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Lions head ( hume Female )

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  • Lions head ( hume Female )

    here is something for the ladies, i dont know if there is already a dat file for this in that big collection or not, but here it is.
    Attached Files

  • #2
    Re: Lions head ( hume Female )

    Nice, now at least most people will hush on how 'hawt' Lion is and just apply the .dat; sorry if it sounded rude, but hearing this constantly gets rather annoying.


    There once was fish,

    Whom made a perfect dish

    To a giant fish.

    The giant fish was caught,

    By a Mithra which sought

    To fill her hunger.

    The Mithra was slayed,

    By a monster whom would raid

    The land.

    What have we learned?


    • #3
      Re: Lions head ( hume Female )

      You're not speaking rude's the truth, there ain't no sugar coating the truth. I was about to attempt this mod myself, but it seems you've beaten me to the draw I now am going to correct my earlier mods of Perih Vashai and Eshan'tarl's heads. If possible, I would like to download your dat and try it out. I'm going to be working on PErih's tonight as soon as I finish this movie I'm watching Kudos again!

      "Nauti by nay-cha, not cause I hate-cha!"

