Well, had to celebrate my 3 year aniversary somehow >,>. Once again, don't read intro if you don't like to read long things or don't have any time. Just go to the pictures section. Intro not interesting at all hehe.
Are you modder? Do you consider yourself a god hehe? I have to ask you, whats the most annoying yet toughest thing to do?
That my friend is taking NPC outfits/head models and placing it on your PC. Why is that tough? Its because of skeletal rigging my friend. No, you can't just open up the npc in meta and try to copy over the parts you want.
Anyways, to get on to the point, if you want to know where I am weak at in modding, it is this. Doing this takes a lot of skill, time, and it can make you very frustrated. If you can sucessfully do this in a short manner of time, then in my eyes, you can do anything when it comes to modding FFXI.
I have always been weak in this area ever since I started a long time ago when modding was kinda only known by the jp. I just didn't have any skill at it. Sure, I can make my own things, but when it comes to skeletal rigging of a NPC's outfit on my PC, I always failed.
So, to get on to the point of the topic. I was looking to take a dab at trying this yet again because the challenge in modding is.....err was becoming bleak for me again. So after looking at various NPC models, I chose Gilgamesh's Outfit.
Was it a challenge?
Yeah. I wasn't planning to mod at all today so this was unexpected.
It took me about a total of 9 hours to get it like it is now. Obviously, I had breaks in between. A say about after a good 4 or so hours, I was very frustrated because this looked like a disaster. If you've done skeletal rigging (You could say weight, but I call it rigging), you know what I'm talking about. But for those that don't know, its a absolute pain.
A beginner could not do this and shouldn't even think twice about starting off with trying to put a npc model on their character as the first thing they do in VRS. You will get frustated and quit. You also need to know how the armor moves or flows. So you could set everything to 1.000000 and when you look at it modelviewer, you will see that you can't do that
. The only thing that would appear right most likely is the body itself if you set the skeletal values to the right one. I on the other hand, don't call it quits until its just damn near impossible to finish so I stuck with this one till the very end.
Anyways, I was in a pissy mood until I fixed my problems somehow. If this major problem wasn't fixed, I'd be showing you some really ugly shots xD. I can tell you that everything except the upper body is working like it should. I guess that 9 hours was worth it, I dunno. I stopped because I was at the point where I can show this to the public and the fact I cannot think at all anymore. I basically got 4085408540 skeleton #s and a bunch of random values stuck in my head.
Skeletal Rigging (aka weight)
Upper body : 75%
Lower body : 100% (yeah, wow lol)
Arms : 50% (Will explain)
Emotes : About 85% look correct
Common : About 75% look correct
Battle : About 90% look correct
Fishing/Choco : Never tried
WS animations : The whole body doesn't animate itself like its supposed to. This is a modelviewer issue. In game, everything will be fluid and smooth so 100%
The Pictures
Well my shots show the good and the bad of how I'm progressing. Currently, the left arm is out of place and I don't know how it got like that. Atfirst, the right side was screwy and I fixed that and now the left side is screwy -.-. You will see what I mean in the last shot with Gilgamesh in it. Despite what you see in the other shots, the left arm has yet to be rigged correctly.
I DID NOT do a 1:1 port of everything GM had. When I had to go and do skeletal rigging on his legs, I said **** it, we are going to go and use something already made for the PC. I said the same thing about the Feet and Gloves. Do you know you have to change every little point on the fingers in order for everything to work right ?! Forget that, so I'm doing my own thing. Its not done yet though. I am planning to add in some more cool things to this outfit.
Why do the boots textures look messed up? Don't you know? Well no **** sherlock, after about 8 or so hours of doing the rigging, I pratically had no energy or brainpower whatsoever to create the textures for the boots that I wanted. Infact, I rushed the textures, happy now hehe? It will be fixed in due time, but as of right now, I really could care less. As long as that outfit is done, its golden baby. Could care less what you think hehe.
I spent a aweful lot of time on the lower body so everything flows correctly just like in my Sephiroth mod. That was my main priority. Only the left side in the front needs to be modified some so it doesn't show the legs. You will see what I mean in the shots. Also, I'm talking about from her left and not yours xD.
Anyways, on to the shots. This is the ladies version of Gilgamesh's armor
Wow, looks like I gotta fix that sometime. Do you know what I'm talking about?
More shots
Last one that shows you that my left arm is truly off xD. I don't llike showing the bad side of my work.
