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DAT Mod File Collection

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  • #16
    Re: DAT Mod File Collection

    I cant seem to DL the file... =( a window just pops up with a bunch of text on it that I can't decipher.
    First, be sure to right click, select save target as on the download link. Second, you need a .rar opener for it, such as win rar. Just type winrar in at and you can find plenty.
    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


    • #17
      Re: DAT Mod File Collection

      There has been a very large update to the .DAT collection now.

      Please refer to the Update.TXT mentioned earlier for details.

      There was updates to about every race. It was large enough to where I'm
      exhausted now. Hahaha

      Let me know what you think. Thank you.
      ( 『My Personal Site♪』 ) ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

      - DeviFoxx -


      • #18
        Re: DAT Mod File Collection

        Ill check em out now and let you know what I think ;p

        Very cool, lots of new stuff for Elvaan Male which is always good ;p I just wish there was a Shadow Lord's GAxe for Elv M
        Last edited by Tokitoki; 10-01-2005, 04:19 PM.

        Warrior TP Warrior WS


        • #19
          Re: DAT Mod File Collection

          Hmm, I guess I'll download this after I get done reinstalling windows and for the mods I don't have on my site already that this pack contains, I will sort them out and put them on my site with picture + d/l according to race in a couple weeks. So I'm doing the boring work you could say.

          As for the GA for elvaan, it can easily be done. I'll do it someday and add it to my site, but not anytime soon.

          Elite noob modder


          • #20
            Re: DAT Mod File Collection

            The set has been updated once again.

            Please view the Update.TXT for details.
            ( 『My Personal Site♪』 )
   ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

            - DeviFoxx -


            • #21
              Re: DAT Mod File Collection

              dunno crazy idea here but... why don't you release just say what you update so people don't have to download ALL of it again every update?
              Last edited by Kilandor; 10-12-2005, 08:26 AM.
              Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

              FFXI Mod Community - Join Us!

              GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

              Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
              FFXI Dat Copier - By Me!


              • #22
                Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                cause it only takes a min to downlaod anyway and putting it together is a lot neater then hosting over 200 files?

                Warrior TP Warrior WS


                • #23
                  Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                  sure it only takes a min of you have fast connection but not everyone does. anyways wouldn't be hosting over 200 files, considering they would be in rar format.
                  Last edited by Kilandor; 10-12-2005, 08:26 AM.
                  Join Us at FFXI Mod Community! A great site for support! Don't forget TuTWiki, open community Wiki. Also Every User Gets 100mb To Upload Images/Dats easily! All Users Can Edit Thier own Dat Submissions!

                  FFXI Mod Community - Join Us!

                  GrumpyRarab Tutorials!

                  Need A Program to Swap Dats Easy And Back them up for you Then you need Dat Copier!
                  FFXI Dat Copier - By Me!


                  • #24
                    Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                    If you check the updates page you will see there have been 7 updates so far. Who wants to download the origonal + 7 individual update rars? For anyone except 56k users (which need to get with the program), the file is a quick download still. Maybe if it reaches the point of actually being a large download, starting a new collection to regularly update might be in order, but right now the size is fine.

                    Same thing happens with America's Army. Rather than trying to download the numerous patches you missed, it is easier to just redownload the full current. It's not as efficient, but it is far easier and less time consuming for those us with decent net connections. The internet is not catered to the slowest connection.
                    Whm 75 Blm 37 Brd 75 | Bastok Rank 10 | Whm > Rdm


                    • #25
                      Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                      Attatched are the updated version of Souledge (with super stretch texture power) and Requiem, which turned out very nicely. Both Elvaan M. Also, if you happen to know anyone who knows how to work with VRS, mind putting them in touch with me?
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                        I have a mod that would be wonderful to add to your collection - if you could figure it out. It's for adding a ribbon to the end of mithra tails - I don't know how to make it work.

                        Also here's is the whole set of Nanaa's Armor for Mithras (Including the body)

               <=My domain


                        • #27
                          Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                          Thank you very kindly for your submissions. I'll be sure to add them in the next update.

                          But yeah, why do you think I post the .RAR and the .TXT of what I updated? lol

                          You have a simple choice of if you wanna D/L it now or what.

                          In any case... Aside from these .DATs, I also got another dump of Custom SMN Avatars I
                          need to add into the set as well... Give me a while to add them...

                          Double Post Edited:

                          Selenity. Your URL isn't working for me, sorry to say.
                          Last edited by DeviFoxx; 10-03-2005, 08:51 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost
                          ( 『My Personal Site♪』 )
                 ←☆★ My Artist's Portfolio ★☆

                          - DeviFoxx -


                          • #28
                            Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                            Hmm.. stupid domain always seems to hate me..


                            There's a link there to download - also I ahve a very strange mod that I can't figure out how to work - it's for adding a ribbon to mithra tails - damned if I could figure it out. If you'd like I could add a link there if you'd like to try it out.


                            • #29
                              Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                              Hi. Was looking at the updates you've added. One of them being "my" crimson wyvern.

                              While the colour scheme was my idea, and it was made for me, I didn't make it myself. The actual creator is a player by the name of Artea.

                              Just clearing this up so that the person who actually did the work get the credit.


                              • #30
                                Re: DAT Mod File Collection

                                Originally posted by Selenity
                                Hmm.. stupid domain always seems to hate me..


                                There's a link there to download - also I ahve a very strange mod that I can't figure out how to work - it's for adding a ribbon to mithra tails - damned if I could figure it out. If you'd like I could add a link there if you'd like to try it out.
                                That tail mod replaces a piece and puts it as a tail, basically only place this could be put is like.. the head armour piece or sheild so no body piece goes "missing"

                                I use it also~ below is my paladin using it (replaced the cache-nez /nod


