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How do you combine vertices in VRS?

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  • How do you combine vertices in VRS?

    That's my question. I'm aware of Meta's version of vertex-combination[Ctrl-J], but as always it scrambles my .dats. I remember this being a problem when I did the VRS-Tutorial, also, but still have yet to find a way to do it.

    So, anyone know how to make the dots go together on the wire thingies using VRS?

  • #2
    Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

    Umm i don't know how to use VRS but i did come across something that may help.

    Go to the search function, its a lil button near the top right corner on the tool bar. Type, or scroll down to Connecting a Vertex. I think this might be what you're looking for but I'm not sure.
    ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
    All you parents out there, it is very important to teach your kids to be logical.
    "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me."


    • #3
      Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

      How did I know this was gonna be an issue

      The search function yields no results. This may be because of 2 reasons.

      1> No topic about this subject has ever been posted.

      2> The person who wrote the all knowing guide to VRS posted in some odd language that isn't recognized by the Search Function.

      In fact, just because I thought I had forgotten topics that HAD been covered, I tried your suggestion. It came up with your post on this thread.

      The Search Function doesn't tell you everything you need to know.

      I have never ONCE told someone to use the search function or to do some mild research if I am not POSITIVE the topic has been covered. In fact, when I know the topic hasn't been covered thoroughly, I help out rather than blast away.

      I'm not a retard. I'm not lazy. I definately wouldn't have walked onto my own Shooting Range if I wasn't already informed of who held the weapons.

      In other words, this is not a "Help me turn my computer on" post. This specific topic hasn't been covered or resolved, to the best of my knowledge. Otherwise I would have finally updated my VRS Tutorial with the new information.



      • #4
        Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

        deja vu.....?

        Balmor: Elvaan Male San D'oria Rank 7
        BST 70 WAR 56 NIN 35 THF 30 MNK 30 PLD 22 DRG 19 RDM 13

        Malag: Tarutaru Male Windurst Rank 10
        BLM 75 WHM 37 BRD 20 THF 16 BST 14


        • #5
          Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

          Ya got to connect them with the polygon tool.

          Never, ever do anything to try to combine anything aside from the UV in Meta. Recipe for disaster.

          Anyway, back to VRS.

          As far as merging single points together, I am unaware that it will do that straight up, as in making two points one; I've had to delete existing points and make a mess of things, or just make a new primative from scratch and mod it from there. However, if you're seeking to make a new mesh and make it workable, the polygon tool is your friend. Just be sure to

          A) Assign skeletal weights
          B) Assign texture to all polygons

          And you should be alright.


          • #6
            Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

            I dont know where you come off by calling me a smart ass... all i did was try and help, i looked into the program in attempt of helping you, i had no other reason to even open it. The least you could do is be polite.

            Also, i wasnt talking about the search function on these forums i was talking about the one on VRS. Here it is, straight from the help files on VRS...

            Virtual Reality Studio - Connecting a Vertex


             In this chapter, technique of the 3d modeling which uses the Virtual Reality Studio is explained.   

            2.[ Apex ] of the object [ additional selection ] of the button and operation the button is pushed.

            3.It continues to push the mouse left button in the spacial figure window 1. That way when the ドラック it does, the selective territory is indicated by the rubber land. Apex of the taste is surrounded in the selective territory. The apex which is selected is indicated highlight.

            4.Value in coordinate is inputted into XYZ everything of movement. It is standardized by the coordinate which it inputs, it meaning that position is the same apex, it is connected to one apex.
            Last edited by Imkindalost; 04-17-2006, 05:04 PM.
            ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
            All you parents out there, it is very important to teach your kids to be logical.
            "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me."


            • #7
              Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

              Originally posted by Stromgarde
              Ya got to connect them with the polygon tool.

              Never, ever do anything to try to combine anything aside from the UV in Meta. Recipe for disaster.

              Anyway, back to VRS.

              As far as merging single points together, I am unaware that it will do that straight up, as in making two points one; I've had to delete existing points and make a mess of things, or just make a new primative from scratch and mod it from there. However, if you're seeking to make a new mesh and make it workable, the polygon tool is your friend. Just be sure to

              A) Assign skeletal weights
              B) Assign texture to all polygons

              And you should be alright.
              Nah, I'm not using it on original projects. I'd use a different App for that.

              I thought the same thing you did about combining using FFXI Models, though. I'm just working on a pretty big project atm, and was wondering if that info had been found out. Would make some of this go a helluva lot quicker.

              Originally posted by Imkindalost
              ...where you come off by calling me a smart ass...
              Since when is Smartass a name worthy of getting feelings hurt. I even threw in one of those stupid smilys to try an convey joking intentions.

              And I'm kinda the assholio on the forums, so that's why I do's what I do's.


              • #8
                Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

                I dont know, maybe the bit of hostility we've had has made it seem like an insult.
                ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
                All you parents out there, it is very important to teach your kids to be logical.
                "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me."


                • #9
                  Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

                  Hmmm, too bad I didn't check here sooner.

                  You can "kinda" merge points together using Meta. By "kinda" it's actually more like folding a point ontop of another point by grabing the ones you want to merge and use the Proportion tool to shrink everything down to either 0 or .01 for portability (if you use 0, the skin of another race will lose track of where the point is located and make everything glitchy). Course... this option makes reskining a little difficult.

                  More Weapons


                  • #10
                    Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

                    Come on now. This is an internet forum. Just words. A bully like me shouldn't hurt your fellings. I don't hate/dislike anyone, really. Most of the time, honestly, if I don't like someone I just don't say anything. Here, I'll even keep the origianl topic alive and give you a reason to laugh at me...

                    Because, obviously, sometimes, I can be retarded. After actually opening VRS today after last night's modding marathon, I saw something really cool that I took a SS of. Everyone feel free to laugh and mods can lock the post if they would since the question is answered.

                    Apparently, when you select 2 or more Vertices [see Apex] you can then click this button, it automatically connects them for you! Damn amazing if you ask me...

                    ..and I don't buy my underwear at K-Mart...
                    Last edited by PotentPotables; 04-17-2006, 06:27 PM.


                    • #11
                      Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

                      Brilliant! I knew that did something. Or was totally useless. Anyway!


                      • #12
                        Re: How do you combine vertices in VRS?

                        lol /clap

                        Well at least you found out how to do it
                        ~*~ ~*~ ~*~ ~*~
                        All you parents out there, it is very important to teach your kids to be logical.
                        "If you fall off that swing and break your neck, you can't go to the store with me."

