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Why isnt there...

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  • Why isnt there...

    Why isnt there any good MNK .dats out there?

  • #2
    Re: Why isnt there...

    "Aren't", not "isn't" (sorry about that, grammar nazi)

    On topic - It's simple, really. Here's my opinion:

    Japanese modding trends tend to creating weird things, or pornographic/fetishist material. (xoops is a pretty good representation, but if you want to see it at its worst, go look for mithra milk). This is why more than 90% of all japanese mods are for female characters, with the remaining mods usually being "weird stuff". I blame the culture (if you think this is a racist statement, please go read 2ch a bit more).

    Non-Japanese modding actually has more non-female stuff easily available. The problem is that demand is mostly for:
    1) Recoloured versions of existing armour (which can be done in five minutes with photoshop).
    2) Weapons
    3) "Cool stuff" - this involves trying to emulate any "cool" anime/game character you care to name. Number one offenders being Sephiroth, Cloud, or anything LotR related. This is normal behaviour for a large proportion of people who play RPGs (because they are role playing games after all!)- we want to look "cool", don't we? This is why we replace moogles or carbuncles with "cool" things and not say - a beetle or an orc.

    Original stuff tends to mostly address heinously ugly things in the game (Vermillion robe anyone? I feel like redoing the black cloak very often myself) and to be fair, existing monk gear doesn't half look bad.

    That being said - Monk weapons are easy enough to find, and there are quite a few really nice retextured gis out there... try poking around a few links. Amaduin(did I spell that correctly?)'s site is a good place to start. But don't worry you're not missing out on much from the Japanese side of things. Be warned that most of these mods will be for elvaan males or females of any race though. (tarus have it best, since gender is interchangeable)

    If you have a burning request though, feel free to ask - I generally only do hume male work though, but maybe someone else will listen.
    I believe most sigs are like the people they represent - useless, loud and obnoxious.


    • #3
      Re: Why isnt there...

      Same My next Project is Elemental staves for all races.
      JP mod sites are pretty much as described, I tend to do original work Since I play hume fem most of my .dats are for them. But I'll be doing others soon .
      It's Official Promathia Hates me....
      それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
      A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

      BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


      • #4
        Re: Why isnt there...

        Should checkout the kenpogi post by korith, also theirs a nice mnk set on -fear!


        • #5
          Re: Why isnt there...

          I have plenty of Hand to Hand mods on my request thread. If you want something 'omfg' good, look elsewhere. I don't do coloring so you'll end up with warped items.

          More Weapons


          • #6
            Re: Why isnt there...

            I too, confess my guilt of this; I tend only to make mods of what I find cool and/or interesting at a particular point in time, although I do make it a point to port it to as many races as possible if it's something simple such as a weapon.

            Armor, however, presents a slew of difficulties ranging from texture mismatches, which have already been well-documented by the incredibly talented Amadaun, to extremely custom pieces which have had not only extensive vertex editing but also skeletal noodling.

            I might take some new requests in the future, but my schedule of late has been rather demanding. But back on point, I do agree with locus in that the focus for custom DAT's are rather narrow. A best bet would be to find a modder who is obsessed with a certain facet of a race/job/interest combination (not always easy) and attempt to pique their interest.

