Assuming we've got a model - how can I take a weapon and change its characteristics? What I'd like to do is take a great sword and make it usable as a great katana instead. I believe the easy way would be to just simply change the actual model itself into a "Great Katana" - but how is that done? Is there somewhere to change the status of it?
Ideally I'd like to keep it stored on the back because in all honesty - having a great sword at your side would look rather ridiculous. I realize this would take a bit of animation changes however.
Any help would be appreciated I'd love to have the Great Sword look - but I can't stand the animations. GK ones are vastly superior for a hume anyway
Ideally I'd like to keep it stored on the back because in all honesty - having a great sword at your side would look rather ridiculous. I realize this would take a bit of animation changes however.
Any help would be appreciated I'd love to have the Great Sword look - but I can't stand the animations. GK ones are vastly superior for a hume anyway