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Beginner help - Changing hair color etc

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  • #16
    Re: Beginner help - Changing hair color etc

    hmmm, i am using the Meto. program to edit my modles, but, i can't change them back to .DAT, how do you do it? I am so lost.... :[


    • #17
      Re: Beginner help - Changing hair color etc

      Use the Model Viewers MPQ to Dat option under File and load the MPQ. That will also install it directly into the game.


      Maybe its the size of the staff that is causing the problem?

      Look at all the staves in the game, they dont exceed a certain with and height. Perhaps this is what is causing alot of your problems.

      Also remember that the .dat file also refrences certain points in the model itself for holding points, etc. Perhaps when you deleted the earth staff, you also rid yourself of this.

      Here is an expirment for you:

      Instead of deleteing the entire earth Staff, 'hide' it within the staff you are replacing it with, keeping its points intact, but perhaps changing its size to fit within the second staff's boundries. Keep in mind where you hold the staff and see if you cant idenitfy which points are refrence points. This might solve your problem, but keep in mind I am shooting in the dark here.

      Art done by Fred Perry.


      • #18
        Re: Beginner help - Changing hair color etc

        Yeah I was thinking the same, but when I saw Ramuhs staff .dat on that all mithra site.. its very large... no staff matches its size ingame. Only thing I noticed stange about it is when seen... it has "sections" of the staff.. not the actual staff as if... it was being stretched (the fragments) out to make the pole top.

        I need experiment more on this and see how it works.

        also the ingame staffs are placed in 0,0 on the field in metasquoiya but ramuhs staff is below the 0,0 laying on its side... but works perfectly ingame... many mysteries /nod -fear!

