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hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

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  • hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

    Im not 100% sure but...I thouht the original drg's had capes....anyways, Has anyone ever been successful at making a cape for drg? I decided to give it a try but ...since the pieces on the drg were all armor type... it doesnt quite meet my standards however....then I started thinking..

    If I was a drg in FFXI. I wouldnt have a normal cape..As a drg, I would think they fight dragons, or at least use them...but if I FOUGHT a dragon. I would want a cape that can act as a shield from the fire that dragons are said to breath. So with that being said.. although the cape isnt even close to being great ...I decided to post pics here to get feedback and see if anyone would be interested in me actually finishing this, or if anyone has made a decent piece for this armor. Ill also point out that ..its kinda funny... I liked the fact that the cape had a split in the middle, it just seemed...better that way.

    Turns out the split worked out because the spear would have to go somewhere and it fits in that slot perfectly XD. Also, so far only a couple animations go through the cape... I tried to limit this, however I know it can never be perfect as the piece is ARMOR, and doesnt exactly move very well in the sense of keeping it halfway looking like a cape, and yet not having clipping issues....Although, I may scrap this altogether and trade this armored cape in for some armored dragoon wings to block fire instead... whats the verdict?
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  • #2
    Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

    umm.... I dunno.. how do they look during battle?

    Tried that hume female butterfly costume. Problem with that suite, besides the total lack of coverage (and the wings didn't come separate), is that the wings would follow the motions of the shoulders and would go under the arm during upward weapon swings. Plus they rocked akwardly while running.

    Just saying, they might be too big. I vote for the armored wings over the giant cape. On the other hand, you could add more splits to that cape for a Batman look.

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    • #3
      Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

      No offense, but you look like a beetle, and I wouldn't turn my back on a dragon either even if I had one of those If you're gonna stick something metallic in your back, at least make them wings, like in Legend of the Dragoon. DRG have never had capes as far as I know. I'm sorry if that came out kinda harshly (I hope it didn't,) but it just looks....odd at best to me >.>


      • #4
        Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

        Oh, found this a few posts down if you need some inspiration.

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        • #5
          Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

          lol deo post were you refering to? I made the lancer female armor on that thread remember? Or, was there a pic of wings in that thread somewhere that Ive missed?
          A LMFAO production:
          How to Kill a Ninja----

          98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


          • #6
            Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

            Sorry, only read the top part of that thread.

            Anyway, here's a pic of some ideas. Don't make the hip plates as big as the Female Lancer's, just knee length is fine. Trying for that Bahamut Zero look (lots and lots of wings), but don't need wings yet.
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            • #7
              Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

              heh, nice ^^ I may try this out..I was messing with it just now thinking...okay ...I got 3 points in this can I get more?... I may test that out thanks ^^ I may make just the model as... I tried to add diablos wings textures to it but ..all it did was stretch it to the point where you couldnt tell what it was so ... I may just have to figure out what to texture these as, as well...

              EDIT: Okay well...I tried making it like you suggested and....while it looks good on paper......theres one flaw...Theres not enough points to pull from and so it ends up looking one of two ways.....either like modified butterfly wings...or giant spikey wing things..Unless anyone has a way around that...I think ill postpone this project untill I learn more about VRS and such ..I could have made 2 or 3 more FFT outfits by now lol.Although.... I am trying not to do the skinning parts on any projects untill I get my monitor working...modelling with mesa doesnt require lots of detail thankfully lol
              Last edited by dabadking; 12-27-2005, 10:12 PM.
              A LMFAO production:
              How to Kill a Ninja----

              98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


              • #8
                Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

                Daba, weren't u gonna try messin around with VRS? It really is worth the effort to learn. After you add all your vertices, you can stretch it to whatever length and shape you want, add skeletal movements, and even remap the textures to give designs and stuff, rather than just stretching the colors of the original piece.
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                • #9
                  Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

                  yes, I will give it a shot as soon as I get my Ac adapter back from the company...I have read a lot of tutorials on it and ...I dunno..maybe I just cant grasp it for some reason, or maybe Im doing something wrong but... whenever I try to add a point.. no matter what part i click on, or how much I make SURE im on target always adds a dot waay off to the side, not even close to the model. Heck I even have trouble moving the stupid camera ; ; It just doesnt like me at all ... but.. once i get my monitor back ... I will give it another try ..
                  A LMFAO production:
                  How to Kill a Ninja----

                  98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                  • #10
                    Re: hmm... armored cape? or ...armored wings for drg? Any Ideas or comments?

                    cloth like cape i would :/ SE should make a "cape visible option" it would please alot of ppl
                    Sig in progress