For the most part, its done. About another 2 hours trying to decipher the rigging problem in the upper body and I can say that this is my first npc outfit to pc mod woot. Once everything is done and finalized, I plan to update the textures and then make a black version of this b/c I like dark colors
Hmm, this is something I have always wanted for years so I'm proud of myself I guess. I feel like a true samurai or something along those lines xD. Thats why I kept on going and going even with all the problems. I don't think there are that many more challenges left for me besides this.
I am NEVER going to do another NPC outfit / Head model > PC conversion. Its downright time consuming, a pain in the ***, and most of all.......too much thinking -.-. I rather go and code some huge app or game than do this -.-.
So if you want Lion's head model or something else, this is not the modder to look at. I personally spent time in the past and recent working with npc head models and its a disaster area. I had everything set up just right yet it still messed up.
When I first started working on it and was making decent progress, I was going to give out a beta of it, but after that big problem that cropped up on me (Umm, I can't explain it), I wasn't. After I fixed the big problem and things were looking a hell of a lot better, I was going to give out beta of this, but I decided since every one and their mom who is a HF would complain about the wierd looks in the upper body at times. So what the **** is the point of doing that. Just going to wait until I think it looks good enough.
NO WAY! I basically have to spend another 9 hours rigging that race up also. Well probably less maybe, like half of that. Anyways, there is no way I'm going to spend my time porting this to other races. Yeah, there is a way for me to port it to other races. Its called paying for my time and services rofl xD. Seriously, its that bad I don't want to do it again.
Whenever I release this, by all means, if you're a modder and you think you're good enough to do this, by all means, go ahead and do it. All I gotta say is have fun setting all those skeleton values. Its absolutely horrendous.
So this will be HF only. I really don't see why people complain about what race gets the best and most mods now. I can and will port everything to HF eventually and they also have exclusive stuff the other races don't have. Well, I know some would still debate me on that, so whatever hehe.
Closing remarks
Haven't tried this in game. I know I give my seal of approval of any mods that I do or check myself ingame, but I'm not so sure on this one just yet hehe.
I will release when the rigging looks decent enough for you not to notice any problems and you see updated shots + black version on here. If you don't see me post again in this topic, I probably stopped working on it due to the complexity of it or too busy in rl to care about it.
The eyepatch thing Gilgamesh wore I can port to other races if I wanted to. That is easy to do. Too bad I won't do it unless I have to though lol.
~Peace, gotta go try this out ingame fo sho hehe.
Are you modder? Do you consider yourself a god hehe? I have to ask you, whats the most annoying yet toughest thing to do?
That my friend is taking NPC outfits/head models and placing it on your PC. Why is that tough? Its because of skeletal rigging my friend. No, you can't just open up the npc in meta and try to copy over the parts you want.
Anyways, to get on to the point, if you want to know where I am weak at in modding, it is this. Doing this takes a lot of skill, time, and it can make you very frustrated. If you can sucessfully do this in a short manner of time, then in my eyes, you can do anything when it comes to modding FFXI.
I have always been weak in this area ever since I started a long time ago when modding was kinda only known by the jp. I just didn't have any skill at it. Sure, I can make my own things, but when it comes to skeletal rigging of a NPC's outfit on my PC, I always failed.
So, to get on to the point of the topic. I was looking to take a dab at trying this yet again because the challenge in modding is.....err was becoming bleak for me again. So after looking at various NPC models, I chose Gilgamesh's Outfit.
Was it a challenge?
Yeah. I wasn't planning to mod at all today so this was unexpected.
It took me about a total of 9 hours to get it like it is now. Obviously, I had breaks in between. A say about after a good 4 or so hours, I was very frustrated because this looked like a disaster. If you've done skeletal rigging (You could say weight, but I call it rigging), you know what I'm talking about. But for those that don't know, its a absolute pain.
A beginner could not do this and shouldn't even think twice about starting off with trying to put a npc model on their character as the first thing they do in VRS. You will get frustated and quit. You also need to know how the armor moves or flows. So you could set everything to 1.000000 and when you look at it modelviewer, you will see that you can't do that
Anyways, I was in a pissy mood until I fixed my problems somehow. If this major problem wasn't fixed, I'd be showing you some really ugly shots xD. I can tell you that everything except the upper body is working like it should. I guess that 9 hours was worth it, I dunno. I stopped because I was at the point where I can show this to the public and the fact I cannot think at all anymore. I basically got 4085408540 skeleton #s and a bunch of random values stuck in my head.
