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deathknight (start drooling now :P )

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  • deathknight (start drooling now :P )

    okay ...Ive always wanted drk to be well....a total badass but..when I saw their gear It was kind of cool but...not anywhere near what i wanted it to look like so...heres what I think it should have looked similar to. I made this as a gift for my friend who is a darknight ...He doesnt know ive made it yet lol... its his christmas present from meh to him, and a christmas present to everyone on this forum ^^. I will send to him first, then I will release it...most likely tomorrow on this forum.....this came out awesome in my opinion, however isnt done ...I made the gloves, boots and legs black but.... I am going to draw some designs, and add a color to it so ...I still have a few things to add to it before i release it to anyone but it WILL be released tomorrow ...or...rather today seeing as how its 4am >.>
    Im deciding on whether I should close the helm and make it cover his mouth like my lancer helm, or my ninja helm ...but instead add a wire (alphad piece to look like wire mesh, so its semi transparent) or just leave it as is... not sure. Anyways id love to see someone come up with a better one than I have ...not saying noone can as i know im hardly the best out there but if someone can make one a lot better ...then we can all enjoy them
    hope you like it

    P.S added the lancer helm to show the closed facemask option.

    EDIT: added the updated version pic to the top of this, so people didnt have to scroll down to see the semi updated one. (the updated one isnt so much of a deathknight...its more of a regal black knight made more closely like the armor I got the ideas from. (mainly dragonforce)
    Attached Files
    Last edited by dabadking; 12-28-2005, 08:55 PM.
    A LMFAO production:
    How to Kill a Ninja----

    98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature

  • #2
    Re: deathknight (start drooling now )


    Oh, and perhaps darken the red a bit? Otherwise, it might seem a bit out of place, due to the brightness...



    • #3
      Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

      yeah...thats part of the tweaking I was talking about...I will darken that and add color to the rest of the armor ^^
      A LMFAO production:
      How to Kill a Ninja----

      98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


      • #4
        Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

        It looks like a porcupine. :p Not really all that great looking to me. But eh to each his own I suppose. Having the red a darker color would be better, but you already figureed that out, so... :p
        My Signature. Now with 50% more processed ham product than those other leading signatures.

        Which FF Character Are You?
        Originally posted by Balfree
        Why does every discussion have to be a little festivity of sorts, with purple doom rain and lunatic frogs singing the yodelay on top of mushrooms and little babies being eaten by crazy flying cows and green gas explosions on the horizon and screaming goats?


        • #5
          Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

          LOL yeah to each his own XD well, I like it ..No worries it will stay in my private collection then lol, Ill probably make another style eventually. Ah, wasnt a FF style armor anyways, but then again I modeled it after an old game that most likely 90% of gamers wont know of asit was a rare game for a dead system ...sega cd lol.
          A LMFAO production:
          How to Kill a Ninja----

          98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


          • #6
            Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

            75 SMN, 75BLM, 65 BLU, 63 WHM, 37 RDM, 39 BRD, 32 BST, 15 THF, 12 NIN


            • #7
              Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

              yeah... its a little "over the top" for me. too much spikey and the red needs to be dulled down.


              • #8
                Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                LOl I was waiting for someone to say it looked like shredder >.>.....actually...anyone ever play a game called VAY for sega CD? that was the similar concept...While I have the game it has been about 8 years since ive looked at the game let alone remember what the super armor looked like...but it was one hell of a game regardless.

