Trigara and Kyodi recently returned to their home in Midgardsormr, and boy are we glad to be so. After our sojourn on Fairy, we longed for something to fufil our FFXI experiance, and well, we finally found out how to mod our own armour.
The only thing is I'm running out of creative ideas, and Trig needs remodeled BLM gear. I've already started on mine, a blood red suit of WHM relic( You'll see why blood red), and other items, but mostly his first. I know I want the Hat, gloves,pants, and shoes of the Relic, but I'm unsure on the body. I don't quite like the robes since they look funny on Hume males to me.
Other than that, here's some stuff we've been up to!
This is my favourite I've done so far. Every piece is patterned with Byakko's skin, and to me it looks pretty nice :3
Trig did this one, a Fenrir Gi and Sitabaki. Here Kyodi sports the Al Bhed eyes I made her, but they don't show up here
Kyodi got new Red hair and red eyes :3
Trig got new teal/blue hair and brown eyes :3 Sexy!!
Trig made this piece, Shadowlord Tunic! :3 should be a reward for defeating SL....
More coming as soon as we mod our files into them.
The only thing is I'm running out of creative ideas, and Trig needs remodeled BLM gear. I've already started on mine, a blood red suit of WHM relic( You'll see why blood red), and other items, but mostly his first. I know I want the Hat, gloves,pants, and shoes of the Relic, but I'm unsure on the body. I don't quite like the robes since they look funny on Hume males to me.
Other than that, here's some stuff we've been up to!
This is my favourite I've done so far. Every piece is patterned with Byakko's skin, and to me it looks pretty nice :3
Trig did this one, a Fenrir Gi and Sitabaki. Here Kyodi sports the Al Bhed eyes I made her, but they don't show up here
Kyodi got new Red hair and red eyes :3
Trig got new teal/blue hair and brown eyes :3 Sexy!!
Trig made this piece, Shadowlord Tunic! :3 should be a reward for defeating SL....
More coming as soon as we mod our files into them.