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Envy's Armor

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  • Envy's Armor

    Right now I'm currently working on a little project that was inspired by the Mithra in my sig. Her name is Envy and she's supposed to represent the negative emotion of the Mithra - which is Envy. I know she's not green but it was a good name and she's pretty.

    Anyways after making the sig. I loved how her armor came out in photoshop.

    So I've decided to make an armor set to go with her head.

    Here's a quick mock up of her helmet using the Dark Knight JSE.

    It's not exactally the way it was in the picture mostly because I can't remember how I did it. ><

    But I need the comments - it's mostly the texture I wanna perfect first - then so alpha mapping.

    Not sure if I'm going to release her or not - I might when it's completely done - but the head I'm probably gonna keep to myself as I'm still working on perfecting it.

    Edit: Just finished remaking it - it's now closer to the right coloring It's the second picture. Not much editing can be done to the helmet - but the body is going to be reworked a bit - to include chain on the body. The helmet might also be edited later when VRS comes out - not sure but I think just horns or wings would look pretty cool.
    Attached Files
    Last edited by Selenity; 10-26-2005, 04:37 PM.

  • #2
    Re: Envy's Armor

    Never did like the mithril set, but you made it look a lot better. Maybe you should try something else?


    • #3
      Re: Envy's Armor

      I was expecting FMA action ;/.


      • #4
        Re: Envy's Armor

        That's actually a Celata, if I'm not mistaken.


        • #5
          Re: Envy's Armor

          It's the DRK JSE, and the only DRK JSE with a helm is the lv71 Black/Onyx set. Black/Onyx Sallet would be it. Just very slight changes from the plain Celata. Notice the designs on top of the helm, above the visor.

          As for the work, it looks downright amazing. Horns would make it look killer. I'd love it with horns. It'd also add to the sinister feel of Envy. I'm not a big fan of wings, however. Great job by the way, it looks amazing ^^
          Kailo(Elvaan):[75DRK], [37THF], 37WAR, 37SAM, 37RDM, 37NIN
          Current Mission
          San d'Oria [M8-2] - Lightbringer
          Zilart [ZM14] - Ark Angels
          Promathia [PM4-2] - The Savage
          "Better to be pissed off than to be pissed on!" (°~°; )


          • #6
            Re: Envy's Armor

            I'd say go with a Coronet and mod the medallion in the center to a skull. Evil always looks best with the hair fully visable. Helmet should only be used if you want to surprise the hero, whom was once your friend.
            All spells obtained!
            Homam Gear: 2/5


            • #7
              Re: Envy's Armor

              Lol I could do both - coronet/circle would sound actually pretty fun. And the horns is something I'd really like to do - different from the ones on the Dark Knight AF though.


              • #8
                Re: Envy's Armor

                Well I have a pretty good idea for what the armor will look like finished. I will be doing two diferent helmets - the one using the DRK JSE helmet as a base and one with a circlet.

                The planned form of the helmet (the armored one) is to keep the basic shape and texture currently being used (though I plan to spiff it up once VRS is finished) and since I have wanted to add horns of some sort to the helmet to give it a more evil appearence I've decided the model will get a row 3-4 spikes added on the top near the sides - so on each side since the model is mirrored it'll have to lines. If that does not come out - then I plan to model it with two large horns that have a more curved shape, similar to that of the Kindered on the game. If it ends up that the Celeta base doesn't work I may end up using the Koenig Schaller as it is also rather nice looking.

                The Circlet is just going to use the gallant circlet as a base. The middle part of it will be removed to add either a Skull (depending on how my skull drawing skill is.. which is probably horrible) or a pentagram/pentacle.

                I like the current body base though the shoulder pads are alittle small for my liking Dark Knight AF - I like bulky shoulder pads. I also want to add spines/spikes - after playing WoW I've fallen in love with that look. ^^. Also along the arms where it looks like banded leather it will be retextured to have chain - chain is good. One of my biggest dislikes I guess you could say about the body JSE is the chest - it's a little flat- not as in chest size but it looks as it should be a little bit more armored in the chest but it will probably be kept the same.

                The gauntlets currently I love but am planning to add spines (two) on each side to add to the more sinister look. Also the legs and feet are perfect to me right now - no remodeling really needed - however I'd love to reskinn part of the legs to get rid of the leatherlook - so chainmail again. All the leaves is texturing everything to give it a uniformed look. If I have the time./will I may reskin a shield/sword set to match it.

                This will probably only be available to Mithra - however I do have an idea for a nice mage one for Elvaan Female.


                • #9
                  Re: Envy's Armor

                  nice job :D
                  The helm still looks a bit too pixelated and the texture looks a bit flat. Nice color choice though.


                  • #10
                    Re: Envy's Armor

                    I'm still working on that stuff - I've been sketching out the way I want the helmet to appear in the game once VRS is ready to be used - I'm actually thinking the Schaller model base might be a better once to start. I'm not too good at fancy lacy-ish work like what's on the model originally - but this should be good practice. I'm really leaning towards the Koenig Schaller as a model instead though. I'm sure if I get stuck on the lacy-ish designs I can find help or figure it out myself. It probably looks too pixely though from the dodge/burning to bring it out more and the close up. Though I'm sure I could fix it up using the blur tool. Yeah it is a little flat though - I need to do a little less burning to shadows - I think a good swipe of a dodge on midtones should fix that up. In a day or two I should have a better version up.