                Anyways one of the things Im most proud about is despite all the spikes, none of it has any clipping issues, and none of the spikes go through any parts where they arent supposed to ..NO not even the leg pieces ..also another cool thing I liked is when you walk/run....the pieces move like they would if they were real...although Ive only seen it in viewer...anyways Im off to make the REAL female lancer gear now and not just something I threw together in a few minutes..also I got the EXACT color for the armor finally..although im not a huge fan of the wierd pinkish red whatever it is look, I still gave it that same color because thats how it is originally ^^....I think Ill just stick to remaking past game armors.. Also anyone know If VRS password changed or anything? I used it yesterday and It wont let me log in ..and yes I read the firewall thing and I allowed the exception and read the whole post and still wont let me in..Id like to add points to the armor so I can further customize stuff, and make the best stuff that I can for everyone so...any help would be appreciated.
                Last edited by dabadking; 12-22-2005, 07:35 PM.
                A LMFAO production:
                How to Kill a Ninja----

                98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                • #9
                  Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                  i just saw the pic and ya it looks like shredder from ninja turtles lol, the pic does anyway


                  • #10
                    Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                    You should go ahead and make purple dragoon armor into shredder armor. i'd switch it =p
                    75 SMN, 75BLM, 65 BLU, 63 WHM, 37 RDM, 39 BRD, 32 BST, 15 THF, 12 NIN


                    • #11
                      Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                      shredder armor <can i have it>

                      not a fan of too many spikes but i can tell it took alot of time.

                      Originally posted by SevIfrit
                      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


                      • #12
                        Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                        Dabaking, against popular opinion, I really like it. Actually, I like your concepts and ideas more than the actual armor itself. I, too, expected the Dark Knight in FFXI to be dark, evil looking, and demonic. After seeing what the Dark Knight was given in terms of JSE, I was sorely disappointed.
                        As far as your mod goes, it's a good first step. What I believe it's lacking though, is chaos within the powerully dark armor itself. Get rid of the symmetry. Get rid of all the 12in long spikes and intersperse random spikes from 2-8inches on places like the shoulders, forearms, calfs, hands, and maybe some on the feet. As far as the head goes, look at some old Frank Frazzetta paintings or old (and I mean the older ones) Boris Vallejo. Cut out most of the huge spikes on the helmet, drop a couple down on the sides a little, and definately get rid of the face.
                        Overall, I would say you did very good with it. A good first attempt, but it's the artistic viewpoint that I believe is missing from it. Your's does more closely resemble what I would want a Dark Knight to look like, though.
                        §· White Mages are given their gift to help people ·§
                        §· To charge a person in need of that gift is against all White Mage principles ·§

                        »··· BUT ···«

                        Give a man a fish, and he will eat for a day.
                        Teach a man to fish, and he will eat for the rest of his life.


                        • #13
                          Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                          ok...with all the bad feedback about my drk armor (mostly because it doesnt fit into FFXI's style or looks like shredder etc..I have decided to give it the actual look I was originally intending...unfortunately since my PC monitor took a dive and I am using my HDTV as a monitor now...which strangely SUCKS!!!! well....not for games but...for pc programs such as photoshop where you need detail ..hell with my monitor I can barely tell what I am typing so, if theres any spelling errors its because i cant see the tiny friggen words I am typing lol...with that said..if the details in my armor suck ..its because although I blew the images up to about 1600% to do them ..I still couldnt see much ezxcept fuzziness -_- ...but.. heers more of the look I was originally looking for..Im not sure Ill be doing much of this anymore as its killing my eyes with this tv .. but around the 30th I should be back to popping out outfits about once a day as I get my Ac adapter replaced (my AC plug shorted out) it is so far ..I scrapped the helm for now untill I can at least see the detail better, or maybe find a more suitable helm. feeback is appreciated
                          Also I added a Lion head on the back to give it more of the look I was originally hoping for but was too lazy the first time to add all the gold trim.. sadly because of that I believe it was given an unfair reception in the FFXI dat scene so ..Ive remade it.

                          EDIT re-uploaded pics since i forgot to add the layers of the belt and cape into the bmp, so there are no longer tiny white splotches lol
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by dabadking; 12-26-2005, 03:42 AM.
                          A LMFAO production:
                          How to Kill a Ninja----

                          98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy & paste this in your signature


                          • #14
                            Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                            very nice armor, you do well ^.^
                            Kain (FFIV): I am aware of my actions, but can do nothing about them.


                            • #15
                              Re: deathknight (start drooling now )

                              Look pretty cool ^^

                              Your Mine Dogs Mahahaha

