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extreme request ><

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  • #31
    Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

    I could remove the wings if I wanted, they're actually attatched to the Adaman Cuirass at the point... or really, nothing at all. The reason why most mods that attatch something extreneous such as wings or a tail ribbon affix to the head is because removing head armor doesn't cause you to say, lose your hands/legs/feet. The head model is always there regardless. Using VRS, I transferred the Adaman Cuirass textures and meshes into the wings DAT. It forced a glow on the whole body, which is what the regular wings do as well. It's the same with the GM gear, as well... i.e, full body glow, including weapons. I later took out the wings, the glow still exists bound to the armor.

    See attatched pic.
    Attached Files


    • #32
      Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

      Cool, could I happend to get the wings in Medium Elvaan size? The blue ones without the body glow and only the wings? If not just the wings for Med elvaan. ^_^ thanks.
      Last edited by Roeark; 04-11-2006, 09:48 PM.


      • #33
        Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

        I had noticed that the glow as well as sound effects are stored in that black box, but I guess I got too involved in the complicated aspect of it, I never stepped back and though, "hey, if I put the mesh of another object under that box, it'll glow"

        I need to take a break... my brain hurts...
        If doing something isn't fun, it's not worth doing...

        Current record:

        All problems can be solved with a string array!


        • #34
          Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

          so wait if say someone where to combine a sword and wings
          would the sword glow?


          • #35
            Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

            A glowing anything will make the entire body glow, weapon included.

            Also, due to the nature of how animations are determined, a glow cannot be placed on a weapon; It has to be on the armor.


            • #36
              Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

              Kind of. The the glow covers the entire body regardless of what it's connected to, so everything would glow, not just the sword. You'd also have to combine them under the wings, then delete the wings mesh. Wouldn't work the other way around. Doing this would also use the wings' sound effects instead of the sword's. You may get an actual sound effect, but no guarantee you wouldn't get that annoying *ping* I spoke of in my Garuda costume.

              Now Stromgarde beat me by a minute, I'm getting slow or something >.>

              I'm yet to mess much with weapons, so I didn't know you couldn't do this with them. Learn something new every day.
              If doing something isn't fun, it's not worth doing...

              Current record:

              All problems can be solved with a string array!


              • #37
                Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                now is that only because the glow for the wings is coded to surround the entire figure? Could you absorb pre-made particle effects from other things to the same purpose like tenzens flaming sword, the watery glow on some GM pieces, or stationary spell effects found in NPC's? I think it would be great to mesh say the glowing sphere of light found in the npc effects with the spellswapper utility with a body armor or weapon and have tinkerbell follow me all the time, or bind it to the top of a staff or something.
                75 SMN, 75BLM, 65 BLU, 63 WHM, 37 RDM, 39 BRD, 32 BST, 15 THF, 12 NIN


                • #38
                  Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                  An interesting theory. However, cutscene Tenzen is markedly different than regular Tenzen; Also, his DAT isn't in VRS (which in itself is able to be worked around), but that does make it a bit harder to get at. Odder still, the unsheathing animation is not present in the modelviewer's regular Tenzen, and instead only in the Combat version of him, which does not have the flame effect associated with it. Still, something to think about I suppose.


                  • #39
                    Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                    hey strom, any way you could port that glow to mithra adamn for my friend?


                    • #40
                      Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                      any way i could get those wings for elvaan male non glow? much appreciated if so also since it is attached to the head is there anyway possible to remove one wing and leave the other? kinda like how hats have feathers on one side and not the other, iono i did sims modding. just cant get into FFXI modding myself. ; ;


                      • #41
                        Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                        So... would these wings fit an elvaan female in the small size?


                        • #42
                          Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                          i hear (being mithra) that once ported, they kinda resize pretty well to each race >.> just guessing though


                          • #43
                            Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                            Hey strom, i have a thought. The glow, i believe, is special. So, maybe it should be added to artifact and relic equipment??

                            i think that would make them look so much more impressive.


                            • #44
                              Re: extreme request &gt;&lt;

                              Would it be posabul to attach these wings to Centurion's scale? For Elvaan male.

