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Music moderating help

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  • Music moderating help

    I am a fan of modding mp3s I have into FFXI, and can do so quite comfortably now via converting it to a .wav using a program, then converting that to a .bgm using the same means. However, there's a .wma file that I like, but I have no program to convert it to a .bgm. Is there anyone here who can recomend one, or recomending any other method of doing this?

  • #2
    Re: Music moderating help

    Can you convert the wma. into a Mp3, then convert to wav. then to bgm?

    Its a long way round but have you tried it?


    • #3
      Re: Music moderating help

      If I could, I would. However, I've asked a LS mate (Who's rarely on these days) for help, and gave me advice on what to do. I'm now a proud owner of a wma->mp3 converter. Sorry for the bother.


      • #4
        Re: Music moderating help

        No bother. If I may ask, what program are you using to convert the files?


        • #5
          Re: Music moderating help

          There's a faqs on gamefaqs in the PC boards that has the guide on how to turn a mp3 into a bgm, and even includes the link to the programs. As for how I changed the wma into a bgm, I used some program called a power converter that can convert a few different types of files. I serched for "converter" on

