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Mystical Eye Mask
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
The Don's's a good concept, but it just looks like an empty spot on her face with red lines. An actual outline and a color that isn't completely black to give it some texture and shading would fix it.
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
Could you do the same thing for Tarutaru perhaps, Deo? A white, "Contact Lens"-Shaped
plate for Tarutaru's face?
I have plans with it.___
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- DeviFoxx -
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
I see what you guys mean about the empty space, but there's only so much I can do with just MS Paint. Know a more advanced photoshop-like program that has a free download?
If I had something more advanced, I'd make that mask into a darksteel/Drk-AF color.
About Kos-Mos, never heard of her. If anyone feels like modifying my mods, feel free to do so, just put me in the credits.txt when you post
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
Devifoxx, I'm not sure what you mean by a contact-lens faceplate.
Instead I adapted what everyone commented on making an 'outline' of sorts and kept the original chinstrap and headband of the bone mask and played with the face-cover.
As for Kos-Mos. . . . . well, once you make the headgear, you gotta go through with the rest of the outfit. Don't think I want to take that much time on something I'll absolutely need VRS for (Still can't get it to download without quitting on me). Lots of aesymmetry and reflections, let alone finely detailed lines (Still using MS Paint).Attached Files
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
The taru one looks much better, though I think by 'contact lense shape' he meant a circular shape with a concave arc. Basically a bubble comin out of the taru's face."I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
'Bubble comin out', eh? That would require reflections on top of alpha mapping. All I can do is stretch using Metaseqoia. Since I didn't mess with the dds, the transparencey that's already in the Mithril Sallet should still be there. Can't test this as I only have a hume fem and a mithra char. Second, I can kinda guess what you're gonna do with a bubble helm
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Re: Mystical Eye Mask
Thanks, Deo. I have good plans for the mask. /bow___
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- DeviFoxx -
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