Selen did my face for me ^^ There's just a slight problem.. It's far far darker than the rest of my body.. I tried to lighten it a bit but then it turned my hair completely square... I was wondering if anyone might be able to lighten my face to the tone of my body.. The rest of my face dat is great... The dat is in a link below... I would greatly appriciate it ^^ Selen worked very hard on it >.> And I again thank Selen for the hard work... I would like the piercings to stay on seeing as to how the face resembles me Thank you very much in advance...
What the face looks like now....
What I want it to look like....
Like I said before I would like to keep the earrings... Thank you again ^^
Link Here
What the face looks like now....
What I want it to look like....
Like I said before I would like to keep the earrings... Thank you again ^^
Link Here