Skeletal Rigging (aka weight)
Upper body : 75%
Lower body : 100% (yeah, wow lol)
Arms : 50% (Will explain)
Emotes : About 85% look correct
Common : About 75% look correct
Battle : About 90% look correct
Fishing/Choco : Never tried
WS animations : The whole body doesn't animate itself like its supposed to. This is a modelviewer issue. In game, everything will be fluid and smooth so 100%
The Pictures
Well my shots show the good and the bad of how I'm progressing. Currently, the left arm is out of place and I don't know how it got like that. Atfirst, the right side was screwy and I fixed that and now the left side is screwy -.-. You will see what I mean in the last shot with Gilgamesh in it. Despite what you see in the other shots, the left arm has yet to be rigged correctly.
I DID NOT do a 1:1 port of everything GM had. When I had to go and do skeletal rigging on his legs, I said **** it, we are going to go and use something already made for the PC. I said the same thing about the Feet and Gloves. Do you know you have to change every little point on the fingers in order for everything to work right ?! Forget that, so I'm doing my own thing. Its not done yet though. I am planning to add in some more cool things to this outfit.
Why do the boots textures look messed up? Don't you know? Well no **** sherlock, after about 8 or so hours of doing the rigging, I pratically had no energy or brainpower whatsoever to create the textures for the boots that I wanted. Infact, I rushed the textures, happy now hehe? It will be fixed in due time, but as of right now, I really could care less. As long as that outfit is done, its golden baby. Could care less what you think hehe.
I spent a aweful lot of time on the lower body so everything flows correctly just like in my Sephiroth mod. That was my main priority. Only the left side in the front needs to be modified some so it doesn't show the legs. You will see what I mean in the shots. Also, I'm talking about from her left and not yours xD.
Anyways, on to the shots. This is the ladies version of Gilgamesh's armor
Wow, looks like I gotta fix that sometime. Do you know what I'm talking about?
More shots
Last one that shows you that my left arm is truly off xD. I don't llike showing the bad side of my work.
For the most part, its done. About another 2 hours trying to decipher the rigging problem in the upper body and I can say that this is my first npc outfit to pc mod woot. Once everything is done and finalized, I plan to update the textures and then make a black version of this b/c I like dark colors
Hmm, this is something I have always wanted for years so I'm proud of myself I guess. I feel like a true samurai or something along those lines xD. Thats why I kept on going and going even with all the problems. I don't think there are that many more challenges left for me besides this.
I am NEVER going to do another NPC outfit / Head model > PC conversion. Its downright time consuming, a pain in the ***, and most of all.......too much thinking -.-. I rather go and code some huge app or game than do this -.-.
So if you want Lion's head model or something else, this is not the modder to look at. I personally spent time in the past and recent working with npc head models and its a disaster area. I had everything set up just right yet it still messed up.
When I first started working on it and was making decent progress, I was going to give out a beta of it, but after that big problem that cropped up on me (Umm, I can't explain it), I wasn't. After I fixed the big problem and things were looking a hell of a lot better, I was going to give out beta of this, but I decided since every one and their mom who is a HF would complain about the wierd looks in the upper body at times. So what the **** is the point of doing that. Just going to wait until I think it looks good enough.
NO WAY! I basically have to spend another 9 hours rigging that race up also. Well probably less maybe, like half of that. Anyways, there is no way I'm going to spend my time porting this to other races. Yeah, there is a way for me to port it to other races. Its called paying for my time and services rofl xD. Seriously, its that bad I don't want to do it again.
Whenever I release this, by all means, if you're a modder and you think you're good enough to do this, by all means, go ahead and do it. All I gotta say is have fun setting all those skeleton values. Its absolutely horrendous.
So this will be HF only. I really don't see why people complain about what race gets the best and most mods now. I can and will port everything to HF eventually and they also have exclusive stuff the other races don't have. Well, I know some would still debate me on that, so whatever hehe.
Closing remarks
Haven't tried this in game. I know I give my seal of approval of any mods that I do or check myself ingame, but I'm not so sure on this one just yet hehe.
I will release when the rigging looks decent enough for you not to notice any problems and you see updated shots + black version on here. If you don't see me post again in this topic, I probably stopped working on it due to the complexity of it or too busy in rl to care about it.
The eyepatch thing Gilgamesh wore I can port to other races if I wanted to. That is easy to do. Too bad I won't do it unless I have to though lol.
~Peace, gotta go try this out ingame fo sho hehe.