Noob> Waaaah! I want a gunblade! Deo, help me out!
Deo> Shuddap maggot! You want help? Well take a gander!
The first thing of course is to get yourself a copy of Metasequoia and Model Viewer. If you want a link, that's too bad. Should have found it the first number of times that was posted.
Now to the second part, choosing a base weapon. I, myself opened Model Viewer and scanned through various swords and found this little beauty, the Greed Scimitar. Oh yes, look at all the points, and if experience has taught me anything, there's nothing wrong with extra points.
Now, Just click on the little button at the bottom right labeled Dat to Mqo, select Main for weapon, and type in a name for this little project.
Now, open Metasequoia. If you already know about this, why the heck are you reading this? (Drop and give me 20!) Anyway, the area marked in blue is your tool kit (Don't forget it).
Now, click on the 4 colored squares, you'll end up with a selection of views. My personal favorite is the blue set with a perspective shot on top and a left-side view at the bottom. The Magnefying Glass is your zoom, the green icon is for panning, and the purple one is for rotation. To use them, just click and drag.
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Now, click on File and go to the folder where you stored Model Viewer. Then enter the folder titled "Model" and select the Mqo you made previously. You should end up with this:
Now, go to the area that was marked in blue. Of that area, all you really need is the section labeled "Edit." Select "Rope" and draw a line around the blade. Make sure you cut in somewhere to exclude that peice of handle inside the blade. You should have only the blade selected in green.
Back to the Edit bar and select "Move." You should see a yellow cube surrounded by cones. On the top view, you will see a green cone for Y axis, blue for Z, and red for X. Clicking and dragging on those will move them along their appropriate axi and keep your movements straight. Clicking and dragging the yellow cube will move on all three axis, only use this on the bottom screen so that you will at least be lined up on 1 axis (Never use yellow on the top screen).
Now, move the blade away from the rest of the weapon so you can have more space to work without interference. If you didn't notice, a little table will show up when you clicked on the Move button. You can use that if you don't trust your mouse hand.
Now, we zoom in on the ring at the end of the handle. If you look really close, it's not attached to the handle either. Not only that, the ring shape makes a perfect pre-made bullet chamber (Well, almost perfect).
Deo> Shuddap maggot! You want help? Well take a gander!
The first thing of course is to get yourself a copy of Metasequoia and Model Viewer. If you want a link, that's too bad. Should have found it the first number of times that was posted.
Now to the second part, choosing a base weapon. I, myself opened Model Viewer and scanned through various swords and found this little beauty, the Greed Scimitar. Oh yes, look at all the points, and if experience has taught me anything, there's nothing wrong with extra points.
Now, Just click on the little button at the bottom right labeled Dat to Mqo, select Main for weapon, and type in a name for this little project.
Now, open Metasequoia. If you already know about this, why the heck are you reading this? (Drop and give me 20!) Anyway, the area marked in blue is your tool kit (Don't forget it).
Now, click on the 4 colored squares, you'll end up with a selection of views. My personal favorite is the blue set with a perspective shot on top and a left-side view at the bottom. The Magnefying Glass is your zoom, the green icon is for panning, and the purple one is for rotation. To use them, just click and drag.
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Now, click on File and go to the folder where you stored Model Viewer. Then enter the folder titled "Model" and select the Mqo you made previously. You should end up with this:
Now, go to the area that was marked in blue. Of that area, all you really need is the section labeled "Edit." Select "Rope" and draw a line around the blade. Make sure you cut in somewhere to exclude that peice of handle inside the blade. You should have only the blade selected in green.
Back to the Edit bar and select "Move." You should see a yellow cube surrounded by cones. On the top view, you will see a green cone for Y axis, blue for Z, and red for X. Clicking and dragging on those will move them along their appropriate axi and keep your movements straight. Clicking and dragging the yellow cube will move on all three axis, only use this on the bottom screen so that you will at least be lined up on 1 axis (Never use yellow on the top screen).
Now, move the blade away from the rest of the weapon so you can have more space to work without interference. If you didn't notice, a little table will show up when you clicked on the Move button. You can use that if you don't trust your mouse hand.
Now, we zoom in on the ring at the end of the handle. If you look really close, it's not attached to the handle either. Not only that, the ring shape makes a perfect pre-made bullet chamber (Well, almost perfect).