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Furniture dats

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  • Furniture dats

    Having seen what is possible by changing dats I started to wonder why there are never any altered furniture dats or indeed any furniture dat listings anywhere. Is furniture handled differently to all the other models in the game or is it just that nobody has figured out the dat files for this yet?

    Just wondered since I would like a fishtank in my moghouse =p

  • #2
    Re: Furniture dats

    1. There is a Fishtank you can get without having to mod anything. It was in an update a while back.

    2. Don't quote me on this one, but I think the furniture is handled differently since it provides an obstruction to the zone. GMs seem to turn a blind eye to mods done to character models because you can walk through. However, once you start messing around with the laws of zone physics they'll toss you in jail.


    • #3
      Re: Furniture dats

      Fishtanks obtained in the normal way are kinda expensive and difficult to obtain though so was hoping I could just swap a dat in the same way I do with my Moogle.

      Would be sad if it's impossible to swap dats for furniture within your moghouse, I can't see any reason it would be considered any worse than normal dat swaps.

