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Red Gallant set

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  • Red Gallant set

    I was wondering if anyone knew where i could get a Red Gallant Dat. for Male Hume
    Never been a big fan of my Rdm AF so i was thinking about a red Gallant.

    or maybe someone knows where to get this
    Last edited by deathjijn; 12-05-2005, 01:45 AM.

  • #2
    Re: Red Gallant set

    in a way i could mod to that, but im not sure how well you would like my work ... im not overly great at modding as i have finaly got from stupid nothing to actualy haveing fun and getting everything to work.

    Though the Darker Ruby Red is a nice color for the second well, with the gray and all, though i like the galiant set as is. I will ... fiddle with makeing a somehting. Though id like to point out that i have only really modded the galiant set, and here is some of what i got so far.
    i hope you like the beginins of that ...
    o, yes that is real lizard skin from my bearded dragon i had pose for me the other day. I almost felt for a while that i was running around with his SKIN on me.


    • #3
      Re: Red Gallant set

      the black on the gallant is incredible.....

      Originally posted by SevIfrit
      we asked for more wyvern control the give us emotes.... /em slams head off desk...


      • #4
        Re: Red Gallant set

        thank you ... im thinking about modding the design some more ... and i recently red up and found info to make armor a little more detailed ... going to try it out and all.


        • #5
          Re: Red Gallant set

          i think the armor set from king ranpere is actually the one you should use.
          Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
          Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!


          • #6
            Re: Red Gallant set

            if you guys want me to play around with it and get some custome shapes you want on it .... by all means, get me the shape or tell me a basic one or so and ill mod it to your likeing i guess

            (dont flood me with too much work, but i can do it)


            • #7
              Re: Red Gallant set

              just found out that the second picture looks like a MOD for the body of the Lord and King set, just burgondy/ruby red color


              • #8
                Re: Red Gallant set

                Sorry it took so long to reply. Been a long week at work.
                Your very modest id have to say. Reason being is because your Modification
                to the Gallant set is very nice and the most Unique ive seen.(so great job)
                The main reson i dislike the Redmage AF is because i personaly belive they didnt follow the original Armor of the redmage. I also believe the Paladin Gallant set
                kind more follows that original RDM setting. And the Heavier plate would in my opinion follow the Paladin role. Because remember in the old games Redmage Wore Chain mail not cloth. So if anyone could get me info on that Gallant or maybe throw me a favor and make that; youd make my day. Thanks in Advance. Oh and keep up the great work that Gallant looks great.
                Last edited by deathjijn; 12-06-2005, 11:41 AM.


                • #9
                  Re: Red Gallant set

                  The first pic is just a skin swap with King Rapeewhatever's armor, easy to do with the model viewer, i did a similar swap with Zied's harness for H males.

                  The second is just a slight skin change to the GM/curiass set, mainly just adding sliver trim.

                  As for the Rdm AF, it's actually pretty close to what Rdms have always worn. They always had that duelist look to them and the AF matches that look pretty well. It's War af that's messed up. Going from heavy plate armor to open toed shoes and exposed midrift just ain't right. =/

                  And the Thf AF hat has always bugged me a bit too, since when the hell did thfs wear bonnets? They always had bandannas and hats and such. Still trying to find a suitable replacement for that thing myself, prolly end up makin one when I figure out that VRS thing. >_>

                  As for the armor, try doing a Ctrl+F search for 345 and 1212 on the page you found the pics on. I find a lot of the files for pics I seen on that site using that, so it may help you out.
                  "I have a forebrain, my ability to abstract thoughts allow for all kinds of things" - Red Mage 8-Bit theater


                  • #10
                    Re: Red Gallant set

                    yeah, i was doing some work on this for you, and i know where i can get the copy of that armor from an NPC, but since i am actualy on vecation, i will have to wait till little into next year when i can get you the first one. I bleave all they did was take the NPC armor images and just paste them over the varry similar gallent set and it layed out like it dose. I will Atempt to get probably exactly that ... (think the character was an old elvan king of some sort) I have not been though too much story line yet in the game. im not even 70 yet.


                    • #11
                      Re: Red Gallant set

                      I want the red gallant for my galka >O


                      • #12
                        Re: Red Gallant set

                        oh, just to folow up on this one, i lost all my harddrive data to some pesky trojans. Im good now, compleate, fresh install. I still have to find all my links and software and stuff for ya, but ill be working this all over some little time. You said you wanted the red galant set from that site that the mithra is wearing, ... an elder elvan NPC is wearing that set, and i will convert it for you hopefully by the end of the week, then ill have to figure out how to post it for you.

                        (lost so much that i even lost 7gigs of pictures from world travels, and much archived downloads and documentation).

