Just what the title says...
I already finished her hairstyle. ^^ There's no alpha mapping or whatever on it (I had some...well, 'technical difficulties' when trying to do so) but it still looks good in my eyes. It's been working fairly well in the Model Viewer and in game so far too.
Currently I'm working on making the rest of her outfit (Might as well go the whole way, eh? o.<)... but I figure I might as well upload what I have now in case anyone would like it.
I already finished her hairstyle. ^^ There's no alpha mapping or whatever on it (I had some...well, 'technical difficulties' when trying to do so) but it still looks good in my eyes. It's been working fairly well in the Model Viewer and in game so far too.
Currently I'm working on making the rest of her outfit (Might as well go the whole way, eh? o.<)... but I figure I might as well upload what I have now in case anyone would like it.