 14 swaps.

    If anything... should probably consider reinstalling. Might take less time overall compared to waiting a good day or two for a response and testing what works. Just takes an hour to install and then just let the patches download and install overnight or whenever.

    More Weapons


    • #3
      Re: .dat Request

      well, actually i never done dat-swapping but so far i can see, reinstalling is the fastest way to get it runnig again...thanks for help tho ^^


      • #4
        Re: .dat Request

        I have well over 50 dat swaps on my pc. i have no problems what so-ever. looks like a re-install is the answer.....

        Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
        BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

        Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
        BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


        • #5
          Re: .dat Request

          If a .dat is missing there is a certain file you can remove that causes the system go through the update process and grab which .dats it sees are missing. Search around here someone mentioned the file before.

          Cheezy Test Result (I am nerdier than 96% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!)

